Ari Ashdew

Those Bastards made me kill my own Sister, and I'll be damned if I ever serve them again. I will protect them all, Zefer, Xaelyn, Atticus, Shizani, Everyone. No one gets left behind, and if they do let it be me.

Master of Espionage Arikent Veragne Ashdew (a.k.a. Ari)

The Eldest child of General, now Warmaster, Eli Ashdew, Ari Ashdew was trained from birth to be a soldier and assassin, as were his siblings. This he exceled at as he became one of the Imperial Spymaster's choices for most assassination targets. Ari was feared by his fellows for the amount of joy he took in killing his targets. His last assignment was to kill the King of Foros, Albert Lionheart. His first attempt was foiled and it was presumed that Ari had been killed or had run, until he turned up a few months later, during a meeting of the Council of masters. He brought news of King Lionheart's Death and how his sister, a loyal imperial, had met her tragic end defending the rest of the royal family.    This news of success, as Ari was under his father's command, was enough to allow Eli Ashdew to be considered for Imperial Warmaster. The final act he had to do was cast a state of exile and banishment upon his daughter who had fought against the Empire's goals. With this Ari revealed he had acquired new and great powers, and that his new patrons would only benefit the Empire.   Following this, Ari managed to temporarily free himself of his puppet masters, tracking down his sister and explaining to her what had happened. Inadvertently he was brought to the Roost, while it was under siege from the Forces of High Lord Lukrag. During a brief attempt to free him, Messaria broke his chains and bound him to her. He assisted the people of the Roost in fleeing, before news of his Sister's Death reached him. He was forcibly restrained by Mareena Lamplier, Janni Kessler and Rena Varag, to keep him him from flying off and attacking Lukrag on his own. He eventually was calmed, if only slightly, and aided the refugees until his sister was revived. Following that exchange he served as Zefer's shadow and when she left the keep for business, he has made efforts to keep things organized in her essence.   During one of her absences a bet was made between he and his partner, the Blue Dragon Atticus, and Ari lost, being forced to drink one of Aris' potions and being transformed into a woman temporarily. The pair proceeded to get very drunk and within two days Ari was with child. Following the birth of Xaelyn Ashdew the two are now formally married and allow themselves to be much closer in public.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Since his enstatment as the Spy Master of the Dragon's Claim Keep Council, Ari has put himself to work gathering information on Imperial movements about the world and attempting to gain any information on other major events throughout the world. He and his scouts have surveyed the Teleportation Gate Network and they have disguised each of the more dangerously placed gateways.   When not leading the scouts, he has been speding time with his Daughter and teaching her to defend herself or spending his days with Atticus. The two both feel a tad out of place, Ari for his part in so many killings while under control of the Banished Gods and Atticus for the millenia he spent in Ilkash's Soul Vault. Though following his initial embarassment for his drunken night with Atticus he has grown very fond of the Blue Dragon and when not attending to their duties the two can often be seen in conversation upon the walls of the Keep, simply looking out over the valley.   Following Zefer informing him that his Father has been able to see through his eyes, Ari has set about changing all security measures for the Keep and has made two attempts to kill his father himself. The first ended with him being only slightly injured but the second he returned to the Keep with a near fatal injury to his abdomen. He has cursed the Banished Gods for the power that they stole from him but has remained in bed resting under Atticus' order. Xaelyn has been

Gender Identity

Following his unexpectedly long stint as a woman, Ari has grown an appreciation for the fairer sex. He is not entirely sure whether he would choose to be a woman for any extended period but he did not hate the experience.



Mental Trauma

Ari is quite the unstable individual.   He is afraid of losing control of himself, for both his time spent controlled by the Banished Gods and when he was under thrall of an Illusion and drove his blade through Atticus' mouth.   He experiences Night Terrors following his injuries sustained from when Atticus was under thrall fo the same illusion and ripped open his chest, killing him. While he has tried to keep these under control he is not always successful, though he has the support of his husband and Child when he eventually awakens.


Zefer Ashdew


Towards Ari Ashdew


Ari Ashdew


Towards Zefer Ashdew


Ari Ashdew


Towards Atticus Teclis

Atticus Teclis


Towards Ari Ashdew

Talivara Hasawari


Towards Ari Ashdew


Ari Ashdew


Towards Talivara Hasawari


Chaotic Good
Current Location
Circumstances of Death
Killed by Atticus while both were under an illusion, Revived by Casmodus
Atticus Teclis (spouse)
Zefer Ashdew (Sister)
Black and Yellow
Short well kept black hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tanned Skin
5'9" (Male) 5'5" (Female)
175 lbs.
Ruled Locations


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