The Hammerfall Arena

This massive Arena is a place for the people of the Valley to blow off steam and let loose on one another. It is filled with spectators each evening who wait for contests of strength from the Particpants. The Structure was constructed under the Direction of Rena Varag and it is listed under her ownership. Beneath the Arena itself lies a Forge, an Armory and a Barracks which allows this structure to double as a bastion if needed to defend the city. A statue of Duna, The Shieldmother, towers over the Arena, enchanted with a simple blessing to heal critical injuries within the Arena.   Nightly matches are held as spectator sports. Though many of the old regulars from the days of The Drunken Dragon do not participate, the people are simply happy to have even the untrained do mock battle.   During the day the space is used to train those who since the Exodus from the Roost have taken up arms. Young Men and Women who have only recently lost their home wish to fight for what they still have and are trained under the experienced eyes of those who have seen real combat.
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