The Spymaster

I know nothing of what it means to Live. Over a Milennia of life and I never questioned... anything. I did what I was told and nothing else besides. Such a Waste.

The Spymaster

The Spymaster is the second individual to serve as the Imperial Spymaster within the Kothan Imperium, following the original's attempt to Overthrow Emperor Autrion Haman.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

While she is tecchnically a Half Elf, she shows almost no signs of human physiology. This may be a result of her Father's unique body following his exposure to massive amounts of Dragon Blood, though it is not certain.   Her Entire body is made up of Scar tissue, a remembrance of her Father's brutal training. The Blade is designed to kill the Unkilliable and it does extra harm to the Immortal. There is no part of her body that the blade has not split the skin at least once. Notably her scars have never healed, even despite the passing of over a milennia since they were inflicted.

Body Features

Like her Father she does not show any signs of advanced Age, despite being well past the Normal Elven Lifespan.

Specialized Equipment

The Spymaster is never without the Cloak of Shadows. It is unknown if this item is a relic of the Purge War or one of the Old World but it is an exceptionally powerful and simple item. Its first main feature is to allow an individual to hide in shadows, effectivley allowing them to eavesdrop from shadows, though it does not allow the wearer to teleport between them.   The Second and more noticeable ability is that it renders it impossible for any individual to recognize the face of a creature who wears it. What this means is that were someone to put the Cloak upon themselves and raise the hood, no one could remember what their face looked like. This trait does affect the wearer as well, which under long term exposure can cause harm to ones mental state.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

The Spymaster is an Elven Woman of extreme physical fitness. She stands at the peak of physical performance and is among the very best at remaining undetected and silently eliminating enemies. She was born to an unknown and unnamed Elven Woman within the Imperial Palace and given into the care of her father, Emperor Autrion Haman. Her mother's fate reamins unknown.   She has been serving in the capacity of Spymaster since she was fifteen years old when her father named her the Imperial Spymaster after having trained her since she had only just learned to walk. Her training consisted of martial tests to improve her skill with a blade to match his own and him quite literally beating her individuality out of her. She was not permitted to act on her own thoughts nor was she allowed to express any part of herself, she was permitted only to perform the duties of the Spymaster and no other activity.   She has a true name but only two living people know it, The Emperor himself and her Wife, Trademaster Iselda Tongur. She remembers her name but it can sometimes take moments for her to respond too it, as she has only heard a handful of people speak her name and address her as a person instead of a tool.   When she was given the position her father forced her to constantly wear the Cloak of Shadows and she has kept it on her person near constantly since then. Long term exposure to this magic item can damage the mind and the Spymaster was not spared this. She often cannot recognize herself if presented with a mirror and her sense of self is nearly non existent. Between her Father's brutal training methods and this side effect of her cloak, she can often come across as extremely emotionless or apathetic. And in truth she is. She relies on Iselda Tongur to be her moral compass now and follows the Goblin's lead in most matters.   The Spymaster holds no love for her father, she recognizes what he did to her as wrong and she has only recently understood precisley how much he robbed her of, her time with Iselda being a positive influence on her has opened her eyes and brought back some of the person she should have been before her father's training.   Following the beginning of her relationship with Iselda, The Spymaster recognized the situation of Ari and Zefer Ashdew as similar to her own. It was the Spymaster who aided Eden Hasawari in her flight from the Empire with her young daughter and she watched over Ari and Zefer as best she could at the time, ensuring that they yielded positive results in their missions to save them from their Father's Wrath.   She now seeks the death of her Father, and while some small part of her will forever care for him, she understands that he must die for the good of all.


The Spymaster


Towards Iselda Tongur


Iselda Tongur


Towards The Spymaster


Confirmed Kills: 1876
True Neutral
Year of Birth
266 EP 2508 Years old
Iselda Tongur (Wife)


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