
Arcurios are the modern artifacts that contain mytical effects. They are crafted through the practice of artifice, see Magic and Artifice, and are used for a variety of mundane and complicated tasks. In the North of Vencerrado, arcurios are used to carry ice from the mountains through arid land, and to sea. In Doro, part of their might comes from arcurio weapons. And the Saeno's mastery over artifice means their secrets will be kept.    Arcurios are objects rarer than one may assume. The process to craft them is long, and the precision required is great. Artifacts are ancient arcurios, rarer than gold. Their creation is old, more than any still alive within 20 generations, yet their function remains unchanged. The seal on artifacts is perfect, and the proportions embedded exact. Their ancient nature makes their function mystifying. Often, artifacts are rendered unable to function because their activation criteria is unknown, and their function a mystery. Artifacts that have been discovered in their function are hoarded by the wealthy, especially monarchs. While often never used, the way it is is recorded lets any use it in times of need.


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