
Mezigal is a major city in the north of Pastoralis.  


Mezigal started off as a small meeting place where the tribes of Pastoralis could seek shelter. Its position on the top of a hill flanked by mountains made it a desirable location for its natural defensive qualities. For these reasons, when Malik the Lost unified the wandering tribes in the area, Mezigal was one of the first settlements to be converted into a proper city.   In more recent times, Mezigal’s placement in northern Pastoralis has made it a valuable military site. The city is near the borders of both Doro and Bayt Alma, and is especially close to Tronadora (Bayt Alma’s capital). As a result, Mezigal is the first line of defense in an invasion. This also sets Mezigal apart from many of Pastoralis’s other notable cities which tend to specialize in agriculture and animal husbandry instead of military affairs.  

Geography and Climate

Mezigal is located at the top of a hill with a mountain range directly to the northwest of it. The area receives snowfall almost year-round because of its altitude. The environment is not friendly for agriculture or animal husbandry, so most food is imported from farms at the base of the hill.  


The government in Mezigal directly managed by the royal family for half the year, and a military leader in the other half of the year. Pastoralis’s military body, known as The Dorak, is in charge of managing services and enforcing laws within the city. However, regulations tend to be very loosely imposed in the city’s outskirts. Most education and health facilities within the city are free, but preferential treatment is given towards families with members in the military.


The most notable landmark in Mezigal is the Mezigal Citadel which sits at the very top of the city’s hill. The site consists of multiple buildings designated for military use, governmental use, and living quarters. At the very center of the citadel is the royal palace where the crown family and their attendants reside when staying in Mezigal. It’s the oldest building within the complex. Most of the structures on site are constructed from stone from a nearby mountain quarry, but the palace is distinct for being primarily made of harvested fir wood. The buildings just outside of the royal palace are for bureaucratic use. These spaces are separated from the rest of the complex by an inner wall. Structures outside of the inner wall are almost entirely for military use and include soldier barracks, training grounds, and the primary Mezigal armory. The military section of the citadel is separated from the rest of the city by a second wall.  

Arts and Culture

Mezigal has never placed high value on the arts. However, this is a strong tradition for oral storytelling in the area. Stories and myths are shared between soldiers and mercenaries around campfires. These narratives tend to center around fictional war heroes, or mythologized histories of actual battles. Common themes are tales of righteous revenge, hubristic tragedies, or encounters with Toron, the Kada god of life and death.  


Pastoralis is known for using yaks as transportation, and Mezigal is no exception. Most major roads in Mezigal are wide enough specifically to accommodate yak transportation both for visitors and civilians. There are multiple yak stables in key points around the city for those who don’t have space for yaks within their own homes. Other common mounts include horses and Escale. Besides mounts, most transportation throughout the city is done by walking.  

Notable People

Most Dorak military captains from Pastoralis have had some kind of training in Mezigal, usually within the city’s citadel. Notable mercenary Camila Guerra also hails from the area.  


The main organization in Mezigal is The Dorak, Pastoralis’s military. Mezigal is practically the capital for the country’s military affairs, and most notable meetings on the subject are held here. The Dorak are responsible for the city’s defense and as law enforcement. There is also a prominent mercenary population within the city.
Large city


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