Map of Tel Rialis - Artifact

The exact origins of this hand-painted map of Tel Rialis are unknown. It was recently rediscovered during an inventory check of the storage room of the Profeta Temple in Malva. When the groundskeepers looked into the files, they found that the map's acquisition documents were incomplete. It was brought to the site by a Malagran priest in 682 AS, but its creator, date of creation, and reason for being brought to Malva are unknown. Due to the size of the piece and level of ornamental detailing, experts have theorized that the map likely would have been made as decoration for a noble's manor. One proposed explanation for it ending up in Malva is that whatever noble house was in possession of the map sold it off, at which point it ended up in the hands of the Malagran priesthood as a donation, and was then brought to the storeroom for safekeeping.   In present times, there has been talk of hanging the map within the Profeta Temple. However, some have argued against it due to its lack of clear Kaddite symbols, and use of Al Kuliyan myths (i.e. the Serpent of Doro in the top left of the map). Some have proposed giving it to the Library of Malva if it's deemed unfit for a religious building. At the time of writing, no agreement has been reached and the map remains in the Profeta Temple's basement.

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