The Profeta Temple

The Profeta Temple is located in the center most mountain within Malva city in the Domína kingdom. It sits adjacent to Melita Lake , and overlooks the waterfall below. While this temple resides in Domina where they worship the Tortoise god of Kada , the temple is the meeting place of The Kadite Council , where members from each region, who celebrate one of the six gods, meet in order to join the sectors of their common faith.  
The temple is made out of white marble, accented with gold statues and figures depicting all six of the Kada gods. There is also a large flag decorated with the Kada symbol, all of the six gods, and the colors of each respective region. The temple is consistent with typical Kada architecture. Its body is rectangular and geometric, lacking curves and smooth edges. The inside of the temple contains hand painted tiles with all six of the god’s colors. There is a large altar at the back of the temple where offerings, gemstones, and sacred objects are placed. In place of benches for seating like in typical temples across the Kada kingdoms, there is a large marble table where the council members are seated, facing the altar. Lastly, there are six miniature temples within the Profeta Temple. These are arrears dedicated to each of the gods, where the council members can pray for guidance, forgiveness, prosperity, etc. They are decorated with candles, sacred garments, sacred animal idols, jewelry, paintings, and silks.  
As a form of respect for all of the deities, the priests of Domina do not perform religious ceremonies in the temple. It is solely used as the meeting location for the council members during their annual unitement.  
It is considered to be a birthright for all members of the Kada faith to visit the Profeta Temple once in their lifetime. Here, they can visit their god’s unique miniature temple to pray and ask for success, bounty, love, peace, wisdom, or whatever they wish. Many people take this journey during the Annual Festival of Domina when the celebration of the council member’s arrival has come.


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