Melita Lake


Located on top of the center mountain in the city of Malva , the lake served mainly religious purposes in Domina’s culture when it was first founded. The water within the previously named “Holy Lake” was said to be filled with blessed water after the construction of the Profeta Temple, which lies adjacent to the large body of water. At their first council meeting, the Kada leaders prayed to the gods to bless the lake with their divinity. It was said that the water had protective properties when you swam in it. The lake has a large waterfall that falls to the river below, this was said to be all of your bad luck and negativity leaving your soul and drifting away as you are filled with positivity and protection. This became a popular spot for prayer among followers of Kada. It was a way for people to feel a connection to the gods and ask for good fortune. During the Annual Festival of Domina, the council members would bless the lake at the start of the New Year, and the town would all take a plunge in order to begin the year with good fortune.  


As Queen Malva's rule continued in Domína , she put a heavy emphasis on the advancement of education and trade. Due to Domina’s mountainous geography, the best form of trade is through water travel. As the river below became a trading port, the waterfall and lake began to lose its religious significance. Rather, it was thought that the gods blessed all of Domina by granting them this mode of exporting and importing goods, therefore increasing their economic status in Tel Rialis. Trade allowed for an increase of employment in Domina, and brought in more materials for expansion and farming. The system was flawed at first due to the long journey of transportation up and down the treacherous mountain sides. This was an issue Queen Malva was unable to fix during her lifetime.  

The Pulley System

The next in line for the throne, Queen Melita , studied engineering in Domina’s best university. She sought to address this concern in order to make trade more efficient, and safer for transporters. She designed and organized the construction of a large pulley system that runs from the top of the mountain next to the lake, to the trading docks below, following the waterfall. The wheel of the pulley remained stationary at the top of the mountain, and there was a large gated platform which allowed for goods, and people to be transported up and down from the docks. This created a much safer environment for traders, and allowed for more goods to be imported and exported. It would take a few hours for a group of traders to carry materials up and down the mountain side, but the pulley system shaved that time into less than an hour. This innovation dramatically boosted Domina’s economy. In her honor, the lake was named “Melita Lake” in order to preserve her legacy.


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