Queen Melita


Queen Melita is a succeeding Queen to the late Queen Malva . Melita was the eldest daughter in the royal bloodline, therefore next in line for the throne. She was adored by the citizens of Domína , and made incredible contributions to the kingdom during her 30 years of rule.  

Early Life

Princess Melita was an only child to Queen Malva and King Christian. She was adored by all of Domina since she was their first princess, and therefore next succeeding Queen in the future.  


Queen Melita was a highly educated woman in Domina. During her time as the princess of Domina, she attended the best schools in the city of Malva . She was mentored by many scholars from all across Tel Rialis. She attended university and studied engineering, following the path of her Father who was also an engineer.  


When Melita took on the role of Queen after her mother's passing, she used her wealth of knowledge and experience in order to develop a major pulley system utilizing the city of Malva's waterfall. Her invention was a huge success when it came to transporting imported goods from the lake below, to the mountain villages at the top of the waterfall. It was also used as a mode of transportation for people in order to travel quickly, and efficiently to the river below. This was an incredible source of development for Domina as a nation, as they continued to grow their trading connections with neighboring regions. The residents of Malva named the body of water Melita Lake  in her honor.  
Her mother, Queen Malva, greatly respected the importance of education. This led to Melita receiving education resources from a very young age, until adulthood. Melita also gained respect and greatly understood how important education was for people. This led Melita to continue building schools and universities throughout Domina. But, her biggest project was the development of the Library of Malva . Originally built under her mothers jurisdiction, Melita sought out to expand the library and make it accessible for all citizens by placing it within The Profeta Temple in the city of Malva. Her hope was that people would come to visit the temple from all over Tel Rialis, and that visitors would donate materials and books to the library in order to make education accessible for all citizens in not only Domina, but throughout Tel Rialis.  
Queen Melita had one daughter, Princess Adonya. Mirroring her own childhood, she stressed the importance of education to her daughter by putting her through school. She hoped that her daughter could build Domina bigger and better than it has ever been. Queen Melita ruled for 40 years after passing away at the age of 78.
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