Merik Herrera


Merik Herrera is a young farmer working on his family’s struggling farm located just outside of Marbella, Domína. Along with tending to the crops and livestock (including goats, sheep, and cattle) on their land, Merik handles transporting and selling their goods to the capital city of  Malva . His father, Gabriel Herrera, previously handled transportation but has become too busy handling most of the duties around the farm after the sudden passing of his wife, who was an integral part to the success of their farm. In an attempt to help his struggling family, Merik has begun to take up more duties around the farm as well as helping out neighboring farms in return for produce in an attempt to lessen the load of work on his father. This has resulted in long, laborious days and nights and minimal time to pursue other interests or skills. Despite all of this, Merik hopes to someday be able to move to the city of Malva, take part in a craft apprenticeship, and aim to create a better life for both himself and his family in Marbella.  

Early Life

Born to Gabriel and Melina Herrera, Merik spent most of his early life on his family’s farm and in the surrounding mountainous countryside. Even at a young age, Merik often followed both his parents around the farm and helped with small tasks and quickly grew capable of teaching himself a variety of skills. At the age of 9, he became responsible for caring for his two younger brothers, both 6 years younger than him, due to an increase in the family farm’s business, which led to both his parents working even longer hours on the farm.   While growing up on his farm, Merik grew up working with and riding Hanno Ox , and was eventually given his own Hanno Ox by his parents for his 13th birthday. He was responsible for raising and training this Hanno Ox to help out across the property. After some consideration, he named his new companion Corto. To this day, Corto assists Merik in moving around their family property, as well as assisting in transporting goods along the mountain paths that lead to the capital city of Malva.    

Personal Life & Aspirations

From his travels to Malva, Merik has discovered he much prefers the liveliness of city life in comparison to the repetitive drawl of working in the country. However, his loyalty to his family holds him back from uprooting his life to move to Malva. If he were to move into the city, Merik aspires to be a bladesmith like the ones he has seen on his travels to Malva. He has always been fascinated with swordsmanship due to his father’s old stories from the Pastoralis army, but Merrick was unable to attain an apprenticeship due to being needed on his family’s farm after his mother’s death.  


Raised in the Kada faith, Merik most often looks towards the gods Miento and Perone for guidance. Although he continues to face struggles in his life. Merik stays faithful to the Kaddite religion, and considers it one of the more stable portions of his life.








  Marbella, Domína  


Farmer, Merchant


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