
Sorcel is a popular Ardonian board game that was brought to Tel Rialis by merchants. There are some variations on how the game is played, but it is always played on a hexagonal board, where players take turns using their pieces to push their opponent’s pieces.

  This particular set was a gift for Queen Melita for her coronation. The board was etched with a state of the art high-precision pyrography Arcurio.  

Egressian Rule Set

Egressian Sorcel is the most popular variant in Tel Rialis. People of all classes and backgrounds play this variant, although it is especially popular among Kaddite nobles. In Egressian Sorcel, there are two types of pieces- Sentinels and Shifs. Sentinels are the taller pieces, and each player has two. Shifs are smaller, and both players start with 3 of them, but can put more on the board as the game progresses. The goal of the game is to either eliminate or detain both of your opponent’s Sentinels, or to detain 3 of your opponents pieces.  

A Turn

Each turn, you have two options. You can either place a Shif on the board next to one of your Sentinels (if you have extra Shifs not in play), or you can move your pieces. If you choose to move your pieces, you get 1 move for each Shif you have in play, and you can split up those moves to any of your pieces. For example, if you have 3 Shifs, you could move one of your Sentinels once and then one of your Shifs twice, or you could move 3 different Shifs once each, etc etc. All pieces move the same- they can only go one space per move, in any direction.  


If you move a piece (or if your piece is pushed) into a space adjacent to an in-play enemy piece, the enemy piece is pushed one space, in the opposite direction of the space your piece entered. When a piece is pushed, if there is already a piece in the space that the piece would be pushed into, both pieces are pushed in the same direction.  


There are 9 holes in the board- these are called detaining spaces. When a piece is pushed into one of the detaining spaces, the piece is considered to be detained- it is no longer in play and cannot be moved or pushed. The only way to get a piece out of a detaining space is to push another piece in- in which case the piece that was there originally gets taken off the board, and the new piece takes it’s place.  

Proximity Rule

Shifs always have to be connected to a Sentinel, or else they are taken off the board. To be connected to a Sentinel, the Shif has to be 2 or fewer spaces away from the Sentinel, or 2 or fewer spaces away from a Shif that is connected to the Sentinel.    

Ahumm Rule Set

Ahumm Sorcel is very similar to Egressian, but with more, well, gambling. in order to bring a Shif back onto the board, you have to add a predetermined amount of money to the pot- or you can add more, raising the predetermined amount for the rest of the game. The winner of the match takes the pot.
Egressian Sorcel Starting Layout


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