Travel journal

The travel journal was made by Adon Kočí 42 years ago. The journal is still with Kočí on their travels. The travel journal’s artwork has been made into a brochure distributed throughout Pastoralis. The actual writing in the journal never made it into the brochure, only the artwork. Kočí sent the artwork to their relatives during the start of their travels. Presumably one of their relatives passed around the artwork resulting in the brochure.  


The journal has a pink floral pattern on the covers. It has supposedly been replaced a couple of times due to element exposure. The journal has a horizontal orientation. Its dimensions are roughly 6.5 inches by 10 inches. The exact number of pages in the journal is unknown because Kočí always keeps it nearby and is constantly traveling. There are about 10 pages minimum due to the brochure layout. This minimum number of pages was made up based on the assumption that there was writing accompanying the artwork. The Ahumm artwork is the only regional artwork with written thoughts and insights on the same page. If there is writing with the Ahumm pieces then there must be writing for the other artworks.  


The journal has 3 different regions it focuses on. The regions are Briareos, Vencerrado, and Ahumm. The Briareos region artwork has a Cridala Cove painting and an aqueduct system sketch. The Vencerrado region has a Rainshadow drawing and Lokuras artwork. Lokuras has a thermal spring painting and a sketch of the mountain ruins. The Ahumm region artwork has a side-by-side Tannith sketch and Arvad drawing with writing underneath.
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