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Anima Depletion

In Altairus, Anima is the defining magical force that binds the world together. When a creature of Altairus becomes depleted of Anima, they can suffer and sometimes die.


Anima depletion can happen for many reasons. Most commonly, it happens because a magical being has strained their magical abilities too much and run out of magical power. When Anima depletion is more widespread, it can be a sign that a wendigo has been feeding on the area. Anima depletion on this scale is always considered more serious than typical run-of-the-mill power-strain Anima depletion.


In all cases, the magical being that has become Anima depleted will suffer from extreme exhaustion and sometimes extreme hunger and thirst. The immune system is also temporarily weakened, making the sufferer more prone to infections. For most cases of power-strain Anima depletion, these are the only symptoms.

There does exist a more severe form of power-strain Anima depletion that arises from the magical being's body using its own life Anima as fuel for magic. Normally, magical creatures' biology stops this from happening, but if they are pushed far enough, their bodies will start to use their own life Anima for fuel, tearing itself apart in the process. It is very similar to the concept of "hysterical strength" in humans.

In cases where a wendigo is causing the Anima depletion, those afflicted will lose their color and will become incredibly sluggish, not even interested in food or drink. These symptoms are also observable in cases of power-strain involving the use of life Anima.

If a location has become Anima depleted, it will lose its color, plants will wilt, animals will lose their vitality, and the temperature will drop significantly. This temperature drop is described as feeling "hollow," "empty," or "unworldly."


Under most circumstances, Anima depletion will resolve itself. The afflicted just needs to get enough rest and food to recover. In severe cases, an Anima transfusion may be required to save the victim's life. This is especially true for cases of power-strain Anima depletion that involve a being's life Anima.


For most cases of Anima depletion, the prognosis is very positive. In extreme cases, the afflicted will need to be swiftly treated or they will die.


Anima depletion is liable to cause long-term effects if the cause was power-strain involving life Anima. Because of the body tearing itself apart, the afflicted may suffer permanent affects relating to extensive tissue damage.

Because Anima depletion weakens the immune system, secondary infections are also unfortunately common. Care must be taken to prevent and treat such infections when they appear.


To reduce the incidence of Anima depletion, young beings are educated both about the dangers of straining themselves too much and how to recognize signs of Anima depletion related to wendigoes.


During the War of the Wendigoes, many areas and magical beings became Anima depleted, both from exhausting their magical reserves and from the wendigoes feeding on them. It was a dark time.



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