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Null Magic Poisoning

When a faery or elemental is hit with a spell that uses Null magic, they can become "poisoned" by it. Beings suffering with Null magic poisoning experience a range of symptoms which hinder their ability to use magic and heal.


Null magic poisoning affects any being that is struck with a Null magic spell. When this happens, the Null magic lingers in the being's body, interfering with their bodily and magical systems.


Null magic poisoning has a range of symptoms. The sufferer becomes weak and exhausted, and their ability to use magic is hindered. The latent Null magic inside their system also prevents most healing spells from affecting them significantly. In more severe cases, the sufferer may fall asleep and be unable to wake up.

When the Null magic is excreted from the body, the urine or feces may contain black spots or turn black entirely. This black substance is the Null magic that is being expelled from the body; it is not a dangerous sign and is in fact a sign of healing.


There are certain healing spells that are tailored specifically to treating Null magic poisoning. These potions are based in Undifferentiated Anima and work by clearing out the Null magic from the sufferer's body. These potions make it easier for the liver and kidneys to filter out the Null magic and dispose of it through bodily waste.


Left to its own devices, Null magic poisoning will usually resolve on its own. Eventually, the liver and the kidneys will filter it out of the bloodstream and it will be disposed of in the sufferer's urine or feces. Certain potions based in Undifferentiated Anima speed up this process, and in severe cases, they may be needed to purge the Null magic from the patient's body.


In certain vulnerable populations (namely young children and those whose Anima magic is chronically compromised), Null magic poisoning can have more long-lasting effects. These individuals may find that their ability to use magic has been compromised, or that they have become physically weak. This has to do with the damage Null magic causes to the patient's entire system.


Null magic poisoning was a common source of tactical hindrance during the War of the Wendigoes. It was because of the War that Null magic poisoning became more widely understood.

Cultural Reception

In the past, many Altairian cultures mistakenly believed that Null magic poisoning was directly contagious, and thus isolated sufferers from their communities. Nowadays, most Altairians understand otherwise.

Chronic, Acquired


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