Faeries are the most diverse of all the magical beings in Altairus. They live on every continent, every floating island, every ocean, and in every environment. The term is very general; it refers to a magical being that possesses humanoid features and exists in a civilized or semi-civilized society.
Defining Characteristics
Faeries have a few defining characteristics that set them apart from other beings that live in Altairus:- Faeries are always magical beings. This means that they can use magic and collapse into their base element after they die.
- Faeries have humanoid forms. They are either bipedal or otherwise have humanoid features such as articulate hands.
- Faeries are always sapient. They form their own civilizations, which can range from massive multi-city nations to simple settlements on remote islands.
- All faeries are capable of speech.
- Many faeries belong to the genus Faeus.