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The Air Fragment - Stormbringer

The Air Fragment is a trident-shaped staff that was forged from the lightning atop Mt. Tempest called Stormbringer. It was used in the battle against the Heart of Darkness during the War of the Wendigoes. Not only does it amplify the power of any Air spell that is used with it, but, as with all of the Anima Fragments, it can sense the presence of a wendigo and direct its holder towards it, pulsing faster and faster as it gets closer.

Manufacturing process

When the War of the Wendigoes started, the tengu San created the staff out of blackmetal and an Air crystal from Mt. Tempest. When he reached the summit, he recited this incantation:
"By the power of Anima itself, I dedicate this staff to the path of Air! Come unto us and imbue this staff with the raw essence of storms, of swirling tornadoes, of bright and sunny skies! May it serve us well in our battle against the forces of Null!"
It was then that the raw Air Anima surrounding Mt. Tempest struck the staff with powerful green lightning, imbuing it with the essence of the Air element. While many have tried to imitate this process with other staves, infusing them with the kind of raw power Stormbringer is capable of has thus far been unsuccessful. Perhaps it is because they don't know the exact incantation that San recited, or perhaps it is that the staff was never meant to be replicated. No one knows for sure.


During the War of the Wendigoes, the tengu San forged Stormbringer atop Mt. Tempest from the lightning bolts that flashed near its peak. Infused with the power of Air, it served as one of the six Anima Fragments that banished the Heart of Darkness.
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After the Heart was defeated, the explosion that scattered the Fragments across Altairus sent Stormbringer flying into a cave on Mt. Tempest. Jack Thunder finds it many years later and discovers its true purpose when San comes into his life.


Stormbringer is one of six Anima Fragments that need to be collected in order to stop the Heart of Darkness from draining all the magic in Altairus.
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When Jack Thunder comes into possession of it, he takes on the role as the new bearer of the Air Fragment.
Magic Staff
Associated Element
Aura Color
Spring Green
Creation Date
2243 GE
Current Holder
While the actual staff Stormbringer is one of a kind, that has not stopped faeries from trying to reproduce it. There exist several knock-offs of Stormbringer that imitate its powers and appearance, but are either much less powerful or flimsily made. The real one can be identified by the characteristic spring-green glow its gemstone emits.
Raw materials & Components
Stormbringer is composed mainly of blackmetal, a metal exclusive to Altairus that has similar properties to iron, but is lighter and more conductive. The blades atop the three prongs were fashioned from a bolt of lightning atop Mt. Tempest, and the center contains an Air crystal that is charged with said lightning.


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