Ancient Island

This island continent has a rich and varied environment ranging from tropical rainforest to high mountain peaks, but the whole island is considered a wildlife sanctuary and heavily protected due to fact that the island is the only place left on Althaneas that hosts dinosaurs.


The rainforest biome remains warm all year and must stay frost-free. The average daily temperatures range from 20°C (68°F) to 25°C (77°F).  The forests in the middle elevations are more temperate and the mountain peaks are more hostile, even including snow.

Fauna & Flora

Over 200,000 species of plants thrive in rain forests. To try and list them all is folly. Here's a sample list of flora: (Note how many are food sources!)
Bamboo Jasmine Rattan Palm
Banana/Plantain Kapok Tree Rubber Tree
Bougainvilleas Lianas Sago Palm
Breadfruit Lotus Strangling Fig
Bromeliads Mahogany Tree Sugar Palm
Cacao Mango Sugarcane
Cedar Tree Manioc Sweetsop
Coconut Palm Mistletoe Taro
Coffee Nipa Palm Tualang
Corpse Flower Nutmeg Venus Fly Trap
Cottonwood Orchids Water Lily
Durian Tree Papaya Wild Fig
Fishtail Palm Paperbark Wild Rice
Ginger Passion fruit Wildlife
Heliconia Persimmon Yam
Horseradish Tree Pitcher Plant

"Short" list of animal types: (some types include dire, mutated, and magical versions) Rhinoceros
Anacondas Gorillas Orangutan
Baboons Gray Parrots Piranhas
Bettas Harpy Eagle Poison Dart Frogs
Black Eagles Howler Monkeys Pythons
Bonobos Hummingbirds
Bushmasters Jaguars Rock Pythons
Butterflies Jungle Elephants Sloth Bears
Caimans Leaf-Cutter Ants Spectacled Owls
Capuchin Monkeys Lemurs Spider Monkeys
Capybara Leopards Spiders
Chimpanzees Macaque Monkeys Squirrel Monkeys
Cobras Macaws Sun Bears
Cockatoos Mambas Tapir
Cougars Mandrills Termites
Crocodiles Mosquitoes Tiger Fish
Crowned Eagles Moths Tigers
Finches Ocelots Toucans
Flying Foxes Okapi Water Buffalo

Natural Resources

The main source of income is the harvesting of paperbark and many of the natural growing flora and fauna, though there are strictly enforced limits on the number of resources that may be taken in a season.


The tourist trade is a small but VERY lucrative part of Ancient Island's economy. A whole trade has sprung up around guided tours so that researchers, sages, and the wealthy can see the creatures in their habitat.

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Cover image: by Russel Lokke