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History of House Calibor

Reign of Baron Batroc

1254 AtC 1262 AtC

Reign of Baroness Orvidina

1263 AtC 1287 AtC

Reign of Baron Bastien

1288 AtC 1322 AtC

Reign of Baron Edmón

1323 AtC 1346 AtC

  • 1324 AtC

    1331 AtC

    Eyrin in Imras
    Life, Education

    Baron Edmón de Calibor takes her to the elven mage Liverian of Imras for her to learn to control her abilities   To help her learn focus, the young sorceress is also set to train with some of the greatest archers in Imras.   During her studies she becomes best friend wit another of Liverians charges, the wizard apprentice Tiliesin Siannodel

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  • 1325 AtC


    Maroynne Dies
    Life, Death

    Maryonne de Calibor dies of pneumonia and neglect, reigniting the conflict between the Calibor and Melanchar houses

  • 1325 AtC


    Edmón and Eloise Marry

    Edmón de Calibor Edmón remarriesEloise de Calibor , the druidess daughter of a rich merchant operating out of Wyldport .

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  • 1326 AtC

    10 Prairial

    Rose is Born
    Life, Birth

    Rose de Calibor is born

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  • 1327 AtC


    Uprising in Fort Batroc

    The people Fort Batroc rise up and murder sir Alderac the Cannibal . No new lord of the fort is appointed

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  • 1328 AtC


    Carfour Secedes from Blackstone
    Political event

    The council of Carfour declares it a free city, independent from Blackstone Pass (or any of the other baronies). Baron Edmón de Calibor lacks the resources to stop them and lacks the favor of the court to get royal assistance

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  • 1328 AtC

    1338 AtC

    Chipelric at the Royal Academy
    Life, Education

    Chipelric de Calibor is sent to the Royal Academy in Calantor. During this time he is studies warfare

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  • 1331 AtC

    The Mavrais Murders
    Life, Death

    The duke of Tal Velora, Sergón de Mavrais, his entire family and part of the household are found murdered

  • 1333 AtC

    19 Messidor

    Rose is given to the Zulafar
    Life, Relocation

    A grim baron Edmón de Calibor brigs Rose de Calibor on a journey to the village of Aljun Zil in the Sagail Mountains.

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  • 1337 AtC

    Ogres in the Stormspires
    Population Migration / Travel

    Bands of Ogres start raiding the Stormspires in numbers not seen outside Ogrimmac

  • 1338 AtC

    The Stormspires are Abandoned
    Disaster / Destruction

    All humans flee the Stormspires that are now firmly inte hands of the self styled Ogre king Yurakhar Demonhorn

  • 1340 AtC

    2 Prairial
    1340 AtC

    1 Fructidor

    Trial of Solitude
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    Rose de Calibor is left in an old ruin high in the Sagail Mountains to fend for her self - all alone for three months. A few weeks in she finds an injured white wolf. Rose nurse the wolf back to helath and gives her the name Lupa . When the the Zulafar come to bring Rose home they seem to realize som significance of the wolf that Rose doesn't and let her keep the wolf as a companion. Looking back Rose is starting to suspect that Lupa might not have been as injured as she thought, and meeting the wolf might not have been accidental...

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  • 1340 AtC

    2 Fructidor
    1343 AtC

    Rose as a Initiate
    Life, Education

    After the Trial of Solitude, 
    Rose de Calibor gets her hair shaved off and is handed over to master Zaniah Brighblade for three years of intense training in martial arts and combat. She also has the lear stealth and infiltration under master Lesath

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  • 1343 AtC

    16 Frimarie

    Trial of Blood
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    Rose de Calibor is brought to an ancient arena close to the borer of Cinvar . There she is set unarmed kill an armed criminal. The criminal is a young man Revilian de Mornádi that has broken the ancient law against trespassing into Cinvar as part of an treasure seeking expedition. Rose defeats Revilian, but can't make herself kill him. After confering amongst themselves, the masters still comfirms that Rose has passed the Trial, which causes a small stir among the Zulafar . As a consequence of her mercy, she has to drag Revilian in a burlap sack down from the mountains to the Maelbonne border and the duchy of Ordulac

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  • 1343 AtC

    17 Frimarie
    1436 AtC

    Rose as an Adept
    Life, Education

    After passing the Trial of Blood, Rose de Calibor is inducted to the higher mysteries of the Zulafar by master Deneb Algedi. She tutored in languages and the outside wolrd by master Ducard , while her martial and stealth training conitous. These are the three hardest years of Roses life so far

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  • 1345 AtC

    Treachery at Blackcrown Keep
    Military action

    The Bloodhorns bandits lay siege to Blackcrown keep. The captain of the guard Gaultier turned out to be in league with the bandits and leads the guard in a mutiny against the Baron. Baron Edmón de Calibor flees though a secret tunnel with his trusted knight Gottskalk Achenwald and the few servants remaining

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  • 1346 AtC

    25 Vendemaire

    Trial of Shadow
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    Rose de Calibor and six other adepts of the Zulafar are taken to and old tomb site within the border of the forbidden Cinvar . There a ritual is performed to summon ancient Shadows from the tomb. By defeating the shadows Rose and her compatriots completes their traning, gains new mysterious abilities and are to receive the rank of Sister of the Shadow Lotus. But as the ritual is complete, the adepts are attacked by a Mindrender . Rose is the only survivor and have trouble remembering what happened.

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Reign of Baron Chipelric

1347 AtC and beyond