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Heirs of Blackstone

This refers to the group in charge of governing Blackstone Pass   Current members:

Quest Log

These are the ongoing trials and tribulations of the children of Edmón de Calibor  

The Council at the Crossroads (Winning the Vote In Carfour)

Goal: Gather enough support in the City Counsil Carfour that the city return to Blackstone Pass. At least seven votes must be secured before the the new year
  • Marquis Dorian Allendotte: The self styled marquis and lord mayor of Carfour. Voting INDEPENDENCE
  • Judge Hecelina de Turmaline: Royal judge UNDECIDED
  • Master Simon Valentin: City archivist. Voting BLACKSTONE after the Venandi was dealt with
  • Captain Beatrice Amelot: Captain of the city guard. UNDECIDED
  • Master Deregon Belette: Treasurer Voting BLACKSTONE in exchange for a tax free year in additon to secrets kept
  • Salienthe Siannodel: Trading in artifacts, spells and arcane tattoos. Rumored to market in prostitution, black magics and drugs. Voting BLACKSTONE after the retrietval of dragon bone
  • Etionne Zobelle: Originally a tobacco merchant that amassed a fortune great enough to be elected to the city council. Has ties to the Purebloods group known as the Sons of Mordaigh. Voting INDEPENANCE (likely)
  • Lucas Balforte: Trading in wines and luxuary goods UNDECIDED
  • Felíse Sauvage: Trading cattle, meats and grains. Known as the "Butcher's Daughter". Turned out to be the doppelganger Ondrax. DECEASED
  • Master Victoir Farengalet: Representing the Arcanist Guilds (Mages, Alchemists, Healers, Scribes). Wants to free Ingoldom from the Gelgic Alliance. Has business dealings with alderman Reynard Cornél of Belwin. Voting INDEPENDENCE
  • Madame Bruena Zoltar: Representing the Crafter Guilds UNDECIDED
  • Master Gaelen Alair : Representative of the Adventurer Guilds (Guides, Mercenaress, Drovers) PRISONER
  • Master Dunric Dalmatier: Representing the Builder Guilds Voting BLACKSTONE after several contract is signed for restoration of Blackstone

The Hand Unseen (Reclaiming the Stormspires)

Goal: The Heirs of Blackstone should rid the Stormspires from ogres and assassin and reclaim it for Blackstone Pass
  • There are three mountain spires that dominate the mountain range: the Trident, the Wyvern's Peak and the Dead Man's Finger
  • A several bands of ogres congregate under "king" Yurakhar Demonhorn on and around the Trident
  • A group of Ogre mages (oni) has taken control of an old elven ruin on top of Wyverns Peak
  • The ogres hav managed subdue a Templeguardian Wyvern and through her taken control of several
  • Alla ogres are subservient to Taimur Kithai, known as The Grandfather of Assassins. Taimur has assassins and even doppelgangers in his service
  • Taimur was once part of the Zulafar but left for unknown reasons
  • The Kithai assassins are involved in fighting other assassin guild in Maelbonne
  • The Tempestari wyvern riders of the Black Lancers, led by Silas want to take Wyvern's Peak for themselves and have allied with the Heirs
  • The ogres of the Spires assulted Thal Sharbat and returned with Zulafar students as prisoners
  Completed When Traitors Brave the Field (Retaking Blackcrown Keep) Goal: Retaking the vital Blackcrown Keep from bandits Almost three years ago the Bloodhorns , a bandit group from Erimea took Blackcrown keep in the dead of night Baron Edmón were betrayed by the captain of the guard Gaultier and the house wizard Almard that let the bandits in and helped them conquer the keep Baron Edmón, Gottskalk Achenwald , Bernard Tolouse and Anrietta managed to escape through a secret tunnel Gaultier are now the leader of the bandits that number around 180 (many of them former Calibor guardsmen) The Bloodhorns have allied with a Harpy clan under queen Arkka. They number about 60 strong Almard has summoned half a dozen flying monstrosities known as Shantak to aid them They have a group of gelgic knight has joined the Bloodhorns. They bear the red wolf and black tower of blutgraf Gohlbrand Vurnacht of Castle Dunkelthurm The Bloodhorns are also in possession of zeppelin skyship that they have hidden in the mountains Recently the Blodhorns conquered Barnac and sent the head of alderwoman Aestelle to the Heirs of Blackstone
Adventuring Party


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