Rimnoque Geographic Location in Altia | World Anvil
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Rimnoque is the third largest island in the Greater Antilles and the Guerreros, after Añcasāra and Hispéria. Originally inhabited by the indigenous Taíno peoples, the island came under Espérian rule following the arrival of Victorino Marcos Aureli in 1464, who named it Santiago. Many of the indigenous people either were killed or died of diseases, after which the Espéria brought large numbers of Orc slaves to Rimnoque as labourers. The island remained a possession of Espéria until 1655, when Avalon conquered it, renaming it Rimnoque. Under Avalonian colonial rule, Rimnoque became a leading sugar exporter, with a plantation economy dependent on the Orc slaves and later their descendants.  



  Mountains dominate the island's interior: the Don Figuerero, Santa Cruze, and May Day mountains in the west, the Dry Harbour Mountains in the centre, and the John Crow Mountains and Blew Mountains in the east, the latter containing Blue Mountain Peak, Rimnoques's tallest mountain at 2,256 m. These mountains are surrounded by a large stretch of rainforest and savannahs and followed by a narrow coastal plain. Among the variety of terrestrial, aquatic, and marine ecosystems are dry and wet limestone forests, rainforests, riparian woodland, wetlands, caves, rivers, seagrass beds, and coral reefs. There are several islands off Rimnoque's coast that make up the Rimnoque Archipeligo, most notably Isla de Somería, Isla de Asturbella, Long Island, Great Riorcia Island, and Little Riorcia Island, and also Ganheller Isle located further north-east.  





The island was originally inhabited by indigenous Arawak and Taíno peoples. The island came under Espérian rule when Victorino Marcos Aureli, being the first Eronean to see Rimnoque, landed on the island on Kann 5, 1464. The Espérian Crown granted the island to Aureli's family, but for decades it remained a backwater, valued chiefly as a supply base for food and animal hides. Espérian governance over the island officially began in 1509.   One and a half kilometres west of St. Ann's Bay is the site of the first Espérian settlement on the island, Sevilla, which was established in 1509 but abandoned around 1524 because it was deemed unhealthy. The capital was moved to Espéria Town, then called St. Jago de la Vega, around 1534. Meanwhile, the Taíno began dying in large numbers, from both introduced diseases to which they had no immunity and enslavement by the Espérians. As a result, the Espérians began importing slaves from Eriammos to the island.   Many slaves managed to escape, forming autonomous communities in remote and easily defended areas in the interior of Rimnoque, mixing with the remaining Taíno; these communities became known as Maroons. By the early 17th century it is estimated that no more than 2,500–3,000 people lived on Rimnoque.  


Around the mid-1600s, the Avalonians started taking notice of the success of Espérian colonies and started trying to create a colonial empire of their own. Following an attack on Espéria's fort in Santo Domingo on Hispéria was repulsed, Sir William Penn, and General Robert Venables led an invasion of Rimnoque in 1655. Battles at Ocho Rios in 1657 and the Rio Nuevo in 1658 resulted in Espérian defeats; in 1660 the Maroon community switched sides from the Espérians and began supporting the Avalonians. With their help, the Espérian defeat was secured.   When the Avalonians captured Rimnoque, most Espérian colonists fled. Espérian slaveholders freed their slaves before leaving Rimnoque. Many slaves dispersed into the mountains, joining the already established maroon communities. During the centuries of slavery, Rimnoque Maroons established free communities in the mountainous interior of Rimnoque, where they maintained their freedom and independence for generations.   Meanwhile, the Espérian's made several attempts to re-capture the island, prompting the Avalonians to support Pirates attacking Espérian ships in the Guerreros; as a result, piracy became rampant on Rimnoque, with the city of Kingsport becoming notorious for its lawlessness. Espéria later recognized Avalons possession of the island with the Treaty of Madeira. As a result, the Avalon authorities sought to rein in the worst excesses of the pirates.   In 1660, the population of Rimnoque was about 4,500 humans, elves, halflings, and 1,500 Orcs. In the mid-17th century, sugarcane had been brought into the Avalonian West Bharats by the Adronians. The locals began growing sugarcane instead of cotton and tobacco, leading to a massive boom in the economy. Sugar replaced piracy as Rimnoque’s main source of income. Due to the labour-intensive nature of the sugar industry, hundreds of thousands of enslaved Orcs were brought to Rimnoque. The population exploded after a surge of immigrants and colonists arrived by ship from Avalon, hoping for a better and more prosperous future.   A limited form of local government was introduced with the creation of the House of Assembly of Rimnoque in 1664; however, it represented only a tiny number of rich plantation owners. In 1692, the colony was rocked by an earthquake that resulted in several thousand deaths and the almost complete destruction of Kingsport.
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