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Chapter 8, Session 5: An EZ first game.

General Summary

Olympia feels a weird emotion they don't understand... so I'll give this new person a threatening black and white friendship bracelet.
  • Anna reflects on Olympia's conflicted feelings around Fen and Ez's tender moment.
The storm raged around Persicorum as, in a matter of seconds, the weather changed from relaxed and overcast to a roiling, freezing, dangerous thunder and lightning storm... clearly summoned by Utrunks below the party.
The group immediately were forced to contend with multiple issues as the crew of the skyship were not equipped for combat (and neither was the skyship itself) and so, the party were forced to act quickly as a number of powerful creatures teleported onto the top deck of the ship and engaged the party and crew whilst icy hailstone missiles struck from the sky and punctured several holes in the skyship's balloon.
  The party moved to take on the creatures on the ship in that moment and Olympia decided to climb up the rigging of the skyship and, modifying a Lesser Restoration with her artificer skill, she set about quickly repairing the skyship's balloon to stop it from falling out of the sky. As she was completing this task, the party engaged with the first golem but found them to have a strange affinity with magic as Fen discovered when he cast a destructive spell on the creautre and summoned a shadow blade to his hand only to find that the golem was able to absorb both spells immediately and kept them inside his form. Looking closer at this creature, Fen realised it was a Svartalfheim Golem or, as they were called in MAGUS 'Mage-Slaying Golems'; creatures forged and built specifically to hunt and kill powerful mages. This was exemplified in their ability to absorb any magic cast within a radius of them and then to expel that magic as a destructive force. Fen came to this knowledge, along with the realisation he'd fed the creature 7 levels worth of magic.
  Most of the party were then subjected to this golem's explosive force as it detonated the magic it had stored and dealt massive damage to many members of the party whilst the other golems in the fight began to attack the crew. 
  During this time, Persicorum watched as, from the storage quarters below the ship, a relatively young looking human emerged and asked the captain how they could support... meanwhile the crew went to their stations and began to put a plan into action of their own.
  The battle continued and the party managed to fell one of the Mage-Slaying Golems, only for Kodo to take a large amount of damage when the golem chose to destroy itself to attack him and take the two of them out and so, slowly sustaining more and more damage, the party continued contending with the ship and the storm as it turned. 
  The weather became more dangerous now and, as the hail continued to batter the ship, the party continued to battle the golems. They watched as any crew of the ship that weren't killed by the golems jumped from the ship and parachuted away... choosing to leave the ship in favour of surviving... and leaving the ship without a driver in the interim. 
  In that moment, the new ally of the party found themselves alone to fight against a golem which very quickly started to inflict significant damage to them... though Persicorum were able to watch in surprise as that ally then, in response, transformed into a bear to keep fighting the golem (notably not using polymorph as the magic was not absorbed by the golem). 
  The party joined the bear (whilst Olympia continued healing the ship) and they managed to dispatch the golem; but continued to take significant damage during that time... then... seeing an opportunity as the ship was descending... the party's new bear ally decided to take the wheel of the Skyships and try to drive it to safety with no experience, no awareness past the storm and no thumbs. It goes without saying it was not a rousing success and the skyship began to fall through the sky at speed. 
  The party's ally dropped their transformation and introduced themselves as Ezeras and desperately sought the party's help in flying the skyship. The group banded together and Fen, in a ghost referenced moment, guided Ezrael and... with the group supporting one another... the skyship found it's way out of the storm. 
  With that, the party made proper introductions with Ez and they found their skyship was moving closer and closer to their next challenge in the city of Blackstone.

Rewards Granted

  • The party gained the skyship that the smuggling crew abandoned... along with any contents they find within.
  • Ezrael the druid joins the party! (Welcome Helena)
Report Date
08 Apr 2023
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