Provectan Provinces in Aluth | World Anvil
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Provectan Provinces

The nation of Provecta has numerous provinces, territories, and cities that have a varying armount of autonomy.   There are seven provinces which make up the largest amount of land within Provecta, the following are in order of GDP for each province:  
  • Plieles, which is the manufacting hub for all of Provecta due to its vast open plains that allowed for the creation of large factories.
  • Kasos, which is the mining hub due to its vast mountain ranges and deep caverns.
  • Rina, which is the agricultural hub, due to it being the most temperate region within Provecta.
  • Ugren, which is the largest provider of lumber within Provecta.
  • Frea Drington, which comprises hundreds of different national parks and tourist attractions.
  • Aguala, which hosts the largest southern port on Agrum, and is the main launching point for Provectan fishing expiditions.

There are two cities that operate as their own entity to varying within Provecta:  
Lastly, there are numerous controlled territories held under the control of Provecta:
  • Make some up

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