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The Tumultuous Decade

The Tumultuous Decade spans the years from 101 A.I. - 109 A.I. where the 4th - 8th Provectan Monarchs would all be assassinated within quick succession. With the 9th Monarch, Ying Kellellis, then dying a few years after ascending to the throne. While Ying Kellellis had died young, her death is regarded as accelerated due to stress but nevertheless natural. However, the populous at the time believed her to have been assassinated. An internal investigation led by Ifama Mazzi-Kellellis and Lucinia Esdras confirmed that her death was not suspicious on 36th Bashaach, 109, officially ending the Tumultuous Decade.

  Table of Contents:  

The Death of Chokelu

Skay 13th, 101 A.I. // Skay 24th, 101 A.I   The 4th Provectan Monarch Chokelu Kellellis had suddenly died due to asphyxiation via a bottle of poisoned Incirie Noir <82>. The 4th Nuncio Lucinia Esdras had been poisoned from the same bottle but survived due to her praeternatural resistance to poison, but nevertheless suffered from complications for the rest of her life.   While the assassin was never technically officially determined, it is generally accepted by both contemporary investigators and modern-day historians that Antonio Kellellis was the perpetrator due to investigations and Antonio Kellellis' near admission. Nevertheless, Antonio ascended himself to the Provectan Throne inspite of the rising discourse regarding succession and the desecration of the Kellellis Bloodline. Yet, for the 10 days following Chokelu Kellellis' death, Antonio had remained hidden from the public eye until a speech on the 24th Skay, 101.

Antonio's Assassination

24th Skay, 101 A.I.   Within the Vasilikós Catresalen Kolossaío, Antonio Kellellis gave a speech to roughly 60,000 onlookers on the 24th Skay, 101 at 6PM. Atonio's speech discussed the recent death of Chokelu Kellellis. The quintessential quote of his speech was thus:  
"For the Kellellis Blood and the Kellellis right is so divine - so understood to be the most efficacious in rule and justice - that any plague within the blood must be neutralized. A plague kept unfettered will only fester and bring ruin upon the masses. We are not immune to such disease, and the Kellellis should be guardians and preservers of the masses. For the Twin Gods Plyy recognized such a plague, and for They called upon me for action. For it was with Their divine ordain that I vaccinated our blood."
— Antonio Kellellis
  With Antonio Kellellis' claim that royal assassinations in the name of the Twin Gods Plyy are and will always be lawful for the sake of preserving the Kellellis Bloodline. This was not endorsed by Lucinia Esdras or any other notable members of the Ecclesia Plyydric. Which led to Lucinia and her Mathitís storming the stage and comanderring the speech. Antonio was continuing his speech, Lucinia took the podium and started to usher Antonio off the stage.     Lucinia Esdras would immediatly discredit the claims that Antonio Kellellis had made and would escort him out of the Kolossaío. Ifama Mazzi - Antonio's mother, Chokelu's wife, and the Director of Military Logistics and Supplies - had joined Antonio when he was being escorted off. She was allowed to join them due to her relation and assumption that she was just a grieving widow supporting her son; however, she drew a concealed dagger and stabbed Antonio Kellellis three times in the back of his spine. The Mathitís restrained her with ease as she had not resisted. Instead of being ushered away from the public eye, Lucinia brought Ifama Mazzi onto the stage behind her. Lucinia would state that she can see the "warmth of Plyy" within Ifama, and allowed her to speak at the podium:  
"I did not want to kill my son. I know he killed Cho, and I yet I love him nevertheless. I killed him not for my own want, not for my own happines; but for the sake of Provecta and for the Ecclesia. I had not worked so hard and so long to help build something for it to crumble to a single despot... From within the stands I had heard from the Twin Godds Plyy, I had seen them, and I had been told that the fate of Provecta lay on my shoulders... And who am I to question the Twin Gods? I know I am not above them?"
— Ifama Mazzi-Kellellis
  The assassination of Chokelu Kellellis was by an individual due to "greed and lust for power", as stated by Lucinia Esdras, the murder of Antonio Kellellis was "undoubtedly proclaimed by the Twin Gods, and Ifama Mazzi's act was holy just and correct."  

Determining the next Monarch

24th Skay, 101 A.I. // 1st Grember, 101 A.I.   An extreme level of disorder, unrest, and anger quickly swept over the populous. Their Monarch Chokelu, who led them through the Conquest of Zaaph-yie was killed by his heir apparent Antonio Kellellis whose death was from his own mother and widow of Chokelu. The Nuncio Lucinia Esdras became the interim Leader with the Ecclesia Plyydric providing men and resources to assist Monarchichal affairs.   The vast increase in religious power within Provecta became the most prominent issue. Roughly half of the populous, largely lower and middle-class familes, supported the Ecclesia stepping in. While approximately forty percent - generally the upper-class elite, and the Armed Forces - were adamently against it and demanded a new Kellellis Monarch to immedietly ascend to the throne. In order to curb the increasing discourse, Caio, Miriam, and Ozoemena Kellellis toured around the country giving speeches about unity and safety. However, none of them were as royally trained or disciplined as Antonio Kellellis, which led to varying results.  
  • Caio Kellellis and his wife were neither well-liked or disliked, had views generally similiar to Chokelu Kellellis, yet they had been wholly unable to conceive a child - historians would later determine that Caio was impotent. Nevertheless there were no outwards faults or issues aside from his lack of children.
  • Miriam Kellellis and her husband were low energy, somewhat against the Ecclesia Plyydric, and generally seen as depressive (generally equated to the deaths of three of their children).
  • Ozoemena Kellellis and his wife, Ying Xuefang, were generally extremely well liked, particularly by the lower and middle-class. They were charismatic speakers, they understood the issues effecting the populous, and wanted to seek change. However, Ying was not a human, but half-human half-tiefling, and were also 1st cousins (as they shared Averof Kellellis and Lauren Lee as grandparents). The upper-echelon of Provecta vehemently opposed and blocked Ozoemena from ascending to the Provectan throne.
During this five-month period Ifama Mazzi assissted Lucinia Esdras' rule and provided more intimate knowledge of royal traditions and ruling practises. Further, in order to better allocate the stretched resources, Ifama and Lucinia established the Krýonisí Custodis, which became the governmental body supervising the island of Krýonisí, which included the rapidly growing city of Neo Caladrius.   A collection of notable Praeticators, Lucinia Esdras, Ifama Mazzi, and a handful of upper-echelon individuals held discussions and debates behind closed doors regarding how to move on from this. What was discussed during these meetings were not recorded, and as such nothing specific is known about the details. All the same. on 36th Yaot, 101 A.I., Lucinia and Ifama made a public declaration announcing Caio Kellellis as the next Monarch, and would ascend to the throne on the 1st Grember, 101, exactly 100 days since the assassination of Antonio. Which established that if the incumbent Monarch were to die and had no heir apparent, the oldest sibling would ascend to the throne in their stead.  

Ascent and Death of Caio

1st Grember, 101 A.I. // 34th Koldary, 102 A.I.   Caio Kellellis ascended to the Provectan Throne on the 1st Grember, 101 A.I., His ideals and beliefs had generally aligned with his father's, and upholding a level-head, which led to the rancour and open discussions about the end of the Kellellis Bloodline came to a quick and sudden end. The Ecclesia Plyydric and Lucinia Esdras slowly started to pull their resources and people away from the Monarchy, allowing it to operate as it was originally intended. The country was on track to regain its emminence.   The elites and individuals within the upper-echelon of Provecta were not satisfied with the outcome. They would form a secret group, the Revivalists, which sought to exploit this small timeframe where Provecta was still mending to establish greater power within the government. The Revivalists were not discovered by the Ecclesia Plyydric until early 106 A.I., with the general populous not until the large-scale raid on one of its founding members, Elena Boyd, on 31st Lorcustus, 108 A.I. While the Revivalists started at a small-scale, their members were increadibly wealthy, and would be able to fund their first operation - assassinating Caio Kellellis.   Starting in the late days of Narater 102, the Revivalists would methodically impliment their plan to assassinate Caio Kellellis; however, the truth behind the events on 34 Koldary, 102 was not publicly disclosed until 7th Zidust, 109 by Ifama Mazzi.On the 34th Koldary, 102 at noon, a massive fight between guards within the Froúrio gia Catresal erupted within the castle's walls that quickly enveloped the entirity of the building and the streets around it. A few dozen of the guards were enraged and determined to be magically enhanced - for an unknown reason - resulting in roughly 500 individuals being injured, while 386 had died: 139 guards, 21 notable individuals (elite, upper-echelon individuals, and political envoys), 67 civilian Froúrio aids and workers, 156 civilians, and Caio Kellellis, Ani Azarian and their daughter Storm Kellellis.                
The Revitalists hired Escher Senzer, a Gelaßner changeling and highly trained mage. They would systematically occlude and enchant the minds of thirty-five guards within the Froúrio gia Catresal. They were able to do so by peering into the minds of the guards, learning of their deepest sexual preference, becoming what they desire, and then having intercourse with each of the guards. The magical ability of Escher Senzer was that of Geschlechtsverkehr, a now antiquated and outlawed form of magic that allowed the spellcaster to effect the receiver's fundamental psyche whilst engaged in penetrative intercourse. Escher was able to implant an equivalent of a magical glyph within their brain and heart that they would be able to access at a later date, allowing them to excert full control overthem from afar.   On the 34th Koldary, 102 A.I., the day before Caio Kellellis was planned to be away from Caladrius for a few months touring Provecta, the Revivalists ennacted their plan. Escher caused the guards they had used their Geschlechtsverkehr on to start a fight within the Froúrio. The uproar caused non-turned guards to join in the fray attempting to quell the combat. However, Escher started ramping up the guard's assaults by using their weapons rather than just fists. Guards were killed and erupted even further, which caused prominant individuals, Caio and his wife, Ani Azarian to join in attempting to settle the issue. Escher then used her power to magically enhance their turned guards, resulting in a massive growth in strength. The guards quickly murdered dozens of guards and other individuals, but most importantly, Caio Kellellis and Ani Azarian. The turned guards would then brutally murder anyone else that got in their way before eventually being put down roughly twelve minutes after the fight started.


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