The Nation of Mal'Qurel
The Nation of Mal'qurel is the largest trading nation of Alvaia and controls the shipment of shine. It lies right in the middle of The Threaded Walkway between Azzura and Zaun. Because of the small amount of land, it relies on floating constructions on the surrounding water to carry its citizens. It was in constant conflict between Azzura and Zaun but quickly became the most powerful nation on Gametia after its steady supply of shine to both nations.
It used to be a small outpost under oppressive control from Azzura and attacks from Zaun, until Alavus Aurrelia and Melandra, the founders of shine and inventors of the Gateways, grew tired of the delipidated state of Mal'qurel and chose it to be the nation that controls both. Years later, Mal'qurel rapidly grew to the nation it is now.
Points of interest
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