Almwitch Castle

Almwitch Castle, also known as the Headquarts of the Global Academy of Sorcery, is a magic school, an official headquarters, and the home of the Honored Headmaster  Built between 3553 AA and 3549, it is a true marvel of engineering, stonecutting, and magic, and required the efforts of over six thousand workers, costing almost as much money as the then most expensive building in the world, the Capitol Dome of the Sixth Republic of the East  Nowadays, it is the most prestigious school anyone could ever join, and many young aspiring mages hope to be part of the year's selection, and have the chance of meeting its great Headmaster, Mirthis Sanbur.

Purpose / Function

To serve as the Headquarters of the Global Academy, as a magic  school for the students of Marbellian, and host gatherings of the Board of Academicians.


Three residential towers were added over time, to host students from foreign countries or faraway places, and a bigger refectory was constructed in 1857 AA.


Greatstones of Uuhl Lake were used for the main buildings, while the tiling was done in traditional Maelwick brickwork


The entire castle wall is reinforced, both magically and physically, and automated guardians patrol the grounds


There is everyday thousands of people coming from far away to visit the Castle, and although they are allowed to look at the castle from outside, visiting the grounds is prohibited to everyone but people with special permission or parents of students.


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