Laster Garbanis

Honored Headmaster, Archmage Laster Arkantor Garbanis, The Wise (a.k.a. Stormcaller)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Through his life as an adventurer, quite in shape, especially for a mage, then as a teacher, kept himself healthy.

Identifying Characteristics

A couple of scars of battle, notably the remnant of an arrow in his left flank, and a burn scar from the dragon on his right arm.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Laster Arkantor Garbanis was born to a wealthy family, but quite restricted and bigoted on the usage of magic. Believing it could only lead to bad things, they tried to suppress Laster's obvious magical potential, when he started to make objects levitate at the age of four, after simply observing a Sage outside. Eventually, though, Laster grew old enough to make his own choices, and he quickly enrolled into the Magic School of Marbellian, becoming in only a couple of months one of the most gifted students the school had ever seen. By the time he was done with his second year, he had already invented multiple spells, and was correcting his professors on the regular.   Eventually, after skipping multiple years, he graduated with honors as valedictorian, and went on to a very successful career as a magical analyst, slayed a dragon, turned the tides of a war, and eventually, as he started feeling the weight of adventure on his aging bones, decided to retire and become a teacher at his old school.   The clear favorite of all his students, by his eccentric personnality, immense talent and countless stories, he drew the sympathy of his colleagues as well, who respected his knowledge and admired his charm, and after only a couple of years, he became the Headmaster.   In 3554 AA, after receiving a vision of Manaa The Dreamer, he called for the Conclave of 3554 AA, delivered a legendary speech, still remembered to this day, and became the first leader and Honored Headmaster of the Global Academy of Sorcery, pursuing without rest his goal of elevating the people of Amaanturis and spreading knowledge around the world.   He eventually passed peacefully in his sleep after inventing a new spell, content of his fate, and was called in spirit by his goddess to forever dream in the Palace of Dreams.


Dragonslayer, adventurer, magical analyst, researcher, teacher, and eventually Honored Headmaster.

Accomplishments & Achievements

  • Slaying the last dragon of the East
  • Held the armies of the South at bay during the Battle of Javelinstop
  • Reorganizing the education system of the entire continent, then beyond
  • Invented at least 39 spells
  • Became one of the favorites of Manaa the Dreamer, and, according to the legend, her lover

Intellectual Characteristics

Peak intellect, known even in philosophy circles to be a great thinker, quite gifted at mathematics too.

Personality Characteristics


Spreading knowledge and magic throughout the world, stopping stereotypes about mages.

Representation & Legacy

Although he could've become an Ascended, he chose to stay human and better the world, trying his best to unite all of humanity and make everyone equal. Although he didn't quite succeed, he made so much progress he became the absolute becon of hope for everyone thinking positively, and is still being admired for it millenias later.


Social Aptitude

Was known to be quite charming, and to have a way with words.

Hobbies & Pets

One pet lizard.

Wealth & Financial state

Chose to give away all of it to the Academy, then at his death, to charity.

Neutral Good
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Archmage, Mayor, Headmaster.
Date of Birth
8th of October, 3509 AA
3597 AA 3507 AA 90 years old
Brown, long
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Quotes & Catchphrases
If we do not work together, brothers and sisters, we are nothing. Mages across the world are being discriminated against for the capital sin of existing. We are not cattle, and we are not slaves. We are beings of flesh and blood, gifted with an ability, and the will to better the world. We must make use of it, show the world what it truly means to be a mage. To make it a better place, and make it so that everyone can live safer, happier, and easier. Cooperating is advancing, and together, united, we can change the world today, and show those that hate us, that we are better than them. -Conclave of 3554 AA
Aligned Organization


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