The Doom of Man

The creature known as the Doom of Man was long thought to be a primordial, terrifying entity from outer space, but it was recently discovered from one of Val Mortan's travels that it actually is a powerful Demon, bred by Shaatrixia, Breeder of Chaos after Kratz, Warmaster of Chaos, designed to be a powerful warmachine to serve the designs of The Chaos. Incredibly tall even for a Demon, it towers over its pairs and any human enemy it could encounter, and its powerful muscles are protected by an armor-like exoskeleton, making it appear like a dark, evil knight roaming the night and ready to strike at any moment. Many of Amaanturis' greatest fighters believe they could defeat him, but they all know the task would be colossal. The Doom does not use weapons, only his enormous, spiked fists, capable of punching through a wall of metal or a skull alike.
Although it is hard to tell from the outside, and not as important for Demons, Val Mortan confirmed after his small discussion with the creature that it is, in fact, male, and capable of reproducing with Shaatrixia, potentially to give birth to a new Greater Demon of terrifying strength, perhaps even capable of rivalizing with the Warmaster itself. The Doom is however quite young for a Demon, and focused on his training with his sibling, dedicated to becoming one of the greatest weapon at the service of the Lords of Chaos, unbound by the treaty between them and the Major Gods of Emrelnnen.

The Doom

The first man to encounter the Doom soiled his pants on the instant, and had to take medication and therapy for many years to recover even a small amount of sanity. It actually is the person who gave the Doom its nickname, replacing his actual name, unpronounceable for the human tongues.


The Doom in his homeland

Even with his devotion to his family, the Doom left his birthplace of the Mainlands early on to train with his sibling Kratz in the Isle of War, before establishing his own residence in Laayon, a desolate and mostly inhabited island in-between the Endless Chasm and the Everdark, finding the calm and quiet of the place appeasing.

Although it has the ability to use Arcanic Matrixes, the Doom relies mostly on it to enhance its physical strikes, already incredibly powerful, to make them even deadlier. The few battles it has been in were always absolutely crushing, the only person having fought it and survived being a veteran of the Section 3, who managed to escape the battle without his arms, ripped in an instant by the enormous creature.

I was surprised to find not a terrifying monster full of bloodthirst and of savage mind, but a surprisingly distinguished gentleman of sound logic, dedicated to his family and people, who enjoys reading, cooking, and gardening. But then, I saw it fight. Some idiotic Demon has decided to bother his sibling, and he ripped his head clean off, and his eyes... I rarely saw so much violence, so much anger. It's as if all he was before had completely vanished, turning him into a merciless killing machine, and as soon as his enemy hit the ground, he turned back to our conversation. I must admit I could not contain my fear after that, and it seemed to amuse him somehow. Definitely not someone you want to go against...
-Val Mortan, surviving three years in the Chaos and what I saw there
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Generic article | Oct 3, 2024


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