
Full of energy and quick to temper, Kobolds are the smallest of the humanoid dragonkin. As a kobold you have the following traits:   Sphere Scores:   Natural Weapons:

Basic Information


The size of goblins, kobolds are short and leanly built. Their skin is most often shades of brown or red, though some kobold races have been seen with skin across the entire color spectrum. Their hides are thick and leathery, distinctly lacking the scales often seen in other dragonkin. Their long snouts house an array of sharp teeth.

Civilization and Culture

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Kobold tribes are simple but tight knit. Like goblins, they usually choose to live in natural caverns or in the abandoned structures of others. They are easily awed by magic, and so even the simplest of kobold sorcerers can rise to positions of prominence in the tribe. They often worship true dragons as gods, and are fiercely proud of their draconic heritage. This leads to extreme envy when they meet dragonkin such as draconati, whom they begrudgingly consider more blessed than themselves. They are innately distrustful of outsiders, but with time and effort they can be won over and become staunch allies.
Genetic Descendants


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