Winged Kobold

A rare race of kobolds are hatched with wings.   As a winged kobold you have the following traits:   Sphere Scores:   Natural Weapons:   Wings: You can fly in any direction. Your Move action counts double when you fly.

Basic Information


Winged kobolds are identical to regular kobolds in every way other than the fully functional, leathery wings sprouting from their backs.

Civilization and Culture

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Winged kobolds have far less of an inferiority complex than their grounded counterparts. They have more open relations with outsiders, and are less likely to consider true dragons divine. They are still fascinated by magic, and their tribal structures can often evolve into full-on thaumatocracies. On the rare occasion a winged kobold is born into a regular kobold tribe, they are often shunned by their envious comrades, and must often seek out a new community.
Genetic Ancestor(s)


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