ardentPersuasion + notoriousVisionary

notoriousVisionary played be Leng, ardentPersuasion played by Kiwi
notoriousVisionary [NV] has begun trolling ardentPersuasion [AP]
NV: duudee yoouu haavee too heelp mee
AP: Huh??
AP: With what?
NV: ii duunoo smaack soomee seensee iintoo mee oor soome shiit
NV: caa iis geettiing oon my laast neervee maan
NV: ii caant
NV: ii haaveent beeeen aabllee too feeeel eeveen miild aanooyaancee siince liikee juust aafteer thee meergee iim ii doont neeeed thiis
AP: Why's he getting to you so much?
NV: ii doont eeveen knoow hees juust soo.. 'eew looook aat mee iim soo speeciiaal aand faancy' oor soomeethiing
NV: hee fuuckiing caalleed yoouu voomiit.. liikee whoo dooees thaat?
AP: Whatever he's just a piece of shit anyway
AP: classist people are just idiots
NV: yeeaah yeeaah thaats truuee iits noothiing too geet woorkeed uup aaboouut soo why thee fuuck aam ii woorkeed uup?
AP: Look just think of it this way
AP: That pompous sea-dweller bitch is probably miserable
AP: I mean think about it going on chatrooms just to talk about how great you are
AP: Dudes got some issues
NV: ii knoow maan ii thiink thaats whaats goot mee
NV: thaanks maan ii thiink iim gooiing too bee aalriight
AP: You sure?
NV: noo?
AP: Now you got me worried
AP: Look I'm sure he'll be gone soon
AP: why don't we just talk about something else like uh
AP: food or naps?
NV: ooh goog maaybee noot riight noow my thiinkpaan iss beetraayiing mee eeveen theeree eespeeciiaaly theeree leets taalk aaboouut uuh..
NV: shiit uuh theeiifiing yoouu thiieef aanythiing iinteereestiing? heeh
NV: ii shoouuldnt haavee bootheereed yoouu wiith thiis fuuck
AP: No dude you're fine
AP: calm down
AP: we're friends or some shit like that right?
AP: I guess?
AP: anyway I stole some cool shit the other day
NV: yeeaah maan soomeethiing liikee thaat (:}
AP: I fucked around in the mall for a while and stole a bunch of jewelry
AP: I don't really know why but uh- I have it now lol
NV: lool aanythiing cooool oor juust liikee noormaal shiiny shiit?
AP: I mean the chokers are pretty cool some of them have little thingys on them that are fun to mess with
AP: not really a jewelry coinsure or anything though
NV: yeeaah mee eeiitheer buut soomee tiimees ii snaag liikee roouund brooaachees aan shiit foor luu hee geets aall OvO soo thaats fuun
NV: moost aaree liikee mooree oovaal oor soomee shiit thoough meeh
AP: OvO that's funny, I don't know why though
AP: I mean a broach is a broach I guess
NV: yeeaah ii guuees maan noot suuree whaat theeyree eeveen foor ootheer thaan beeiing snooby wiith
AP: ha yeah I don't know i think that's their only purpose
AP: I mean isn't that just jewelry's purpose
NV: thaat aand aatraackiing wiingbeeaasts oor soomeethiing theey loovee shiiny shiit riight?
AP: Haha yeah I think they do
AP: Shiny shit lol
NV: thaats whaat theey haavee wheen iit coomees baack oouut lool
AP: Wow look at us talking about literal shit
AP: What a world we live in
NV: heey maan yoouu waanaa goo soomee plaacee laateer? maaybee laaugh aat peeooplee faaliing oor soomee shiit?
AP: Oh fuck yes I do
AP: but uh we should probably give each other our names
NV: ooh shiit wee knoown eeaachootheer soo loong aand aaint neeveer doonee thaat? taalk aaboouut laazy
NV: looook fiirst wee goottaa booth proomiisee wee aareent uundeer cooveer coops oor soomee shiit
NV: lool
AP: fuck we are so lazy
AP: but dude trust me I swear on my fucking screamy Lusus' grave I'm no cop
AP: theif to the fucking bone
AP: okay your turn
NV: beeiing aa coop soouunds liikee woork maan iim noot heeree foor thaat
NV: ii proomiisee foor suuree iim noot aa coop
NV: heeh heeh heeh
AP: I'm Pixzie Calpob
NV: iirmaanoo bhuutaan
NV: buut thaats aa fuuchiin moouuthfuul soo iirmaa woorks ii stoop liisteeniing aafteer thee aa aanywaay
AP: hahah okay Irma
AP: I'll keep this in mind
NV: duudee woouuld iit buug yoouu iif ii juust caalleed yoouu piix? aaskiing foor seeriioouus aand noot juust tryiing too geet yoouu piisseed
AP: I guess you can call me Pix
NV: beeteer thaan pii lool
AP: Lol yeah don't call me that
AP: that is somehow awful
AP: I've just never had a nickname before I guess
NV: yeeaah soorry maan ii juust caant bee bootheereed saayiing aa whoolee daamn naamee
AP: Really I gotta give you the Lazy crown
AP: You've just transcended into the laziest being I know
NV: lool yoouud juust steeaal iit wheen iim noot lookiing
AP: Ha you're right I would
NV: woouuldnt haavee iit aany ootheer waay maan
AP: so where did you want to go to laugh at people?
NV: ii haaveent beeeen aaroouund peeooplee iin aa whiilee maaybee liikee thee paark oor maall? peeopplee faall theeree aall thee tiimee aand ii doont haavee too geet suupeer cloosee too theem
AP: might be nice to sit on a bench and laugh as people fall over but the parks outside
AP: and uh I don't want to go to the mall again I just stole from there and I don't want anyone to recognize me [section:olive]AP: maybe like the bar or cafe? I don't know I don't drink much
NV: ii duunoo iif ii caan haandlee aa smaall spaacee wiith thaat muuch peeooplee iin iit buut maaybee thee smeell oof ooveerpriiceed driinks wiil ooveerpooweer thee smeell oof peeopplee?
AP: Not a whole lot of people are at the bar right now anyway, at least I don't think there are
AP: I don't really know when you wanted to go though
NV: aany tiimee shoouuldnt taakee mee loong too geet theeree ii thiink iim iin thee seeweers
AP: How's in like 20 minuets sound?
NV: heeh guuees weell seeee hoow loong iit taakees mee too cliimb oouut
notoriousVisionary [NV] has ceased trolling ardentPersuasion [AP]

ardentPersuasion [AP] has begun trolling notoriousVisionary [NV]
AP: hey dude finished kicking that guys ass
AP: told me to text you when I was done so ;p
NV: heeh heeh niicee soorry ii coouuldnt staay aan waatch maan
AP: no worries, did you make it wherever you needed to go without falling asleep or some shit?
NV: ii diid taakee aa naap aat thee boottoom oof thee laaddeer doown hoow yoouu knoow maan?
AP: Oh my god
AP: I mean what else would I expect from you
NV: eeh gooood pooiint ii duunoo maaybee suudeenly juust raan thee whoolee waay lool
AP: If you told me that, I would not believe you, no offense dude.
NV: woouuld iit bee thee laauughiing thaat tiippeed yoouu ooff? daamn giiviing my seelf aawaay liikee thaat ii suuree ootheerwiisee iit woouuld bee soo iin chaaraacteer aand naatuuraal thaat yoouud juust haavee too beeliieevee iit
AP: totally the laughter
AP: if you hadn't have said 'lol' at the end of the message I would have believed that you Irma ran totally 100%
NV: ooh maan ii beeteer bee caareefuull whaat ii saay aaroouund yoouu theen
AP: heh, the idea of you running is making me laugh, like dude I look like so stupid right now
NV: lool iits maakiing mee laauugh too buut theerees noo oonee aaroouund too seeee mee heeh heeh heeh suucks too bee yoouu ii guueess
AP: dickhead, I'm on my way back to my hive so can't really hide for a while
NV: heey wee suurviiveed thee niigh wee shoouuld haang oouut aagaaiin soomee tiimee ii haad fuun
AP: definitely we should
AP: and uh sorry about, ya know getting into a fight
NV: naah maan iit haappeens iit waass hiilaariioouus hoow eeaasy thaat guuy waas bootheereed by uus lookiin aat hiim
AP: Yeah, he's a fucking angry dude that's for sure
AP: and I didn't actually win, but he gave in first soooooo
AP: I'm taking it
NV: soouunds liikee aa wiin too mee
NV: ii meeaan coonsiideeriing hoow stroong aand scraapy hee lookeed ii thiink hiim giiviing iin fiirst giivees yoouu ruub iit iin hiis faacee riights
NV: iif hees stiill goot oonee
AP: Oh fuck good idea, I'm so gonna shove that in his face
AP: and I might look small but I kick so much ass you don't even know dude
NV: doont kiick miinee ii neeeed iit foor siiitiing whaat wiithoout aany kneeeecaaps aand aall
AP: better watch yourself then ;p
AP: coming for your ass next
NV: shiit maan soooon iil bee noothiing buut haaiir
AP: sorry it's just what you get hanging with a theif
NV: soo iits my oown faauult? uuug peersoonaal reespoonsiibiiliity soouunds liike woork
AP: yeah it is work, my bad I'll revoke it before Amalgama explodes
NV: beeteer saafee thaan soorry maan whoo knoows whaat thee neext woorld wiill bee liikee
AP: shitty just like this one
NV: aah shiit maan ii thiink iim loost diid thee woorld eexploodee aalreeaady?
AP: yeah dude you missed it
AP: but I should probably start paying attention, I'm in the bad part of town now
AP: I don't really feel like getting mugged today
NV: muuggiing theem baack toooo muuch woork? ii feeeel yaa maan
NV: ii shoouuld proolly paay aateentiioon too wheeree iim gooiing aanywaay bluuh
AP: yeah, if you die dude i'll kill you again
AP: but bye Irma I'll see you later
NV: laateer piix
ardentPersuasion [AP] has ceased trolling notoriousVisionary [NV]


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