audaciouslyChordacious + gregariousMaster

audaciouslyChordacious played by CC, gregariousMaster played by Kiwi
audaciouslyChordacious [AC] began trolling gregariousMaster [GM]
AC: Gues-s who! ;)
GM: I'm gonna take a Wild guess
GM: the trollaZon deliVerY guY?
AC: No!
AC: Bro how COULD you?
GM: I knoW its Alegro
GM: I Was teasing
AC: I guessed so.
AC: I would question WHAT Troolazon guys YOU'RE talking that say "YO"
AC: And if there's one I could talk to lol
GM: I can't get trollaZon I liVe in the ocean ;p
GM: but You'll be the first to knoW if I find one
AC: I KNEW you're a co-ol dude!
AC: Can ALREADY count on you.
GM: I'm glad, but I think You're cooler so
GM: I told You about Your energY
AC: My fuckin' AURA, right?
AC: Best compliment I EVER got.
AC: That's prol-ly an overstatement, but stil-l
AC: Fun-ny as HEL-L lol
GM: heY leaVe me alone it Was genuine You knoW
GM: it Was a great compliment so just hush and take it
AC: Wasn't sayin ANYTHING bad about it!
AC: For realsies, made my night!
AC: I will HUSH and take it if you wish hard enough ;)
GM: good I'm glad it did.
GM: Yeah I'm suuuuree You Would
GM: You dont really sound like the kind of person to be quiet though
AC: You'd be RIGHT about that!
AC: Personality wise AND otherwise.
GM: I mean You Were prettY loud
GM: not like I minded it kept me aWake
GM: otherWise You mean like Your Vocal chords?
AC: Maybe. You'l-l have to find out for YOURSELF.
AC: Lmfao
AC: GLAD I kept you AWAKE LONG enough for you to give me your handle.
AC: Did you get SOME sle-ep?
GM: okaY?
GM: do You Want the long ansWer or the short one?
AC: LONG answer!
AC: I can listen for a BIT.
GM: I think I passed out on mY couch, but like I dont remember
GM: I either stared at the Wall all night
GM: or had a dream about staring at the Wall all night
AC: Jesus!
AC: (HUMAN deity)
AC: That's a BIG sign you REAL-LY ne-ed to chil-l.
GM: I'm fine, just a weird couple of daYs
GM: last night Was the topper on the cake though
AC: Wan-na TALK about it?
AC: I as-sume you don't, but I'm al-l ears!
AC: (and MAYBE a lit-tle eyes but that's IT)
GM: just stress nothing big
GM: Dont Worry about me
AC: Are you SURE?
AC: Don't want my new friend to go and COL-LAPSE.
AC: Not to BRAG, but I'm a pret-ty calming person. We could PROLLY se-e a movie or somethin' sometime?
AC: For stres-s relief, of course.
AC: (ngl I just like the movies)
GM: I'm fine reallY
GM: but a moVie sounds kind of nice, I um WorrY about going in public though
AC: Real-ly? How come?
AC: Are you FAMOUS?
AC: You can tel-l me. It won't go to my head, I promise!
GM: no I'm not famous, I'm like, just
GM: I'm hunted, its complicated
AC: Lol, that's YOUR busines-s, idk what you're HUNTED for but I stil-l think ya rock!
AC: If you ever find out a way to explain, lemme KNOW.
AC: But we can stil-l go to the movies, EVEN with your face hid-den!
GM: I guess that's true
GM: but hoW do I knoW You arent gonna kidnap me?
AC: A RUSTBLO-OD can't overpower a FUCHSIABLO-OD.
AC: I wouldn't even DREAM of it.
AC: You can WEAPONIZE yourself al-l you want, pat me down for weapons, I would never try that shit.
GM: Well I'm not a normal Fuchsia and You arent a normal rust
GM: I think ill be alright though, I'll check You for anYthing suspicious
AC: Hel-l yeah.
AC: Don't mind you bein' SUSPICIOUS, I'm awful-ly ENTHUSIASTIC.
AC: It's reasonable! And safe.
GM: I guess if I get kidnapped again it's mY fault this time
AC: Again?
AC: Are you for real?
AC: Are you okay??
GM: I told You I Was hunted
GM: but I'm fine reallY I am
AC: I'm super sor-ry if I was insensitive or anythin!
AC: I'll al-low you to check me as many times as you want for weapons. >:'(
AC: That's so mes-sed up. Again, super sorry.
GM: dont apologiZe unless You helped then please do
GM: but reallY I Will be okaY just a little
GM: paranoid
AC: Completely understandable.
AC: I'l-l protect you!
AC: With my bare fists, though. I can't bring any weapons.
GM: I appreciate that, Alegro
AC: Hel-l yeah!
AC: I'l-l be your whole UNARMED knight in SHINING armor.
AC: I won't let ANYTHING hap-pen to you.
AC: Are you CONVINCED? Are we going sometime?
GM: okaY okaY I'm convinced
GM: I'll go to a moVie With You sometime
AC: I KNEW you couldn't RESIST the Carwyn charm!
AC: (my last name)
AC: So, when? When're you up for it? :)
GM: um I'm not reallY sure maYbe in a feW daYs
GM: is there a certain like daY You Wanted to go?
AC: No, I'm just cool whenever you're fre-e.
AC: I MIGHT be busy one day with a concert, but OTHERWISE I'm HEL-LA fre-e.
GM: a concert?
GM: are You a musician?
AC: Yeah!
AC: I play AL-L kindsa instruments, but I'm on the drums there.
AC: Rad as hel-l. Dun-no if it'd be YOUR kinda thing.
AC: Super noisy.
GM: that's super cool!
GM: I mean it's not reallY my scene but it might be cool to see You plaY sometime
AC: Aw-w, dude, you don't HAVE to.
AC: (though it'd be SUPES endearing)
AC: Just get back to me on the movie thing, okay? When you figure out your schedule.
GM: I am not doing anYthing um in 2 daYs
GM: We could go then
GM: and You'll haVe to tell me Where the concert is and stuff, so I can come Watch
AC: Haha, total-ly.
AC: I'm fre-e in two days! That's PERFECT.
AC: I'm already EXCITED! :)
GM: I'll let You pick out the moVie and stuff
GM: just let me knoW What time and Where to meet you
AC: I'll text you the de-ets once I get it all covered, movie se-eing takes PLAN-NING dude.
AC: You don't ne-eda wor-ry.
AC: Alegro the Movie ENTHUSIAST is ON the JOB.
GM: I haVent Went out to see a moVie in a While so Yes I'll leaVe eVerYthing to You
GM: don't Wanna mess up the eXpert
AC: Alright, talk to ya later?
GM: Yeah, bYe alegro
GM: I'll see You soon
AC: It's a date!
audaciouslyChordacious [AC] ceased trolling gregariousMaster [GM]


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