Densra Frenar

Played by Kiwi

Densra Frenar (a.k.a. gregariousMaster)

"I really am pretty pathetic aren't I?"
Densra is often a fragile individual, his self-worth being based on others with no connection to what he’s actually capable of. He is constantly seeking validation from outside sources and not being able to get that validation. This leaves him with fragile self-esteem and no motivation to do much of anything really. He has passions and hobbies but they get lost and left behind because he quickly feels like he’s doing them wrong. He also has really crappy management of his emotions, and only really learned to express himself by crying. He tries to be positive and look on the bright side of things, but oftentimes any semblance of positivity is an act. He has very few friends, but he tries to be a good friend to those he has. His problems with reaching out have caused him to be lonely, and it kinda becomes a vicious cycle within himself. Densra has no bloodlust or even any want to hurt others, when someone else is mean to him he crumples. Which causes more inadequacy because he doesn’t fit in with his caste. He has never really wanted to be a fuchsia, but that's who he was and always will be so he sits on his throne of lies and cries about it.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Densra spent the first few sweeps of life underwater with his lusus, having little or no contact with the outside world. This stunted a couple of things in him, he couldn’t talk very well and he couldn’t walk very well. He much preferred being underwater. Unfortunately for him, he wasn’t allowed to stay down there like he wanted. His lusus had to all but throw him out of the water so he could learn how to exist around other people. He was escorted to a place by Violet guards, where he would meet the first two of his caste, two young girls, Eschar and Elodie. Eschar wasn’t always the nicest to him often making fun of him because he didn’t talk much and tripped a lot. Elodie was a lot nicer but sometimes ended up ignoring them by mistake because she was busy with things. They played a lot of games when they were younger and the two girls helped Densra learn how to exist on land and around others. The three of them were completely inseparable though. 
At least until the accident.
Elodie changed, Eschar changed, and he was riddled with guilt. This was his fault. Not only did he believe he caused Elodies accident, but Eschar blamed him as well. The both of them were now no longer friends with him. He tried to fix things, but after a while, he just gave up…
What was the point? He did this, he deserved to be punished. He isolated himself majorly after that, while his two former friends became some of many people who were unkind to Densra, but it made sense. He was sensitive and kind, and he was weak. How could a Fushia like him even exist? Many people were cruel and manipulative, using him for his money and power (even though he had very little in the grand scheme of things.) He didn’t feel like he had any right to fight back, he was broken. He wasn’t a real fuchsia, if he was he would be making plans and doing things. His weak nature, and the countless people who broke his heart, caused him to be extremely depressed. He became lost within himself, so deeply hurt by the world. His passions took a back seat as he struggled to just get up. He still attempted to make relationships though, and he handled it the best he could. One of his attempts landed him a loyal Kismisis, who started to help him with his many issues. He was still a mess when it came to the red quadrant though. Always feeling like he was making a mistake by pushing the burden of himself onto others, even though most of the time they were just trying to use him anyway. Despite this, he was doing better. Then disaster struck him again when he was kidnapped by pirates, of all things. This pirate crew's captain had been stalking him for a long time, unbeknownst to him. He just thought she was some girl who liked him a lot, but no, she was obsessed. She wanted him to be his matesprite but he had never liked her and never would. Thankfully he got away, but these left scars and took him back down to his terrible state.


Technically Desnra is unemployed given he constantly ignores anything that has to do with politics. Really he should be interacting with his government on account of it being his caste duty but he can't bring himself to get involved. He has other passions that he'd like to pursue in the employment department but he doesn't really need to since he's got royal fish money.

Accomplishments & Achievements

He has a keen eye for things and is very observant from spending a lot of time not talking and just exploring the things you can look at. He can spot things that look like they’re in the wrong place or things that he likes. He can also coordinate colors very well. 
He knows a lot about the ocean and if he was just a little more motivated may learn more about the chemical science of things. Mostly he’s into biology, he read a lot about ecosystems and he knows different things that can easily mess up the homes of marine life.   He also knows a thing or two about how to dress. He spent a looooot of time around girls when he was younger and now still so he adopted more of a feminine style but man knows how to dress like a twink.

Personality Characteristics


Densra, while often sad and lonely, is very passionate about wanting to clean up the oceans and always has been. He wants a lot of things that he feels are out of his reach because of who he is.

Likes & Dislikes

water, reading books, jewelry, seashells, looking out windows, legos, plants and animals specifically sea life, interior decorating, and fashion
Being alone, the cold, silence, being alone, feeling worthless, his life, Delaci, pirates, himself, Science sometimes when it’s convenient for him

Personality Quirks

Densra likes to look for excuses to dress up, like 'oh, dinner party? can it be formal please?'
He is really good at looking nice and he doesn't wear casual clothes except for maybe once in a blue moon


Densra Frenar


Towards Elodie Rendax


Elodie Rendax


Towards Densra Frenar


Densra Frenar


Towards Karzlo Akunum


Karzlo Akunum


Towards Densra Frenar


Densra Frenar


Towards Delaci Nighgl


Delaci Nighgl


Towards Densra Frenar


Pixzie Calpob


Towards Densra Frenar


Densra Frenar


Towards Pixzie Calpob


10.62 sweeps (23 years)
➠Sexual orientation
Homoconcupiscent, Panconciliatory
Pilo, Sign of the Spirited
➠Typing Quirk
types capital Ws Zs Ys Xs and Vs
he also makes nautical puns sometimes
"The quick broWn foX jumps oVer the laZY dog"
A large angler fish that often stays near the bottom of the ocean. He was a very young Lusus when he adopted Densra and really didn’t, and still doesn’t have any idea what he’s doing. He mostly was in the game of trying to protect Densra. It now lives in the small water part of Densra’s hive.
➠Original Planet
Page of Heart


In Person



Character Portrait image: by Kiwi


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