Azerus' Shop 1} Azerus, Densra, Koar

Azerus played by King, Densra played by Kiwi, Koar played by Leng
In the middle of the city, a small shop sits, brimming with stuff. Beautiful silks, vibrant hair dye, and small, delicate, and detailed clocks, one that was currently in the hands of the shop's owner, Azerus Godati. He was working hard to fix the little thing, made from a beautiful (yet cracked) teapot. Inside were intricate and delicate mechanisms, built to make the small decorative clock tick.[/container]
Densra had heard of this place sometime while being coped up and looking and random adverts on the internet. He hopped that going here might make him feel even a little bit better. This time he was smart about going out in public and had his face covered as to not get recognized by any prying eyes. He walked into the store and started to take a look around.
As the bell above the door tingled, Azerus looked up, smiling at Densra. "Welcome to Azzy's Odds and Ends, feel free to take a look around and find anything you'd like, our prices aren't too high." Azerus then went right back to the little clock he was holding.[/container]
Densra looked over in his direction. He gave a curt not before going to look at the wares of the store. He as usual was looking around for either Jewelry or something seashell themed. The princes obsession with those things was always apparent.
There was an entire shelf towards the back dedicated to jewelry, and some of it would be decently shell shaped, or oceanic themed. "Let me know if you need anything!" He smiled.[/container]
Densra walked over to the back once he spotted it. "thank You I Will," he said politely as he looked at all the jewelry quietly.
Azerus continued working on his clock until finally, the sound of ticking could be heard. "Ah hah!" He grinned, setting it aside and picking up a wine bottle, starting to carve a hole in it with a dremel tool.   There was a small spot on the shelf that was sectioned off specifically for highblood/oceanic themed jewelry. They were covered in jewels, quite pretty.[/container]
There was another tingle of the bell, then a bit of a snorting snuffling sound as something large tried to shove its way in the door.
A lusus managed to get in about half way, his chunky middle getting stuck in the frame for a moment before it managed to squeeze into the shop.
It was unaccompanied by a troll though, and seemed to browse of its own accord.
Azerus paused for a second, hopping over the counter and standing in front of the lusus. "Hey there, little guy....are you okay? Where's your troll?"[/container]
The giant warthog alligator seemed to grin toothily at Azerus, amused by his concern. It's tail swished, but was still mostly outside the door so didn't break anything in the shop, thankfully.
Densra turned around spotting the Lusus and he looked at it curiously. He chuckled and shrugged. Guess it wasn't the weirdest thing he ever saw. He turned his attention back to the Jewlry to look.
That didn't stop Azerus from jumping once the tail swung. "I-i think I've got to ask you to leave for now- there are a lot of things that are breakable in here, including me.... I can serve you outside of the shop, but inside there are very breakable things-"[/container]
The lusus did the equivalent of wiggling its eyebrows and put its tusky face dangerously close to some very breakable looking object, seeming to find teasing about breaking things funny. But otherwise did is best to squeeze its large body backward out the door without breaking anything.
Azerus looked over to Densra, smiling apologetically. "I need to step out for a moment, please, once you find something you like, would you mind stepping out and getting me?" Azerus stepped out, following the Lusus. "Now, are you looking for something for your troll? One grunt for yes, two for no."[/container]
Densra watched him walk out and snorted softly but nodded. He watched them slowly get out the door and curiously made his way over to watch from inside
Koar gave a happy grunt and swished his tail, nearly knocking a passing cyclist off their bike.
Azerus smiled, chuckling a bit. "How sweet! What does your troll like? Do they like jewelry?" Honestly, this wasn't the first time a Lusus had come in. But, this was the first time a Lusus as big as Koar came inside.[/container]
Koar grinned at the phrasing of the question, his eyes twinkling with mischief, and have an affirmative grunt. He leaned down and placed small bag in front of Azerus. It contained a single jingly bell and two shiny pendents of various styles. This was the sort of thing he was looking for.
Where he's had the bag is unclear, perhaps in his mouth or on a tusk?
Azerus picked up the bag, looking inside and inspecting the items. "Hmmmm.....are you wanting a bracelet, or a necklace? One grunt for bracelet, two for necklace." He continued inspecting the items as he waited for the response.[/container]
Densra kept watching giggling softly to himself just because he thought this whole interaction was cute. and Koar as well was very cute.
Koar gently tried to take back the jiggle bell and hang it from one of Azerus's horns by the ribbon that was attached to it. Either to show his intentions, or perhaps just for amusement, perhaps both.
"Oh! Horn jewelry!" He smiled, patting Koar's head. "Good idea. Do you have the measurements for your troll's horn? I usually have a way to size them to fit the specific troll."[/container]
Densra smiled and walked back over to the jewelry. This was making him feel a little bit better. At least he wasn't sitting at home crying again. Anything beats that.
Koar grunted twice, he didn't have any mesurments on him. He was impressed with the attentiveness and consideration of the shop owner though and decided to let him keep the jingle bell.
To bad he couldn't go inside, he'd loved to have shown his appreciation by rearranging everything in the shop to just out of place. His trolls were happy when they could fuss and rearrange things, so disorganizing everything now and then was a sign of affection.
"It's alright! Are they around the same thickness of mine?" Azerus tilted his head down so that Koar could see the thickness of his horns, chuckling as the Lusus handed him the bell back.[/container]
Densra could still hear the faint chat of Azerus to Koar as he looked at the seashells. He hummed to himself and resisted to urge to touch. He could just buy the whole rack but then why would he stay here. He just stared at the jewelry wanting a reason to stay and not go back to his hive.
Koar nudged Azerus' squiggly arrow horn gently and finally sat down to make himself comfortable on the sidewalk.
It wasn't a perfect match but it would do for his purposes.
Azerus nodded, sitting back up and smiling. "Well, I can have it ready in a few minutes! It's gonna be 12 Caegers, since it's a pretty simple order and there are Lusi discounts." He chuckled, gathering up all the items back into the little bag. "Also, is there a special ribbon color you want? I can go get my color samplers."[/container]
Densra decided to look at something else. He knew Azerus was outside and couldn't see him but he felt stupid standing there none the less. He walked to the other side of the shop idly and scratched his arm.
Koar gave two snorts, liking the idea of being surprised by the colors. He produced enough money for 4 charms from wherever he was keeping stuff and took back the trinket bag.
Then he laid down to wait, knowing there were other costumers. Also naps on the sidewalk were fun. Sometimes he'd get a troll that thought the best way around was over, and having trolls climb on him was something that brought him joy.
Azerus went inside, smiling as he went to the charm wall and picked out 4 charms and some bells, along with 4 different colored ribbons. He then hopped back over the counter, starting to work on stringing the ribbons with charms and cutting them to size. "I'm sorry about that! We get a lot of Lusi customers here, haha." He was blushing a light indigo, clearly embarrassed.[/container]
Densra looked over at him and smiled "You're fine, It's not like I'm in a rush or anything." He looked away "I'm just looking around"
Azerus smiled as he continued stringing the horn charms. "If you need any help, just come on up to the counter! I've got time, these charms won't take too long."[/container]
Densra nodded again and looked at the clocks. He didn't need a clock, but the question was did he want a clock. I mean not really but why not. He looked over at Azerus and pointed to the clock in front of him "hoW much is this one?" he asked. If he bought something maybe he wouldn't be minded as much if he loitered.
"Oh! The ship in a bottle clock?" He walked over to it, taking it off the rack and inspecting it. "Hmm....for you, 25 Caegers." He smiled, setting the ship back on the rack and taking out a small decorative box, placing the horn charms in there and a special card for his shop, with his address on it in case of returns.[/container]
Densra reached into his bag to pull out the money. He looked at Azerus "did You make all this stuff Yourself?" He asked holding the Caegers.
"Yes I did!" Azerus grinned, taking the money and putting it in his bag, handing Densra the clock. "Everything in this shop was made by me, including the shop itself."[/container]
Densra took the clock holding it gently. "that's really amazing, You are really talented." He now has a very well made clock. "this is a Very nice store,"
"If you'd like to stay you can, I've got a seating area down towards the back." Azerus pointed towards the back of the store, where there was a small set of stairs. He gently plucked the clock from Densra's hands, boxing it up.[/container]
Densra watched him and blushed a little embarrassed by the sudden removal of the clock. "sorry, but um thank You" He waited for the clock to be properly boxed up.
"Of course!" Azerus handed Densra the box, all wrapped and pretty. "And yeah, if you'd like to go down there, it's for customers, a full lounge of free snacks! I can give you the wifi if you'd like. I don't mind the company." He gave a dazzling smile.[/container]
That was perfect for him. Permitting no one else was down there he could just relax safely. He nodded and smiled "thank You" He took the box once again before walking to the area. he sat down took a quick look around and took his hood off
Down the stairs to the left was a small cushy lounge with a vending machine and drink bar. If Densra were to look in the box with his ship, he'd see Azerus's card (the same one he'd put in Koar's box), which doubled as a card for the vending machine. Free snacks for customers.[/container]
Densra rubbed the tired from his eyes. He looked tired and frail. Another reason he needed the cloak. He sighed and looked at the floor infront of him.
Azerus soon followed him down, sitting at a different table and getting himself a snack. He looked at his phone as he snacked, letting Densra have his privacy. "By the way, the wifi password is colorfulAristocrat. My chumhandle, by the way."[/container]
As soon as he walked in Densra threw the hood back up. He pulled his own phone out and looked at random stuff "thank You again sorry I feel like I'm saYing that a lot"
"It's alright. Are you okay? Do you need anything?" He seemed concerned for Densra, especially because Densra seemed like he was nervous.[/container]
Densra looked at him and nodded "I'm fine reallY, I am just a little tired is all" he tried to reassure him but he wasn't exactly very convincing.
Azerus nodded, giving Densra a dazzling smile. "If you'd like, I can walk you back to your hive. I live above the shop so I don't mind, I was gonna lock up soon anyways."[/container]
He cringed and put his phone away. Theres what he didn't want to do. He scratched his arm before standing up. If he couldn't stay here and he had to go home he didn't want to be in anyone's way. He grabbed his clock "no um that's okaY, i liVe far," he bit the inside of his cheek.
"You're not in my way or anything! You just seemed uncomfortable and I didn't want you to stay here if it was gonna make you sad. I can stay open for a bit, I don't mind at all." Azerus seemed even more concerned, looking up at Densra.[/container]
Under the hood he looked conflicted. He was starting to get stressed out by this situation and oh no. He sat back down trying to hold back the tears he knew were trying to come out. He was about to have a mental breakdown in front of a random stranger great going Frenar. He didn't respond because he knew if he did the flood gates would open and he really did not want that to happen.
Azerus stood up, heading to a door in the back, returning shortly after with a milk shake. He set it in front of Densra, smiling down at him. " seemed upset."[/container]
Densra looked at him and wiped the small tears that pricked in his eyes. He looked at the milkshake to avoid eyecontact with him "I'm sorry I'm fine just-" He swallowed "not in the best headspace"
"It's alright.....listen, is there something going on at home? I've got a guest room upstairs, if you need to, you can stay at the shop." He made sure to keep his hands to himself, though he desperately wanted to reach out to touch the other troll. He was a comforting guy, after all.[/container]
Densra shook his head, "no no I'm fine I really should go um-" He stood up and grabbed the box "Thank you- for the clock"
"Oh- you're welcome. Would you mind giving this to the Lusus waiting outside?" Azerus held out the Tusk-adapted carrying bag.[/container]
Densra nodded and took the bag. He looked at Azerus for a couple more seconds before heading to the door. He walked out of the shop and looked at Koar. He set the bag on his tusks.
Azerus followed Densra up, locking the door behind him. He let out a soft sigh, smiling as he did so it'd been a long day.[/container]
Koar opened one eye sleepily and gave Densra a grin before slorping him right in the face with his abnormally long tongue.
Densra wiped his face off and smiled at him "thank you I guess" He pat his head before starting to walk off.
Koar snorted and chuffed happily at the pat. He knew a sad troll when he smelt one, but if he stopped and coddled every sad troll be met he'd never get home to his own silly little troll! So for now he left things well enough alone.
He shook his bag, lifted his long tail into the air, and trot-waddled to the next store on his trip to get a pretty dress.
Scene End


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