Beach 1} Densra and Izzy

Densra played by Kiwi, Izzy played by Riley
Densra was sitting in the sand letting the waves pass over his legs. He was holding a seashell and rubbing his thumb over of it. He didn't want to stay in his hive but he didn't want to leave it either. He was trying to handle his situation but it was becoming increasingly hard to be alone with his own thoughts. He didn't have any friends though so it's not like he could talk to anyone.
Izzy was squatting on the seashore moving her fingers through the waves as they passed her. She would occasionally grab a seashell that floated by her from time to time but would throw it back to where it came from. She didn't usually come by the beach that often, mostly because she thought it was more fun to go with other people other than herself all of the time "Bleh the waters so cold. 3:" She says to herself quietly
Densra heard her voice and instantly tensed up. He looked over and saw her on the beach. He relaxed a bit seeing her and he held his seashell tightly. He wiggled his toes and took a deep breath, "You're fine" he mumbled to himself "clam doWn"
Izzy jumped to her feet, being frightened by the troll that just showed up behind her. She slowly turned around to see him standing there "Eep! You scared me there for a second, heh. Anyways, hi im Izzy! :3" She was quick to introduce herself. She did a little pose when she was finished talking, and she thought, bleh that looked dumb why did I do that 3:
Densra watched her and blinked. He immediately started to get nervous, it was so loud inside his head lately and he was so tired. "I- sorry I didn't mean to"
Izzy smiled at him "Its ok! Nothing to be sorry about. :3" She looked around and found a nearby seashell that she picked up "Here! I collected this earlier for you. I saw you looking at other seashells earlier and wanted to give this to you. :3" She holds out the seashell to Densra
Densra looked at it then at her. He gently took it and looked at it. His eyes welled up and he covered his face as he started crying. "thank You for the shell" He sobbed into his hands, oh god Densra why.
Her face became worried "Oh no! Theres no need to cry! Ummmm.. :3" She thinks for a moment until she gets an idea. She plops herself on the ground from where she was sitting "Here, wanna talk about it? Talking about stuff alWAVES mak me feel better. ;3" She paps the ground beside her
Densra shook his head and cried and oh boy was it ugly crying. He tried to get his breaths in order and calm down a bit. After a minute he wiped his face off and sniffled. He looked shaken up and he took another deep breath, "I'm sorry it's nothing I just, i'Ve been through a lot lately, I'm okay"
"Alright then, but if you ever need to talk to me you can. Do you want me to do something? Maybe to make you feel better? :3" She got up out of her sitting place and brushed herself off. She just looks at him awating an answer ":3"
Densra watched her get up and he shook his head. "No, You don't haVe to do anYthing thanks for the offer though."
She smiled "Ok! And, no problem. :3" She looks back at the water. The water was always so beautiful. She never really gets out much so its a sight to see once and awhile ""
He looked at her "densra, What's Yours?" He asked pulling his knees to his chest.
She giggled "I aleady said mine silly! Im Izzy, remember? Nice name ya got though, I like it! X3" She nods at him
"sorry," he looked at his knees and drug his finger through the sand. God Densra look at you moping around in the sand.
Izzy kneeled down beside him. She look one good look at his face and started sketching something out in the sand. Then, when it seemed like she was finished, she got up and pointed at the drawing in the sand "Look! Its you! :3" It was a rushed sketch, but you could make out the face on it. It was pretty well done in fact
He looked down at his face, "thanks," he looked back at his knees. He just wanted to dig a hole and lie in it. He just felt so awful lately.
She sighed and sat down next to him "Are you sure you dont wanna talk? You look so sad. 3:" She frowned. Usually she tried to make the people around her happy, it made her happy as well doing it
He shrugged "Yeah i just am sad, i don't Want to talk about it though"
"Alright... 3:" She looked down at the sand, still frowning. She didnt know what else to do to cheer them up. Shes usually been feeling pretty sad as well lately, but nothing can really cheer her up. She usually distracts herself from it by making other people happy but she just cant seem to shake it. She begins humming a song, not knowing what else to really do
Densra listned to her and felt bad that he was being such a downer. He got up and looked at her "thanks for Your help but i think i should just go"
Her head perked up and she rose to look at him "Okay! You can leave if you want. But if you wanna stay we can go do something if you would like, it really depends on if you're leaving or not. :3" She smiled at him. It was fun hanging out with someone, even if they are leaving. She would just have to wander around again until she meets someone else again
He poked his foot in the sand "no i'll just bum You out, thanks for the seashell," he gave her a weak smile before walking off
She waved her hands in the air before he was too far off and yelled to him "Heyy!! It was nice meeting you Densra!! X3" She swiped all of the sand off of her before starting to walk along the edge of the shore, just wondering where she was going to go next
Scene End


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