categoricalSavant + gregariousMaster

categoricalSavant played by Leng, gregariousMaster played by Kiwi
categoricalSavant [CS] has begun trolling gregariousMaster [GM]
GM: doctor?
CS: nbjhgg bgf bgf gbf gbf
GM: are You like asleep??
GM: I am going to assume that You fell asleep
CS: Jreadinjz, I abbolojize vor dhe unzolicided jibberizh. Koar waz lickinj dhe combuder and muzd have accedendaly mezzajed you.. Zome how. I'm nod zure how, az I don'd have you on my chumroll do my knowladje. Ad any rade, my keyboard iz a bid.. unbleazend ad dhe momend, and I'd cuide like do clean id. Ajain.
CS: Do dhad end I recuezd do end dhiz converzadion, or lack dher eov, bozd hazde.
GM: oh Yes, sorrY um goodnight doctor
CS: Yez, joodnijhd do you az well, I zubboze.
categoricalSavant [CS] has ceased trolling gregariousMaster [GM]


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