Cydorn Uriest

Cydorn Uriest (a.k.a. inordinateAcquiescence)

Cydorn is a laidback psychic savant, flayed of his will to fight for what's right. He takes life as it comes, and is very easy to accept tragedy as it befalls him. He understands that his low position in the caste system puts him at a natural and permanent disadvantage, and quick to acquiesce to the demands of those above him, surmising that fighting back against the highbloods could lead him only to more unnecessary pain. He is friendly and creative, and, while he may seem lazy at first, he does actually get excited and energetic over things rather easily; his only problem is that he is very quick to abandon a project once he runs into any sort of difficulty.
When it comes to social situations, he doesn't necessarily struggle, but he is quick to become distant and nervous when he thinks that conflict is brewing. He is afraid of making new friends--due to the fact that he doesn't want to lose them--and his social circle remains very small as a result. Cydorn likes to spend his time alone or with his moirail, Ezrane. He's a pushover and doesn't like saying "no" to others, even when it comes to those below him in the caste system.
Cydorn is naturally gifted in terms of his psionic ability, but primarily uses his powers to keep himself floating upside down. He feels more comfortable that way.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Cydorn is quite tall with an average build. He is effectively always floating upside-down, with a relaxed, hunched posture. He has a roughly-cut black mohawk with thick, chipped horns that protrude from the side of his head and curve downwards. His facial expression is usually relaxed with a casual smile, with his upward-pointing lower incisors proudly on display. He normally wears a bronze hoodie, embroidered with his flipped sign on the back and covered in various upside-down patches, as well as black cargo pants and heavy black boots.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Since he was young, Cydorn has hated the governmental system around him. Being a bronzeblood, he was treated as dirt by most trolls in castes over than him, and he repeatedly had to witness culling and other injustices as they happened to other lowbloods. His distaste for the caste system was only heightened as he learned stories of his ancestor, The Mutineer, and was inspired to follow in her rebellious footsteps. He found himself tied in with a group of eleven other likeminded trolls, who quickly became his closest friends. As a group, they would carry out various acts of defiance against the government, aiming to send a message to rouse the rabble and eventually topple the oppressive regime over them. In the chaos following The Merge, Cydorn and his group seized the opportunity to stir up some beneficial chaos. However, they were reckless and underprepared, and their group was quickly dismantled. Cydorn watched as his friends were killed in the streets. He tried to keep fighting, harnessing the destructive power of his inherent psychic abilities, but once he saw what looked to him like his matesprit being slaughtered by the enemy, his resolve was shattered. As he was fleeing the scene, he managed to rescue his moirail, Ezrane, though he sustained permanent damage to his legs in the process.
Since that day, Cydorn has been unable to fight. He became incredibly submissive and quick to buckle, with the intense trauma surrounding that night staying deep within him. Nowadays, he tries to spend his time relaxing and staying out of trouble, though his more spirited moirail often ropes him into more "exciting" situations.


Cydorn works in animal care, primarily taking care of birds and bats. When he's at work, it's not uncommon to see multiple of these creatures hanging out on his horns at once.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Cydorn has powerful psychic abilities, particularly in terms of his telekinesis, though he does what he can to avoid using them on others. He can telepathically communicate with animals, but can no longer psychically control them. He is a jack of many trades, but a master of none.

Personality Characteristics


Cydorn is a person who wishes to live a very quiet life. He takes care not to trouble myself with any enemies, like winning and losing, that would cause him to lose sleep at night.

Likes & Dislikes

Being upside down, sleeping, animals, music, drawing, video games, FLARP, his moirail
Fighting back, not being upside down, standing, the caste system


Cydorn Uriest


Towards Ezrane Xollor


Ezrane Xollor


Towards Cydorn Uriest


Cydorn Uriest


Towards Vloume Gazete


Vloume Gazete


Towards Cydorn Uriest


10 sweeps (21 years)
➠Sexual orientation
➠Typing Quirk
Types some letters and all punctuation upside down, flipping text fully upside down when he stops caring about situations. Upside-down smileys.
"heeǝǝʎ mɐn' how,s ᴉt goᴉng¿"
"ʇhǝ quᴉɔʞ brown fox jumps oʌǝr thǝ lɐzy dog .n."
A giant, fluffy sloth with a large prehensile tail and one eye, that spends most of his time hanging from things. When he likes a visitor, he tends to pick them up and lick them with his giant tongue - sometimes underestimating his own strength to devastating effect in the process.
➠Original Planet
Mage of Space


In Person




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