Gardens 1} Densra and Alegro

Densra played by Kiwi, Alegro played by CC
Densra had gotten back to the beach and it was night. He looked out on the ocean seeing his hive from a distance. Even though he had made it to the shore line he still didnt want to go back there yet. Insted he made his way to the sea gardens. He doesnt know why he still goes there, normally it just makes him feel awful. However he was drawn to it. He walked through and around flowers before plopping down beside a framiler group of them. He looked around slowly removing his hood, he let out a sigh and set his face on his knees. Dont you dare not again.
Alegro, unaware to the presence of the fuchsiablood, is walking along the beach. He's humming a song, without earbuds in or music playing, and passionately playing the air drums. Somehow he is double tasking walking and performing this rad one-man concert. Just why he's walking, to get this energy out. It was an awfully slow day and he woke up with a lot of energy. More than usual. Also needed to get a breath of fresh(ish) air. He still stood a distance from Densra.
Densra's fins flitted a bit as he head a quiet noise. He looked up and looked around, quickly noticing the rust blood. "Shit" he muttered and pulled his hood up before stumbling to his feet. The watery state of the garden made him slip though, and he feel over "oW"
Alegro's trained ears immediately made him snap out of his trance and look towards the commotion. He, foolishly, immediately approached the stranger without caution. He speed walked until he was at a foot or twos distance from Densra. In a genuinely worried voice, he asked, "Are you OKAY? Do you ne-ed HELP?" Alegro's face was also laced with concern.
Densra rubbed his knees and looked up at Alegro. He looked really embarrassed but he hadn't realized his hood was down just yet. "Yeah I'm fine" he brought himself to his feet and brushed himself off. His clothes were wet now but other than his cloak it didnt matter much, since his outfit was made of swimsuit material.
Alegro's face switched from worried to relief to happiness in a couple moments. He grinned and chuckled a little. "I'm GLAD! You lo-ok like you to-ok a BAD FAL-L. It would RUIN my night if I watched someone get HURT." He scanned Densra's appearance. A fuchsiablood, right? He didn't immediately comment on Alegro's appearance. That's nice. "Are you USUAL-LY a clumsy dude? Because I DEFINITELY am. Al-l the time."
Densra rubbed his arm "Yeah I just slipped a bit," he looked around before back to Alegro, "no I mean uh, Well I guess." He groaned "I'm not that clumsy okaY, there's a lot of Water" his face was pink in a lot of embarrassment now. "I dont knoW"
Alegro internally cringes. Shit, did he mess up already? When was the last time he approached someone out of the blue. Alegro stands in slight shock before calming down and quickly moving on from that. "It's CO-OL, I GET it, hap-pens to AL-L of us. You don't got-ta WOR-RY." He raises an eyebrow curiously, with the same wide smile on his energetic face. His energetic demeanor was so easily noticeable at first meetings. You could always instantly tell what kind of person he is. A dork. "What's a fuchsiablo-od doin' out HERE slip-ping around? Not that it's MY busines-s."
Densra looked at the flowerbeds, pain wrote itself across his face with the way his eyes shut and and his mouth moved. He stood there a moment touching one of the red flowers. Dont cry Densra dont cry. "I Was just- looking at the floWers," he sighed and looked back to Alegro, the sadness on his face was apparent. "I spent a lot of time here When I Was Young. But What are You doing here?" He asked now curious as well "landWellers dont come here that much.
He noticed the sadness on Densra's face. Sadness? Why is he sad? Alegro ruled out the fact that it's because of him, since they just met. Probably? The musician isn't one to overthink. Or think at all. So he doesn't. "OH, just walking 'round. The ocean is ALWAYS so pret-ty! Would be a WASTE not to visit every so often, huh?" He glanced at the water and then back to Densra. "Plus, ne-eded to burn off some ENERGY, man! I'm all EXCITED and dun-no why, so I came here."
Densra gave him a small smile before he sat on a nearby bench. "I can agree With You about the ocean, I loVe it here, not so much the energY part though," he chuckled and rubbed his face, "I'm a little tired" He watched Alegro move around, it was hard not to be happy around such an excited person. The memories from this place still loomed around him though. "Its a nice garden too, kept Very clean and prettY"
Alegro plopped down on the bench with considerably less grace than Densra. Personal space? Nervousness? Who're they? "Don't blame YA. I'm UNREASONABLY energetic!" He looked at Densra, gave the same nice smile back, and turned to the scenery again. "You get enough sle-ep? Or is it more, like, MENTAL tirednes-s? Again, you don't HAVE to answer."
Densra looked at the flowers again uncomfortable, a lot of prying about his sleeping. "Bit of both I guess," he hummed "but I Wouldnt saY unreasonablY" Densra waved his hand "just not What I'm use to?" He raised a brow, I mean he wasnt around a lot of people, and the people he were around tended to be calm.
"REALLY? Are you saying I have a SPECIAL personality or somethin'?" He scoffs without looking at Densra. "Wel-l, EVERYONE is SUPER special on this planet. Haven't met any BLAND people. It's so EXCITING! That's PART of the reason I like Amalgama. So many interesting folks. 'Special-ly the ALIENS."
Densra snorted and looked back at Alegro, "I dont get out much I guess, I dont think I'Ve eVer actuallY met a human before," he hummed and blinked thinking about it for a few moments, "I like Amalgama a lot more than I liked Alternia though, it Was aWful there," he shuddered
"Hm-m, I've heard. I'm from Beforus, so I CAN'T relate." He shifted in his seat, he didn't want to sound ungrateful with his next words, but it was important to be honest. Right? "I FE-EL like I SHOULDN'T have be-en on Beforus. It was to-o... boring there. At LEAST Amalgama is a mix of the peaceful AND dangerous." Alegro looked down and added, "I'm SOR-RY if I sound like a baby."
Densra gave him a look, "um no offense but, um, no" Densra snorted at himself mostly and put his face in his hands. God you fuucking idiot, "I'm sorrY I just mean, it Was bad there especiallY for loWbloods" he sighed, "maYbe Beforus Was boaring for You but Alternia is not the place You Want to be. Unless the kind of danger You look for is culling"
Alegro huffs, although the face he gives Densra isn't annoyed at all. Maybe a mix of amused and happy. He instantly decides this guy is cool. Dammit Alegro, you barely know him. Since when has that mattered? Cool. Fish. Dude. "I GUES-S you're RIGHT. Wel-l, I'm hap-py I live in Amalgama. If I had spent ONE more swe-ep on Beforus, I would've culled MYSELF." His eyes widen and he quickly adds, "N-NOT that I'm depr— it was a FIGURE OF SPE-ECH. I didn't MEAN it, sor-ry!" He laughs nervously and looks at the ground once again. Nice work! Dork.
Densra snorted and giggled, "oh mY gosh" he shook his head and gave him a genuine smile. This guy was nice and making him feel better, this was nice. "No I got What You ment dont Worry, I guess I feel the same about Alternia, there are some great people here" he set his hands on his lap, he looked at the garden. Somehow it made it here, he still didnt know if it was a good or bad thing.
Alegro giggled a bit at his own stupidly. Then, he changed the subject suddenly. "If you DON'T mind me asking, what's your name? Oh, I should say MINE-" He pauses for a second. To Densra, it would seem like he forgot his own name. Alegro was just thinking if this was a good idea. Maybe a little thinking is neccessary. Should he be getting all chummy with this guy? ...Who cares? Alright, thinking time over. "Alegro. I'm Alegro. Don't FORGET it!"
Densra watched him and tilted his head, he raised a brow as he wondered what cogs were turning in Alrgro's head. He leaned against the bench and smiled "I'm densra, it's nice to meet you alegro," he stuck his hand out to shake. "And I dont think I can forget You,"
Alegro took Densra's hand with enthusiasm and shook it. His face formed a wobbly smile. Partly because hand shaking seems so formal and weird, and the other because hand touching? That's kinda embarrassing? His cheeks would turn a light rust if he wasn't so calm and collected. He pulled his hand back and laughed somewhat awkwardly. "What, we've JUST met and I ALREADY made an imprint on your thinkpan? Is it a GO-OD one at least?"
Densra was use to the handshake, it was a formal greeting one he learned from a young age. He retured his hand to his lap and smiled. "Yes it's a good one. Being around You is putting me in a better mood, good energY arua or something like that," he joked before rubbing his eyes. He was beginning to get really tired, it's not like he could sleep anyway but its not compotlfortable either.
He covers his mouth and giggles again. "NO ONE has EVER complimented me on my ENERGY aura!!" He drops his hand to his side. "You're the FIRST. Can you believe that? Thanks, Densra!" Alegro's smile faltered a little. Sure, these two are strangers, but Alegro couldn't help but feel worry for Densra. Shouldn't he get some rest? Stay away from stress? Haha, good one Alegro. Add that rhyme to a song. His mind quickly wandered.
Densra snorted and laughed, "l dont knoW if it's a normal compliment but, Whatever, I think it fits," he looked at Alegro watching as he started to space out. He didn't want to interrupt him so he looked back out among the flowers. He felt his head start to drop, no no no, stay awake. He stared at the flowers trying not to let his body shut down.
He noticed Densra dozing off. Or, trying not to sleep? Why would he be struggling not to sleep? Is he that tired? "Hey... if you fe-el tired, you should just rest. Even if you can't get a ful-l sle-ep in, you're real-ly tired."
Densra looked over at him and reached up to tug the back of his hair. "No I'm fine just uh," Densra paused and tugged on his hair again, "I got distracted When You did," he chuckled nervously, letting his hand move back down to his lap.
"Densra, if we ONLY know each other for a couple MINUTES and I can STIL-L tel-l that you're tired, you ne-ed rest." Alegro's enthusiastic smile was replaced by a more gentle one. He seemed to really care about this. "I don't wan-na but-t into a STRANGER'S life or anythin', but it's a BIT wor-rying.
He sighed, I mean it wasn't like he was wrong. What the hell is he supposed to say, hes not gonna tell his life story to a stranger when he wont tell any of his quadrants or friends. "I'm just tired I'll be fine, I dont Want to go back to mY hiVe Yet." There that was inconspicuous, there could be hundreds of thousands of reasons he didnt want to go home.
Alegro sighed and nodded. He guesses he can understand that. But there's definitely more to it. Still, he isn't this guy's moirail or anything. Hopefully he has one. "Yeah, I'l-l get of-f your case about it. Don't wan-na RUIN your time here!" He laughed quietly. "Bad times SUCK. That's why I'm always so hap-py. I'm not go-od at being sad MYSELF, but helping people is awesome. I don't have MUCH of a problem with my OWN fe-elings."
Densra looked at him and narrowed his eyes, "please dont be offended bY this but people Who saY things like that usuallY arent in the best state, sure Your okaY?" Desnra sat back up after realizing he was hunched over, mind your manners god. "But if I Want You off my case maYbe I shouldn't get on Yours." He shook his head "sorrY"
Alegro looked confused for a second and then his eyes widened in realization. He waved his hands out of dismissal. "OH- no! I'm total-ly fine! I have NOTHING to wor-ry about, genuinely! That DID sound like I'm not okay, but I am!" He laughed in amusement. "I don't fe-el COMPLICATED emotions al-l that much. Only, like, the BASIC things."
Densra shrugged, "I guess I'll take Your word for it" he chuckled and leaned against the bench again, fuck posture. He rubbed at his eyes, he was fine he could stay awake for a bit longer.
"Hey, I've be-en OUTSIDE for a while. I'm get-ting tired MYSELF. But you se-em real-ly co-ol!" He smiles at Densra. Then he gets an idea and clasps his hands together excitedly. "Do you use Trol-lian?? Would you like to STAY in contact? It's okay if you AREN'T, but it's be-en nice to talk to you!"
Densra started to stand, "Yeah I do, You seem cool, might be fun to talk and stuff, I can give You mY handle" Densra cracked his back.
"Awesome!" Alegro stands up too and looks at Densra. He rubs the back of his neck. "Ah... you should give me YOURS first. Mine is sil-ly. I mean, it fits ME, but it's sil-ly."
Densra snorted "Well mine Is stupid, I made it up When I Was like 5 sweeps, but I'll go first" he blushed a bit, he reallY should change it, but he's had it forever. "gregariousMaster" he rubbed the back of his neck.
Alegro had a completely straight face for a couple moments. After reaching his apparent conclusion, he smiled. "I don't know what those words mean." He laughed and shook his head. "At least they ARE words! When I mes-sage you, it'll be SO obvious it's me. I don't know WHEN I made my handle, but it was PROBABLY when I was already MATURE. Or, at least, MY standards of mature."
Densra laughed, "dont WorrY about What it means, it's a secret," he joked, "I guess I should get going then," he looked at Alegro "um You'll teXt me I guess?"
Alegro nodded so quickly that his vision blurred for a second. He blinked a couple times and held a thumbs up. "Yep! As so-on as I can! I hope we'l-l make AWESOME friends in the future!" He, in the most carefree manner, alluded to future events. As a (technically) seer would. "You're al-l right, Densra."
"Thanks, you arent so bad Yourself, goodbYe alegro," he took his cloak off and walked to the edge of the garden. His fins flitted and he waved to Alegro before hopping into the water.
Alegro waved back, a little too late. He stood in high spirits, looking at the spot where the sea dweller disappeared. He didn't think about anything but how happy he was to make a new friend. Any doubts about Densra's intentions? If they'll stay in contact? Nope. Only the fact that the fuchsiablood is hella cool. Alegro walked home in the same high spirits, repeating Densra's handle in his head over and over. He would, surprisingly, end up remembering the handle and adding Densra later on. For now, he walked home with nothing but a handle (and a very tired fish) on his mind.
Scene End


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