gregariousMaster + helminthicEdge

In DMs, Not that long ago
gregariousMaster [GM] has begun trolling helminthicEdge [HE]
GM: Karzlo I need your help with something extremely important and I think it might interest you as well so I need you to come to my hive now
HE: What isss it... I am busssy... Asss alwaysss...
GM: look I can't tell you over messages please I know your busy but just please Karzlo
HE: Sssigh... Thisss better be worth my time,,, Densssra...
HE: Can't you come here inssstead...
GM: It is extremely worth your time please just hurry
GM: no I can't and you'll see why when you get here
HE: Fine... Sssee you sssoon,,, you beacon of incccessssssant disssappointment...
helminthicEdge [HE] has ceased being trolled by gregariousMaster [GM].

helminthicEdge [HE] has started trolling gregariousMaster [GM].
HE: Densssra... Are you at the sssite of the upcoming ccceremony...
GM: I'm in the church right now
HE: Very well... Sssee you sssoon...
helminthicEdge [HE] has ceased trolling gregariousMaster [GM].

gregariousMaster [GM] has begun trolling helminthicEdge [HE]
GM: you knoW What's really annoying
HE: Yesss... You...
GM: okay fuck you first of all
GM: second of all no
GM: It's that stupid idiot honest death
HE: Yesss... I am well aware of how annoying death isss... You know how I feel about it...
GM: No I mean the, not death itself like
GM: theres this guy with honestDeath as his handle
GM: and he's just- he's such an idiot
HE: I sssee... How ssso...
GM: he Went to Elodies hive tWice after she said she Wanted to eat his flesh
HE: Ah... Ssso he isss thisss foolisssh human I've heard ssso much about...
HE: How doesss thisss relate to me at all...
GM: It doesn't I'm just stressed I don't know
GM: so much has happened in the past four days
HE: Well... I sssupossse I ressspect the fact that you chossse to put your ssstressssss towardsss annoying me... Inssstead of bringing it up with that asssinine bronzzzeblood you've been ssseeing...
GM: you don't even knoW him
HE: I know enough... The manner with which he conducted himssself at the funeral wasss... Embarassssssing...
HE: To sssay the leassst...
GM: he Was just trying to make me feel better Karzlo
HE: Intent doesss not matter... He behaved in a foolisssh manner... I am disssappointed in you for being with sssomeone ssso obviousssly intellectually ssstarved...
HE: But then again... I am alwaysss disssappointed in you...
HE: Ssso what did I exxxpect...
GM: not everyone knoWs how to act at fancy events and just- it was stressful he's not stupid.
GM: shouldn't you be happy noW I'll spend less time taking you away from your work
HE: I sssuppossse.. But I enjoy our conversssationsss... In the sssenssse that I hate them with every fibre of my being...
GM: yeah Well you don't have to insult other people
HE: And you do not have to be sssuch an incessssssant pain in my assssss... And yet... Here we are...
GM: yeah Well you're a pain in my ass too
HE: Yesss... Not quite asss much asss I would like to be... But I digressssss...
HE: Isss he your matesssprit...
GM: yes he is
HE: And how long did it take for thisss commitment to form...
GM: 4 days
HE: And thisss doesssn't ssseem like an issssssue to you...
GM: Well I like him and you have to start someWhere
HE: You trussst him already...
HE: Ssseems... Idiotic...
GM: he's sWeet and he cares about me
HE: Doesss he... Or isss he ssseducccing and manipulating you becaussse of your posssition of power...
HE: I do not trussst him... You ssshould not trussst him either...
GM: I barely have a position of poWer as is, but I do trust him
GM: plus you are a mad fucking scientist and you're my other quadrant
HE: I am perfectly sssane,,, Densssra... I do not sssee your point...
GM: sane my ass
GM: you've got problems
HE: Not assside from my nonsssensssical desssire to keep ssspeaking to you...
GM: outside of that you do too, you are kind of a nutcase
HE: Exxxplain...
GM: you do Weird ass science eXperiments on people. you have like one mood pissed off
HE: That isss the mood I have when you are around,,, yesss...
HE: My exxxperimentsss are for the betterment of trollkind... You know thisss...
GM: doesn't make them any less craZy
HE: They were not crazzzy to begin with... Ssso I sssupossse not...
GM: they really kind of are and their weird
HE: They are ssstrange to you because you lack all appreciation for the sssccciencccesss...
HE: Your insssignificant mind could not possssssibly begin to comprehend the magnitude of my ssstudiesss...
GM: oh please,
GM: I understand that they are important but it doesn't change the fact that they are Weird
GM: stop calling me stupid
HE: Ssstop quessstioning my sssanity...
GM: fine
GM: you're sane
HE: Yesss... I know...
GM: you are also a fucking asshole
HE: Sssubjectively... Yesss...
GM: not subjectively you are just an ass
HE: No,,, it isss very much sssubjective...
HE: Jussst asss you could find sssomeone who could actually put up with you...
HE: Even though it isss far more likely that he isss usssing you...
GM: I don't think he is
HE: Wissshful thinking... Typical...
GM: Well at this point if he's using me I don't really care
HE: That... Isss pathetic...
GM: yeah I knoW
HE: And you are sssatisssfied with allowing yourssself to ssstoop ssso low...
GM: I'm lonely
GM: I'm just lonely
HE: Are you presssently alone...
GM: yes Why?
GM: Want to rub it in my face
HE: I wasss wondering if you wanted to come over and argue in perssson...
HE: Your grating voiccce hasss not harrassssssed my ears in too long...
GM: I guess it has been a while
GM: yeah I'll be over soon
gregariousMaster [GM] has ceased trolling helminthicEdge [HE]


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