Karzlo's Hive 1} Densra and Karzlo

Densra played by Kiwi, Karzlo played by Link
Densra arrived there after getting ready. He stood in front of the door for a second before knocking. He looked at his feet and wiggled his toes under his shoes
Karzlo opened the door and gestured for Densra to enter, leading him to the living room where two freshly-poured cups of tea were set out. Karzlo took a seat and looked at Densra.
"Densssra... Sssuch a dissspleasssure to sssee you,,, asss alwaysss..."
Densra crossed his arms and plopped down beside him. He pivoted a bit to face him "yes displeasure to see you as well" you could see the bitemark on his shoulder from the way he was sitting
Karzlo took a sip of his tea before he caught a glimpse of the bite mark, and leaned in closer to inspect it.
"What isss the meaning of thisss..."
Densra leaned back "What is the meaning of What?" He didn't realize what Karzlo was talking about and his fins flitted. He narrowed his eyes and crossed his arms
Karzlo placed his cup down, an angered expression growing on his face.
"Sssomeone bit you..."
Densra's face flushed "Wha- I" He looked away from Karzlo "It-" He reached up to touch it with his hand. His face was bright pink.
Karzlo took a hold of Densra's hand and moved it off of the bite mark. "Exxxplain yourssself immediately..."
Densra tried to pull away his hand "It's-" his face was the color of his blood at the moment. "He's a rainboW drinker" He mumbled trying to pull his hand away again.
"Densssra... You imbecccile...", Karzlo growled, gritting his teeth, "How could you be so utterly moronic... You met him a handful of daysss ago and are now comfortable with the fact that he drinksss your blood... He isss usssing you..."
Densra deflated a bit "He-" He ran a hand through his hair and looked down at his lap "He's not using me"
"Of courssse he isss usssing you... Your blood makesss you a target to people like him... I sssuppossse he confessssssed hisss love to you and you immediately allowed him to drink from you,,, then..."
He moved in closer, imposingly staring Densra down.
Densra tried to move back again but he was at the end of the couch. Densra didn't respond he just stared at his lap trying to avoid Karzlo's glare
"Asss ssstupid asss you are,,, you ssstill dessserve much better than to be usssed by him..."
He placed a hand on Densra's face, turning his head to face his angered glare.
Densra met his glare with a sad look and he messed with the hem of his skirt. "It Was just- it Was nice feeling like someone loved me,"
Karzlo sat back, retreating his hand to hie lap, and his expression softened slightly.
"There are other waysss to be loved,,, Densssra... To sssubmit yourssself to a manilulative rainbow drinker isss not the right courssse of action..."
Densra sighed and looked at his lap. He twisted the rings on his fingers. "I really am pretty pathetic aren't I"
Karzlo paused for a second, taking a silent breath and looking forward at the coffee table.
"Densssra... I think too highly of myssself to let myself be in a kisssmesssisssssship with someone genuinely pathetic... Which is why I am ssstill with you..."
He looked at Densra out of the corner of his eye.
"I label you pathetic becaussse I utterly dessspissse you... Not becaussse it isss true..."
Densra looked back at him and smiled he sat silent for a minute "dont go getting soft on me" he joked and leaned on the armrest of the couch. That genuinely made him feel better. "I hate you too"
Karzlo picked his tea back up and took a sip. He gestured to the other cup in front of Densra.
"Sssweet berry flavour... Sssomething for an unrefined pallette sssuch asss yoursss..."
Densra rolled his eyes at him. "Pardon me for not liking bitter things" he grabbed the cup and drank some of it before leaning back against the arm rest.
Karzlo's scowl lessened slightly into what could almost be misconstrued as a smile. He put a hand on Densra's lap.
"I don't like ssseeing you ssso missserable,,, Densssra... It makesss me pity you... And I do not reap attraction from pity..."
Densra looked at him and he sighed "Like I said before everything is just so fucking insane right now" He leaned against the couch. "I'm sorry-" He ran a hand through his hair
"Yesss... Thingsss have been unusssually ssstressssssful... It isss not entirely your fault..."
He sat back in the chair and took a sip of his tea, removing his hand from Densra's leg.
"You need to find the ssstrength to pusssh through..."
"I knoW" He finished his cup and set it down on the table. "I'm trying I am" he crossed his legs and leaned his head back. "fucking- ugh"
"I know you are,,, Densssra..."
Karzlo looked at Densra out of the corner of his eye, sipping his tea.
"Thingsss may ssseem bleak... But you will inevitably triumph... I will sssee to it..."
Densra brushed his bags out of his face and he snorted. "Thanks, KarZlo" He sat back up and turned his face to him "You are still aWful and I hate you with every fiber of my being though."
"Of courssse,,," Karzlo said, looking at Densra as a slight smile made its way onto his otherwise stoic expression, "I would exxxpect nothing lessssss from you,,, your royal idiocccy..."
Densra rolled his eyes playfully and gently kicked Karzlo in the leg, "Fuck you, you overgrown weed," He knew it was bad but it didn't stop him from saying it
"Watch your tongue,,, you loathesssome sssack of worthlessssss matter..."
Karzlo placed his cup down on the table. He stared at Densra, a rising fury kindled in his eyes.
"like I'd listen to you," His eyes narrowed into a glare and he sat up a little straighter. He uncrossed his legs. "and I can't see it it's in my mouth."
Karzlo scowled and leaned towards Densra slightly. "Then I sssuppossse I will have to watch it for you... Sssinccce you are... Utterly incapable..."
Densra shoved his shoulder, "Shut up you arrogant prick,"
Karzlo grabbed Densra by the shoulders and angrily stared at him, their faces an inch apart.
"Make me,,, you insssufferable bassstard..."
Densra growled at him and grabbed one of his wrists and attempted to pry it off though it was no use. He bit Karzlo's cheek after not being able to budge his wrist.
Karzlo sighed, showing no physical reaction to the bite.
"You were sssupposssed to kissssss me,,, you romantically ssshit-brained buffoon..."
Densra pulled away from his face and blushed. "Oh," He looked at Karzlo for a moment before leaning in to actually kiss him this time instead of being a fucking idiot.
Getting tired of Densra's shit, Karzlo pushed in to kiss him, grabbing one of his wrists.
"Ssstill a terrible kisssssser I sssee..."
"Fuck you you asshole" Desnra shoved at his shoulder again and balled the hand Karzlo had into a fist. "Like you'd even know"
Karzlo pushed the fuchsiablood onto his back and kissed him, cutting off his last word.
"I don't need a control to determine the missserable quality of your kissssssesss... And yet..."
He kissed his kismesis again.
Densra kissed him back angrily and tried to sit up on his elbow which again useless endeavor. He was so awkward at this and he tried to find a position to set his legs.
Karzlo put a hand around the back of Densra's head, lightly pulling his hair between his fingers.
"I have sssomething of a remedy for this ssstressssss you've been exxxperiencccing..."
Densra looked at him hissing slightly at the hair pulling "Yes and what would that be" He huffed out just setting his feet down on the couch instead of holding them idly
"Do I really need to ssspell it out for you,,, you typhlotic imbecccile..."
He released his grip on Densra's wrist and moved it down his cheek, pressing against him.
Densra blushed starting to catch on to what he meant. He looked at Karzlo with his mouth agape. "I- you mean What I think you mean right"
"I would never equate my thoughtsss to yoursss,,, Densssra... But yesss... Do you accccccept..."
Densra's face turned bright Fuchsia. He bit his lip and took a moment to think about it before slowly nodding "Yes- I do"
"Ssso,,, you are capable of making good decccisssionsss... In that cassse..."
Karzlo deeply kissed the annoying bastard he was on top of, as the room faded to black. Weird - there must have been a power outage or something.
Scene End


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