Irmano's Cave 1} Irmano alone

Irmano played by Leng
Irma leaned on a tree outside his hive. He'd finally had enough of getting walked up on in the middle of the forest. Though really this was not where he wanted to be at all.   He lingered out there for a while, summoning the energy to deal with it. He hadn't been home since the merge... maybe 6 years would be enough to wipe the feelings from the air.. cleanse the place with time...   If only it cleansed his stupid brain too, that'da been nice. 'alright jackass, stop being a little shit and go inside.' He tried to motivate himself.   It wasn't working.
After a few hours of 'resting' by the tree, Irma finally sucked it up and made his way to the door on his hive. Six years was too long to be such an idiotic wimp about this.   It was half open already, but he wasn't really shocked by this. He'd never really closed it when he left. He wondered is anyone had come by and look inside. The open door suggested no one had, and no one had made it their home in that time either. He didn't blame them, it was a shitty cave with a shitty door stuck on it. He'd had a real hive once, but it had been destroyed long before the merge, and he'd been too lazy to get something better than this at the time.   He paused at the door, not opening it the rest of the way. He could just walk away and get a new hive again. He didn't really have to come back here... did he? He could live in the sewer or catacombs, and pretend he wasn't going to get murdered in his sleep by Smiles.
Irmano smacked himself and opened the damn door. Various cave critters scampered away from him as he shuffled through what remained of his hive. The place was barely livable, most of his furniture had started to rot away or get carried off in bits by forest critters.   Of course his lusus hadn't kept it clean. He'd lied to Pixzie about it waiting for him, worried. It wasn't home, nor did it worry about anything anymore. Being eaten by Lutonk's lusus and all... He suposed it was fair, his lusus had killed those of most of his friends before The Merge. He wasn't sure why he'd lied to Pixzie about it, honestly. Maybe he was trying to convince himself everything was fine and he should go home. Must have worked because here he was.   "heey haaliieen loong tiimee noo seeee." Irma spoke to the figure seated on the remains of his couch. He flopped down onto the couch, that luckily didn't give way under the force of him, and leaned back. The pile of bones didn't respond, though being jostled did make it fall over to the side, scattering bots of forearm all over the floor. "yeeaah ii doont waannaa haang oouut wiith mee eeiitheer" He commented, as if the bones were trying to get away from or ignore him, mostly to not have to sit in silence. "thaanks foor waatchiing my plaacee foor mee."
To be Continued...


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