Campsite 2} Irmano and Versie

Irmano played by Leng, Versie played by Halfheart
Irma had managed to get back to seep after the other two finally left. The fire had died down to embers, but at least there wasn't a human sleeping there distracting him, so he didn't really need it that much.
Versie would be walking in the forest, moving at a steady pace. They seemed to be deep, deep in thought, their blue eyes turned downward, their face twisted into concern. They seemed not to realize that they'd stumbled upon a campsite as they paced.[/container]
The sound of someone nearby woke Irmano up. He slowly opened his eyes, thinking the other two had come back. He watched as yet another stranger wondered into his camp, he really should have put more thought into choosing its location.   Irma watched passively as the new troll paced around, not bothering to move at all as they walked right toward him. Either they would notice and avoid him, or they wouldn't. He should move.. but that was work.. also it would be funny to him if this new person tripped over him.
Suddenly, Versie noticed the fact that they were in the middle of a camp.... and that there was a troll right in front of them. Immediately stiffening and backing up, their words caught in the back of their throat. They looked rather scared by the sight of another troll. "..................Oh dear."[/container]
Irma kept his hands behind his head and yawned. "weell yoouu gooiing too siit aaroouund aand buug mee too? fuuck ii shoouuld liikee chaargee aadmiisiioon."
The Blueblooded musician backed up "...........Of course not, sir. Had I known you were here I would've certainly left sooner!"
They backed up a little further, looking back and forth. "......I really should be taking my leave, now!"[/container]
Irma shrugged and closed his eyes. "yeeaah maan fuuck ooff buut fiirst tooss aa feew stiicks oon the fiiree thaats yoouur fee maan" Hey, it worked with the other two, might as well see if he can get away with it a third time.
"................uh, sure." They said. That couldn't be that hard, right? And it was always better to avoid conflict... quickly the Blueblood had done as told, and was quick to begin fleeing the scene. It was odd how hasty they were.[/container]
Irma tensed up as the Indigo ran. Dammit why did they have to run? He struggled against the instinct to chase them down.   "sloow doown or yoouull triip" he called after them. "iill fuuckiin laauugh iif yoouu doo"
They seemed to stop dead in their tracks. They looked back at him, a mix of concern and confusion. "..........and why would you care?" Their tone wasn't bitter, but almost a genuine question.[/container]
"iim juust thaat kiindaa guuy" he lied and considering making the effort to move his foot away from the fire, he must have shifted toward it while he slept. But he decided against it, it could wait till his guest was good and gone.
"sweeeeteest daamn guuy yoouull eeveer meeeet"
"..................I'd doubt that." The nervous Blueblood said. They were rather passive, and they weren't all too good at picking up tone, but they could manage themself well enough to know that he was lying.[/container]
"heeh heeh heeh" Irma chuckled. "mee too maan"
He finally gave in and moved his foot away from the fire. He sat up and stretched, he'd had his arms behind his head for hours and was stiff.
"heey goot aany fooood oon yoouu oor aanythiing?"
"............Ah... I have bread and fruit." They said. It seems like they'd been planning to spend some time by themself out here. Then again, they spent time by themself all the time.[/container]
"bleeh soouunds liikee shiit why caant yoouu haavee liikee faast fooood oor soomeethiing" he rolled his eyes and leaned against a tree, sitting up on his own was tiring. "weell yoouu guunaa shaaree oor whaat?"
The troll sighed and walked towards him.
".........I don't buy fast food. It's rather unhealthy. Besides, I haven't had it before so I wouldn't know what to expect." They opened up their small bag to reveal a few assorted fruits, all sliced, and some nice looking bread, cut unevenly.[/container]
"noot eeveen sliightly aanooyeed?" Irma huffed and crossed his arms. "beet ii coouuld deemaand yoouu feeeed mee aand yoouud doo iit"
The troll nodded. "'s better to avoid conflict than try to argue with someone." They said calmly. "............Besides, it's not like I have anything better to do here."[/container]
"shiit maan yoouuvee goot soomee meegaa paatiieents thaats aaboouut thee eeffoort iivee goot iin mee" He sighed and held a hand out "weell aatleeaast ii geet freeee fooood oouut oof iit"
Versie sighed and handed him some of the fruit. It was wrapped in some kind of cloth and was rather fresh, still. "..............I don't really know why I came out here at all. I mean, I don't get out often, but I was out of ideas and I thought this would help."[/container]
"ooh maan yoouuree noot liikee saad aaree yoouu? shiit maan soorry" He took the fruit, made a face, and shoved it into the mouth all at once. Irma choked a bit as he tried to get it down with minimal chewing.
"geeh.. cough heey maan hoow croowdeed iis thiis fooreest?"
"..........I'm not sad, sorry if it came off that way. I'm simply out of inspiration. And it's not... crowded. If it were I would've gone home by now." They said, taking a peice of the bread, eating it carefully.[/container]
"ooh iinspiiraatiioon huuh? doont knoow aanythiing aaboouut thaat maan soorry glaad yoouur noot saad thoouugh."
They nodded. "I need some kind of inspiration for this composition I'm working on." They finished their bread slowly. It seemed like they ate carefully... meticulously. As though they were worried about something happening if they didn't.[/container]
"iinspeeraatiioon noo iideeaa whaats thaat liikee wheeree yoouu uusuuaally geet thaat?" Irma closed his eyes again and yawned. "wheen iim booreed ii geet oon trooliiaan maaybee thaat woouuld woork?"
"...................Trollian? I have it but I don't think I have any messages on there." They said calmly, picking up one of the fruits. ".........I'm not in contact with many people, anyways."[/container]
"theey haavee liikee puubliic chaats aan shiit noow gooood foor soomee iinteertaaiinmeent peepeeooplee theeree aaree hiilaariioouus"
" maybe I'll join one." They said calmly. "...........Then again, maybe I won't." The well-dressed blueblood sat there, looking around occasionally. They seemed to be suspicious of almost everything, keeping their distance from Irmano even when they were speaking to him. They didn't want anything bad happening.[/container]
"eeh doo whaat yoouu waant maan ii doont caaree" Irmano folded his hands over his stomach and slouched down a bit more.   "buut caan yoouu liikee staay oon thee oappaosiitee siidee oof thee fiiree iif yoouur guunnaa haang oouut aan waatch mee sleeeep toooo"
Versie nodded, gathered their things, and stood up. "..........Well, this has been..... fun. But I should be going. Thank you for your company."
And with that, they had left.[/container]
"yeeaah maan aany tiimee." Irmano chuckled as his guest left


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