PM1 pt.13} The Red Sea

convolutedTactitian played by Evan, crimsonFallen played by King, caligulasAquarium played by Dodo, planetsCollide played by Jiro, cuttlefishCuller played by Jiro
crimsonFallen [CF] has joined the memo
CT: Now I know I have done nothing but barge in on this chatroom, but I will admit I still do not truly understand how your so called 'quirks' work.
CT: Are they assigned at birth? Developed over time? Do you guys typically change them as you get older?
CT: I am able to admit I am at a complete loss.
CF: Mortal, unable to understand the inner workings of angels, hah! Most typical. Our Quirks are something unique to us that we choose.
CT: Pardon me, but I have absolute no clue what in the absolute most heavenly shit you are talking about.
CA: jegus ANOTHER one
CA: wwhere are all a you pinkies comin from this is startin to get out a hand uncomfortably quickly
CA: inner wworkin a angels
CA: mortals
CA: all this comin from a teal good grief
CA: if that praise i wwas gettin before wwas a fevver dream ivve noww officially entered a fevver nightmare
CA: nobody a your caste should have the globes to speak in such an audacious fashion
CT: It seems that this chat is home to both sides of the batshit insane spectrum, which usually means there's a good range in sample size but it also comes with an accompanying headache as a side effect.
CF: BLASPHEMY FROM A NONBELIEVER! Thou art unable to understand the utter POWER AND GENIUS OF THE CRIMSON ANGEL OF JUDECCA! I expected more of you, Wizard of The Red Sea!
CT: I take back all my prior statements. There is absolutely no upside to this.
CF: My attention is not directed to you, General Des Kaiten of The Dark Army
CA: holy hell this periwwinkle prick has lost his gogdamn pan
CA: howw is evverythin you are sayin gettin more an more outlandish its like youre aggresivvely tryin to one up yourself wwith how much youvve lost it
CA: i mean if youre peggin ME a all trolls as fuckin WWIZARD then clearly your pan isnt screwwed in straight [section:violet]CA: safe to say that anythin that comes clamberin out a your bellowwious piehole is completely disregardable after that blunder a yours
PC: oH MY GoD.
CT: You sound like my lowlife Uncle trying to force me into another one of his poorly written D&D plots it's almost uncanny.
CT: Now I know I pride myself in my ability to deduce meaning and reason behind words and difficult situations, but nothing could have prepared me for this.
planetsCollide [PC] has ceased responding to the memo.
CF: Your words do nothing to asway my knowledge of your position, Great Wizard of The Red Sea. I will keep your secret from these mortals, but know the Day of Reckoning close approaches, and thine powers will be needed for The Great Resurgence.
CT: Part of me wants to ask what in god's name you're talking about but the other part of me wants to leap out the nearest window.
cuttlefishCuller [CC] has started responding to the memo.
CC: S)(ello!
CA: this wwhole memos givvin me a headache- oh hell
CA: fef wwhat are you doin comin here at a time like this
CC: Oh, s)(ello -Eridan. I didn't expect you to bay )(ere.
CF: Hail, Princess of The Red Sea, bringer of Light and Endless Sleep.
CT: Now I'm going to take a shot in the dark, just an absolute wild guess here based off of no information whatsoever.
CT: You are a seadweller.
CT: Now I bet you're wondering, how could I have come to such a conclusion based on such little information and only around 30 fish puns?
CT: Well of course, I like to keep my secrets.
CA: yeah i wwasnt expectin to see your lovvely fuchsia text greetin me at the current moment but here wwe both are
CA: this guys a fuckin lunatic by the wway dont take anythin they say seriously hes been ramblin about assinine bs the wwhole time hes been here
CA: an i guess this other ones a real smartass too
CA: bunch a numptish thinskins an a pystoic teal arent makin for a swwell envviorment all things considered
CT: Your words are so kind. Look at me, I'm practically swooning over here.
CF: an astute observation, General Des Kaiten. Thou art as knowledgeable as I had predicted, you will do nicely in assisting with The Resurgence.
CC: -Eridan are you being casteist again or are t)(ey reelly like t)(at?
CT: Is it possible to be both? I think he's multitasking being a prick and being completely accurate in his deduction of this other guy being an absolute tool.
CA: howw in gogs name can i be casteist towwards humans fef noww youre just gettin on my case for no good reason
CA: just read up a bit an see for yourself the midbloods been ramblin like this the entire time i couldnt frame this guy wworse then hes already makin himself out to be
CA: can it pink flesh you got no business critizin a troll a royal blood such as myself
CF: They mock my knowledge as The Crimson Angel of Judecca, Princess of The Red Sea.
CT: You contradicting yourself is incredibly amusing to me.
CT: My 'flesh' isn't even really pink.
CC: Okay i kinda sea w)(at you're talking aboat.
CF: Even you, Humble Princess? My red breast burns with the shame of knowing the Princess who has stolen the hearts of the entire Red Sea could be so cruel to one of her own, not to mention her best Heavenly Knight! It is I, Princess, The Crimson Angel of Judecca! Dost thou not recognize?!
CA: yeah see im not pullin your fins here the memos a real loony bin tonight for wwhatevver reason
CA: at least our lowwbloods had the decency not to be entirely crazed an completely detached from reality but i suppose this embarrassment a the broodin caverns cant evven manage that kindness for us
CA: an look i knoww you humans come in a couple a different shades but you expect me to knoww wwhat skin youre wwearin wwithout seein you its not like your kind has the decency to type in their familiar hues
CC: -Eridan!! T)(ats kinda rude. >38|
CF: Et tu, Wizard of The Red Sea? I expected your resistance, but not to this degree. Thou hast injured my eye, and now my pride?
CT: "What skin I'm wearing" isn't a phrase I ever thought I'd have to hear so honestly I can't even be mad.
CT: At least we can all agree that this other guy has transcended all reason. Is he another one of those roleplayers? Do they expect us to just join in as if we were in kindergarten again and get on all fours and run around like horses?
CA: its not bein excessively rude if im just puttin the facts out in plain vvieww im just statin the truth a the matter is all
CA: an evven though your heinous comments are makin my fins curl wwith distaste i am wwillin to agree this other guys on a wwhole nother levvel a delusional
CA: if you dont wwant me to point out your long series a glarin flawws continually at least stop callin me slanderous titles like wwizard a the red sea
CA: im not a wwizard here im a vviolet blood an you should be showwin me the respect i deservve
CC: O)( my cod.
CT: I disagree you should go along with it.
CT: Go on, get out a wand and pull a rabbit out of your hat.
CT: Note: Send a video of you doing so.
CT: I'd be thrilled.
CF: Ah! Thou art still putting on your guise of royalty, oh Wizard of The Red Sea. Dost thou not remember using your devine magic to cast me down after my betrayal to The Princess of The Red Sea? General, you were there on that holy day of Reckoning. None of you longer need to put on your guises of normalcy.
CA: im sorry but wwhat on amalgama are you evven tryin to express at this point
CA: im seriously havvin trouble discernin any sort a tangible meanin from the vveritable stream a vvomit thats been emergin from your blehblooded mouth the wwhole time youvve been saunterin around the memo like a drunken pirate
CA: i got no clue wwho youre evven supposed to be an for the last time im not a wwizard i dont givve a shit about any a that magical wwishwwash so stop peggin me as the sort a person wwho wwould care
CA: jegus this is a wwreck an a half maybe id be better off acceptin my loses an just wwaitin trough the trip in silence
CC: O)( my cod, -Eridan! W)(y in t)(e everloving glub are you so rude!!!
CF: Thine spirit has fallen, oh great Wizard. I doubt the Princess will accept you or your manners in this sort of state. Mayhaps you should clean your swill of a mouth, before broaching the subject of flush with The Great Princess?
CF: Thank you for your concern, great Princess, but thou does not have to defend mine honor. That is my job, as your heavenly knight.
CT: What kind of love triangle is he writing you guys into? I mean, not that I read romance novels but I'm thrilled to see where this is going.
CF: Oh Heavenly Father, that is blasphemous! Great General, I harbor no romantic feelings for The Princess of The Red Sea, thou shouldst know that by now.
CA: seriously fef you cant be doin this are you not seein howw this assblood keeps tryin to slander me
CA: ugh you knoww wwhat forget it a course youre on my case wwhy am i evven surprised about it
CA: this wwhole convversation is servvin to do nothin but sour my mood an id rather not be feelin crummy wwhile im tryin to pry info out a rezi
CA: you havve fun flarpin or wwhatevver it is you think youre doin but im takin no part in it
CA: someone a my standin has no right to be sassed in such a blatantly disrespectful fashion
caligulasAquarium [CA] is now idle
CF: I shall begin preparing my hive for a magical attack shortly, I believe I've angered The Great Wizard of The Red Sea.
CC: I dont know water to bay upset or not t)(at )(e left, 38(
cuttlefishCuller [CC] has ceased responding to the memo.
CT: He's mad now, probably going to go angrily saw a man in half and reveal that he's still alive after or maybe tell you to pick a card and get it right.
CF: I wish a restful slumber to you, Princess of The Red Sea.
CF: I believe it is only you and I now, General of The Dark Army.
CT: How lucky am I.
CT: Listen, I came here to ask about the etymology of your quirks.
CT: Now after hearing all of this I can only imagine you don't have much information to offer me on that subject- at least not in a way I don't have to run through 5 translators.
CF: Ah, I forget, as a mortal, you know nothing of the inner workings of The Holy Race. Quirks are something we think up on our own, and are kept all through the years, as a symbol of individuality. Does that satiate your hunger for knowledge, General?
CT: That was...
CT: Shockingly thorough.
CT: Note: Expect the unexpected.
CT: I suppose that was sufficient enough, yes thank you very much.
CF: Your thanks will come in your continued protection of The Holy Race via your protection of The Kingdom of The Red Sea, General Des Kaiten.
CT: And you've lost me again, I should have been timing because that has to be a record in how swiftly someone shifted from reasonable to completely off the tracks. Not only are you off the tracks, but I could argue the train at this point has changed into a locomotive capable of off-roading and is now on a quest to find a new civilization.
CF: Thine jesting is getting tiresome, General. Dost thou truly not remember your role?
CT: I see someone took the Shakespeare unit in the eighth grade.
CT: Well I'm already this deep in, I guess I can afford to make a sub category in today's daily analysis to try and puzzle out what you could possibly be going on about.
CT: I've started a timer to figure out just how long it takes me to regret engaging in this stupidity. Go on, tell me what my role is.
CF: Thou HAST forgotten! That will not do, here. Arrive at this location promptly, and we will make merry, like the days of old!
crimsonFallen [CF] has shared his location
CT: Geezus, you just doxxed yourself I
CT: I'm actually shocked, but not braindead enough to meet up with a stranger I met on the internet who is evidently is an absolute nutcase.
CF: I AM NOT IDIOTIC ENOUGH TO REVEAL MY HIDE! That is the location to a public park.
CF: Or, as it is correctly called, The Merryment Palace.
CT: Awful, you're suggesting that not only should I meet up with you but I should go outside?
CT: While usually I would leap headfirst into this exciting opportunity I am going to have to firmly decline as much as it pains me to do so.
CF: Thou does not have the option to refuse! Arrive there, or I shall reign holy justice down upon you!
crimsonFallen [CF] has ceased responding to the memo
CT: Is this a threat?
CT: Wait please clarify.
CT: I am requesting clarification.
CT: Geezus.
convolutedTactician [CT] has ceased responding to the memo


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