arsenicCatnip [AC] has begun responding to memo
AC: :33< *ac smiles at all of the activity on the memo and quickly pounces on the nearest fish*
TA: hey ac
AC: *the huntress smiled in the direction of the buzzing bee* hi pawlux!!!!
GC: H1 N3OP3T >:]
CA: im not MAKIN MOVVES on a GOGDAMN TREE its not evven alivve you cant woo a tree it cant speak or muster any sort a reaction to your attempts at flirtin wwith it
CA: i dont havve conflicted romantic feelings for some termite infested bark covvered shithole of a hivve an im sick a evveryone sayin i do
CA: surely you got some other jokes to make here im almost startin to think goin back to havvin evveryone rag on me about my lack a quads wwas better then this
GC: TR33S 4R3 4L1V3 D1PSH1T
AC: :33< *the huntress smiles in redglares direction* hehe hi furrezi!!
AC: :33< *the huntress gently pokes at dualscars eyes* hi purridan!!
CA: quit pokin at my eyes i knoww you got better wways a greetin people
CA: an i knoww theyre livvin in that sense but not the wway that matters
AC: :33< *the huntress smiled and stuck her tongue out at the violet* oh come on purriden play along pleaaaaseeee
TA: ii mean ii 2aw you wiith the tree ed
TA: yeah iit wa2 pretty bad
TA: hey ac
AC: *the huntress smiled in the direction of the buzzing bee* hi pawlux!!!!
GC: H1 N3OP3T >:]
CA: im not MAKIN MOVVES on a GOGDAMN TREE its not evven alivve you cant woo a tree it cant speak or muster any sort a reaction to your attempts at flirtin wwith it
CA: i dont havve conflicted romantic feelings for some termite infested bark covvered shithole of a hivve an im sick a evveryone sayin i do
CA: surely you got some other jokes to make here im almost startin to think goin back to havvin evveryone rag on me about my lack a quads wwas better then this
GC: TR33S 4R3 4L1V3 D1PSH1T
AC: :33< *the huntress smiles in redglares direction* hehe hi furrezi!!
AC: :33< *the huntress gently pokes at dualscars eyes* hi purridan!!
CA: quit pokin at my eyes i knoww you got better wways a greetin people
CA: an i knoww theyre livvin in that sense but not the wway that matters
AC: :33< *the huntress smiled and stuck her tongue out at the violet* oh come on purriden play along pleaaaaseeee
TA: ii mean ii 2aw you wiith the tree ed
TA: yeah iit wa2 pretty bad
cuttlefishCuller [CC] has started responding to the memo.
CA: no you did not noww youre really goin out a your wway to try an slander my name makin up stories about wwhat i did
CA: an no im not feelin too keen on your roleplayin right noww not that i evver am but im especially not in the mood wwhen these three dirt snorters are gangin up on me like this
TA: hey ff
CA: oh gog wwhy
CA: wwhy in gogs name do you havve to showw up noww
CC: -Eridan w)(at.
AC: :33< aw come on no fun, *the huntress smiles and pounces on the new purrson that arrived in the chat*
AC: :33< hi fefurry
CC: S)(ello Nepurrta!!! 38)
AC: :33< will you play with me!
CA: fef you got to back me up here theyre sayin i got a flushcrush for rezis hivve again
CC: If i )(ave time to i will!!
CC: I kinda want to sea w)(at -Eridan is on aboat.
SI:I Could AC
CC: W)(ale you do, -Eridan
AC: :33< *the huntress sighs and curls up in the corner of the memo to draw*
SI: ThOugh I haVenT "RP" BeFORe , hOPe ThaT dOesnT maTTeR
AC: :33< *the huntress smiles and gently licks redglares face* thank you furrezi
CA: forget it im not dealin wwith this
CA: i knoww youre gonna keep throwwin this vvile slander my wway but im sure as hell not stickin around just to be the object a all a your collective scorn
CA: an no im not feelin too keen on your roleplayin right noww not that i evver am but im especially not in the mood wwhen these three dirt snorters are gangin up on me like this
TA: hey ff
CA: oh gog wwhy
CA: wwhy in gogs name do you havve to showw up noww
CC: -Eridan w)(at.
AC: :33< aw come on no fun, *the huntress smiles and pounces on the new purrson that arrived in the chat*
AC: :33< hi fefurry
CC: S)(ello Nepurrta!!! 38)
AC: :33< will you play with me!
CA: fef you got to back me up here theyre sayin i got a flushcrush for rezis hivve again
CC: If i )(ave time to i will!!
CC: I kinda want to sea w)(at -Eridan is on aboat.
SI:I Could AC
CC: W)(ale you do, -Eridan
AC: :33< *the huntress sighs and curls up in the corner of the memo to draw*
SI: ThOugh I haVenT "RP" BeFORe , hOPe ThaT dOesnT maTTeR
AC: :33< *the huntress smiles and gently licks redglares face* thank you furrezi
CA: forget it im not dealin wwith this
CA: i knoww youre gonna keep throwwin this vvile slander my wway but im sure as hell not stickin around just to be the object a all a your collective scorn
caligulasAquarium [CA] is now idle
SI: The gameR aLso PLomPs hImseLF down nexT TOO Fhe hunTRes
TA: iima play 2ome viideo game2 peace out
TA: iima play 2ome viideo game2 peace out
twinArmageddons [TA] has ceased responding to memo
CC: Aw man.
CC: T)(ere goes two of my favourite fronds. 38(
EC: This memo is chaos.
AC: :33< heheh hi si welcome to the drawing party *the huntress smiles at si*
CC: T)(ere goes two of my favourite fronds. 38(
EC: This memo is chaos.
AC: :33< heheh hi si welcome to the drawing party *the huntress smiles at si*
cuttlefishCuller [CC] has ceased responding to the memo.
EC: Well, aren’t you precious?
EC: I have stayed here the entire time in hopes of seeing others act dumb.
EC: I have stayed here the entire time in hopes of seeing others act dumb.
gratefullNana [GN] began responding to the memo
GN: Hello! How has all your days been today? I know mine has been fantastic! My plants are doing quite well
EC: Oh, it seems I forgot to leave.
EC: Oh, it seems I forgot to leave.
enviousCrow [EC] has ceased responding to memo.
celestialGuardian [CG] has begun responding to the memo.
CG: i ssuposse i can ssay hello for once in my life sso hello
GN: hello!
GN: its always nice to see people try to become more social you know!
CG: they sshouldnt be ssocial these days
CG: but thatss just me
CG: i rather sstay in my hive to play my gamess
GN: they should though! Being social at a young age is something I wish I did, make more long lasting friends
CG: i could live without it
CG: but each their own you |{now
CG: it be blisss if i could sstay curled up in my hive it would be perfect...
GN: hello!
GN: its always nice to see people try to become more social you know!
CG: they sshouldnt be ssocial these days
CG: but thatss just me
CG: i rather sstay in my hive to play my gamess
GN: they should though! Being social at a young age is something I wish I did, make more long lasting friends
CG: i could live without it
CG: but each their own you |{now
CG: it be blisss if i could sstay curled up in my hive it would be perfect...
collectionsUnit [CU] has connected to the memo!
collectionsUnit [CU] has ceased responding to the memo
SI: Can we geT a quIRk TRansLaTOR FOR ThaT LasT PaRT?
SI:dO TheY mean PaILs? I ThInk ThaT was suPPOsed TO saY PaILs. BuT mandaTORY PaIL gaTheRIng sTOPPed beIng a ThIng a whILe agO
NV: wtf iis aa paauul theen?
SI:maYBe IT's a OLd ChaT BOT RhaT wasnT deLeTed? ThOugh I'm nOT suRe whY a BOT wOuLd haBe a quIRk, esCPesIaLLY a quIRk ThaT COuLd Pead TO IT BeIng made Fun OF. I guess we wILLl haVe OuR answeR In ROughLY TwO ROTaTIOns.
SI: Can we geT a quIRk TRansLaTOR FOR ThaT LasT PaRT?
SI:dO TheY mean PaILs? I ThInk ThaT was suPPOsed TO saY PaILs. BuT mandaTORY PaIL gaTheRIng sTOPPed beIng a ThIng a whILe agO
NV: wtf iis aa paauul theen?
SI:maYBe IT's a OLd ChaT BOT RhaT wasnT deLeTed? ThOugh I'm nOT suRe whY a BOT wOuLd haBe a quIRk, esCPesIaLLY a quIRk ThaT COuLd Pead TO IT BeIng made Fun OF. I guess we wILLl haVe OuR answeR In ROughLY TwO ROTaTIOns.
conspiracistAccelerator [CA] has connected to the memo!
CA: /_\ new proud troll. /\ just moved into city. /\ looking for hive to st/\y /\t. /\ h/\ve noble c/\reer to p/\y bills. /\ no hum/
s. /_\
s. /_\
blazingSunrise [BS] started responding to memo.
BS: sht dude, welcome to the big city
BS: im boutta spit a bitta litty sht to invigorate your ttys
BS: little gritty wit to split your bits out the cockpitty, yuh
BS: sht, every time i hit the skit that shit be fittin like a fighter in a pit, ay
BS: you know what i say
BS: anyway
BS: is it true that no humans are allowed, fck man its about time someone took a stand against those fleshy freaks
CA: /_\ yes. /\ i do not underst/
d. /\ most of this. /\ /\m otherwise gl/\d on your st/
d t/\king st/
ce. /\ gl/\d to see i /\m not the only troll here. /\ who remembers what it me/
s to be /\ troll. /_\
BS: im boutta spit a bitta litty sht to invigorate your ttys
BS: little gritty wit to split your bits out the cockpitty, yuh
BS: sht, every time i hit the skit that shit be fittin like a fighter in a pit, ay
BS: you know what i say
BS: anyway
BS: is it true that no humans are allowed, fck man its about time someone took a stand against those fleshy freaks
CA: /_\ yes. /\ i do not underst/
d. /\ most of this. /\ /\m otherwise gl/\d on your st/
d t/\king st/
ce. /\ gl/\d to see i /\m not the only troll here. /\ who remembers what it me/
s to be /\ troll. /_\
syntheticRebirth [SR] has started responding to memo.
BS: fck yeah man trollkind all the way
BS: i love trolling, its in my disgusting red blood, ya dig
BS: i troll every single day, fck man im trollin right now
BS: not because i can, but because i must
BS: nice triangles by the way, that sht is lookin sharp as fck
SR:~Rotten smelly punks~ ~What you have against humans?~ ~The great Roza asks~
CA: /_\ it is good. /\ th/\t you /\re "trollin" right now. /\ bec/\use you must. /\ troll pride is dying. /\ we must m/\ke it live. /_\
CA: /_\ th/
k you. /\ i do not often recieve tri/
gle complements. /\ unfortun/\tely. /_\
CA: /_\ /\s for you. /\ if you c/
t underst/
d. /\ why someone would be /
ti hum/
. /\ then you /\rent a re/\l troll. /_\
BS: yeah dude clearly youre not a real troll like cmon
BS: any troll worth their slime knows that humans are the real bad guys
BS: bein all not bloodthirsty n sht, its a crime
SR: ~Lovely compliment~ ~But just like your ugly face~ ~Your triangles are shit~
BS: ooooh
BS: okay man ive gotta give one point to the fake troll on that one
BS: your triangles are a little sht
BS: like they dont even have one of the faces
BS: theyre fckn biangles
BS: who the fck ever asked for a biangle
CA: /_\ yes. /\ yes. /\ yes. /\ many right things. /\ s/\id in /\ row. /\ good. /_\
CA: /_\ you however. /\ /\re s/\ying wrong things. /_\
CA: /_\ you cl/\im my f/\ce is ugly. /\ /
d yet. /\ you c/
not see my f/\ce through text. /\ /
other hum/
lie. /_\
SR: ~Stupid and wrong, BS but~ ~You're musically inclined~ ~I give you a pass~
CA: /_\ /
d my tri/
gles. /\ /\re re/\lly good. /\ th/\t we /\ll know. /_\
CA: /_\ w/\it wh/\t. /\ you just s/\id. /\ my tri/
gles /\re good. /_\
CA: /_\ wh/\t h/\ppened /_\
BS: holy sht, guys, the great roza just gave me a pass
BS: dreams really do come true
BS: well yeah man they are good theyre just kinda sht at the same time
BS: its the biangle dichotomy
BS: theyre really fckn wicked biznasty out the rear end, til you start thinkin about em
SR:~I can see your face~ ~it looks like this / \ hahaha~ ~So gross and pointy~
CA: /_\ i do not underst/
d. /\ is it /\ yes or no on tri/
gles. /\ ple/\se /
swer. /_\
CA: /_\ my f/\ce is not /\ tri/
gle. /\ the tri/
gles /\re the symbol. /\ of the re/\l government of /\lterni/. /_\
CA: /_\ you would try. /\ to p/\int it /\s such. /\ /\s ugly. /\ when they /\re cool. /\ hum/
. /_\
BS: yeah human what the fck is up with that
BS: you got somethin against biangles
BS: the audacity of people these days, man
CA: /_\ i forgot /\ line. /\ on one of those tri/
gles. /\ ignore it. /\ i do not know how to fix it. /\ dont let it sour your view. /\ of them. /\ the tri/
gles. /_\
SR: ~Ah your dreams are sweet~ ~Sadly its a one time pass~ ~Next one is full price~
CA: /_\ th/
k you. /\ m/
. /\ however. /\ it is spelt tri/
gle. /\ ignored this until now. /\ i /\sk you to fix it. /_\
CA: /_\ this is /\ memo. /\ for trolls. /\ le/\ve. /\ hum/
. /_\
CA: /_\ however to you. /\ my fellow trolls. /\ /\ssist/
ce is required. /_\
CA: /_\ h/\ve no residence. /\ need shelter. /\ /\g/\in /\sk for help. /\ it will be p/\id. /\ with money. /_\
SR: ~Genetically~ ~To make you suck somewhat less~ ~I will alter you~ BS: sorry dude, ive already got one wild animal crashin at my place, two is just too much ya dig
BS: but its all good, looks like the great roza is about to cast a magic spell on you or somethin
BS: so you wont have to worry about a thing
SR:~Magic's for wigglers~ ~I'm going to hunt you down~ ~And science your ass~
BS: oh no i am so scared
BS: syke
BS: im not scared at all, everyone knows science isnt real like cmon man you really think you can get me with that sht
BS: whatre you gonna do, magnetise me
BS: or will it be something else equally fictitious
CA: /_\ let /\ human. /\ /\lter me. /\ th/\t is de/\th. /\ hum/
is trying to mess with thinkp/
. /\ m/\ke me comply. /\ i will not be. /_\
CA: /_\ BS. /\ you dont underst/
d. /\ SR has /
nounced. /\ their intention to kill me. /\ /
d turn me into /\ hum/
liker. /\ which is wh/\t they do. /\ to trolls who dont comply. /\ which i wont. /_\
CA: /_\ you should. /\ be sc/\red. /\ science is re/\l. /\ it h/\s proven that hum/
s /\rent. /\ but. /\ they /\re still d/
gerous. /\ so be sc/\red. /_\
SR: ~You suck, but thanks, CA~ ~Being seen as a human~ ~It brings me great joy~
CA: /_\ you /\re f/\ke. /\ but you're welcome. /_\
SI:IF IT makes YOu FeeL BeTTeR SR, I VIew YOu aS a human
BS: so wholesome, you three warm my bloodpusher
BS: ive gotta go do important troll sht though
BS: you know how it is
BS: peace
BS: i love trolling, its in my disgusting red blood, ya dig
BS: i troll every single day, fck man im trollin right now
BS: not because i can, but because i must
BS: nice triangles by the way, that sht is lookin sharp as fck
SR:~Rotten smelly punks~ ~What you have against humans?~ ~The great Roza asks~
CA: /_\ it is good. /\ th/\t you /\re "trollin" right now. /\ bec/\use you must. /\ troll pride is dying. /\ we must m/\ke it live. /_\
CA: /_\ th/
k you. /\ i do not often recieve tri/
gle complements. /\ unfortun/\tely. /_\
CA: /_\ /\s for you. /\ if you c/
t underst/
d. /\ why someone would be /
ti hum/
. /\ then you /\rent a re/\l troll. /_\
BS: yeah dude clearly youre not a real troll like cmon
BS: any troll worth their slime knows that humans are the real bad guys
BS: bein all not bloodthirsty n sht, its a crime
SR: ~Lovely compliment~ ~But just like your ugly face~ ~Your triangles are shit~
BS: ooooh
BS: okay man ive gotta give one point to the fake troll on that one
BS: your triangles are a little sht
BS: like they dont even have one of the faces
BS: theyre fckn biangles
BS: who the fck ever asked for a biangle
CA: /_\ yes. /\ yes. /\ yes. /\ many right things. /\ s/\id in /\ row. /\ good. /_\
CA: /_\ you however. /\ /\re s/\ying wrong things. /_\
CA: /_\ you cl/\im my f/\ce is ugly. /\ /
d yet. /\ you c/
not see my f/\ce through text. /\ /
other hum/
lie. /_\
SR: ~Stupid and wrong, BS but~ ~You're musically inclined~ ~I give you a pass~
CA: /_\ /
d my tri/
gles. /\ /\re re/\lly good. /\ th/\t we /\ll know. /_\
CA: /_\ w/\it wh/\t. /\ you just s/\id. /\ my tri/
gles /\re good. /_\
CA: /_\ wh/\t h/\ppened /_\
BS: holy sht, guys, the great roza just gave me a pass
BS: dreams really do come true
BS: well yeah man they are good theyre just kinda sht at the same time
BS: its the biangle dichotomy
BS: theyre really fckn wicked biznasty out the rear end, til you start thinkin about em
SR:~I can see your face~ ~it looks like this / \ hahaha~ ~So gross and pointy~
CA: /_\ i do not underst/
d. /\ is it /\ yes or no on tri/
gles. /\ ple/\se /
swer. /_\
CA: /_\ my f/\ce is not /\ tri/
gle. /\ the tri/
gles /\re the symbol. /\ of the re/\l government of /\lterni/. /_\
CA: /_\ you would try. /\ to p/\int it /\s such. /\ /\s ugly. /\ when they /\re cool. /\ hum/
. /_\
BS: yeah human what the fck is up with that
BS: you got somethin against biangles
BS: the audacity of people these days, man
CA: /_\ i forgot /\ line. /\ on one of those tri/
gles. /\ ignore it. /\ i do not know how to fix it. /\ dont let it sour your view. /\ of them. /\ the tri/
gles. /_\
SR: ~Ah your dreams are sweet~ ~Sadly its a one time pass~ ~Next one is full price~
CA: /_\ th/
k you. /\ m/
. /\ however. /\ it is spelt tri/
gle. /\ ignored this until now. /\ i /\sk you to fix it. /_\
CA: /_\ this is /\ memo. /\ for trolls. /\ le/\ve. /\ hum/
. /_\
CA: /_\ however to you. /\ my fellow trolls. /\ /\ssist/
ce is required. /_\
CA: /_\ h/\ve no residence. /\ need shelter. /\ /\g/\in /\sk for help. /\ it will be p/\id. /\ with money. /_\
SR: ~Genetically~ ~To make you suck somewhat less~ ~I will alter you~ BS: sorry dude, ive already got one wild animal crashin at my place, two is just too much ya dig
BS: but its all good, looks like the great roza is about to cast a magic spell on you or somethin
BS: so you wont have to worry about a thing
SR:~Magic's for wigglers~ ~I'm going to hunt you down~ ~And science your ass~
BS: oh no i am so scared
BS: syke
BS: im not scared at all, everyone knows science isnt real like cmon man you really think you can get me with that sht
BS: whatre you gonna do, magnetise me
BS: or will it be something else equally fictitious
CA: /_\ let /\ human. /\ /\lter me. /\ th/\t is de/\th. /\ hum/
is trying to mess with thinkp/
. /\ m/\ke me comply. /\ i will not be. /_\
CA: /_\ BS. /\ you dont underst/
d. /\ SR has /
nounced. /\ their intention to kill me. /\ /
d turn me into /\ hum/
liker. /\ which is wh/\t they do. /\ to trolls who dont comply. /\ which i wont. /_\
CA: /_\ you should. /\ be sc/\red. /\ science is re/\l. /\ it h/\s proven that hum/
s /\rent. /\ but. /\ they /\re still d/
gerous. /\ so be sc/\red. /_\
SR: ~You suck, but thanks, CA~ ~Being seen as a human~ ~It brings me great joy~
CA: /_\ you /\re f/\ke. /\ but you're welcome. /_\
SI:IF IT makes YOu FeeL BeTTeR SR, I VIew YOu aS a human
BS: so wholesome, you three warm my bloodpusher
BS: ive gotta go do important troll sht though
BS: you know how it is
BS: peace
blazingSunrise [BS] ceased responding to memo.
SR: ~The greetings are over~ ~So what are you guys up to?~ ~Other than sucking?
SR:~Oh crap gotta go~ ~The nerd is fussing again~ ~Can't handle this much~
~Blah blah blah blah blah~ ~'Stop steeling organs Roza'~ ~What a pester nag~
SR:~Oh crap gotta go~ ~The nerd is fussing again~ ~Can't handle this much~
~Blah blah blah blah blah~ ~'Stop steeling organs Roza'~ ~What a pester nag~
syntheticRebirth [SR] has ceased responding to memo.
SI:I'm quITe suRe ThaT Is ILLegL.
fandomLoveRr [SR] began responding to the memo
FR: glub glub!!! Hello everyone!!
FR: you know it's a wonder to me that people exist out that that limit themselves to what they can watch
FR: you know it's a wonder to me that people exist out that that limit themselves to what they can watch
fandomloveRr [FR] has ceased responding to the memo