Reef 1} Nate and Densra

Nate played by Marcy, Densra played by Kiwi
Nate would sit on his raft? Tube and wonder how he got here, the boy was making beats how did he end up in the ocean. All he has is his phone and two 40s and some duct tape. So... In a bid to save him self the only way he knows how... He duct taped both of the bottles to his hands and would just sit.   "I'm Edward 40 hands." He spoke with a tiny bit of a slur but he was coming down slowly.
Densra had decided to sit on the pouch after that memo because now he was just feeling worse again. he dipped in the water and swam around by the bottom for a while because the water always made him feel better. He popped up after a while and was very close to Nates raft which made him jump. He stared at him silently
"Yo is that the squid again, Hi squid!" Nate would wave the closed bottle in his hand at the ripples of where Densra was... not seeing that Densra was very close to the raft itself. He would then take a swig from the open bottle in his hand and then would lay down again.
Densra blinked and watched him for a second. "I'm What?? I'm not a squid I'm a troll What are You doing out here?" He kept himself above the surface curiously staring at him.
"oh! I thought you were that squid guy... they were really cool." Nate would look over the raft down at Densra. He had a big goofy grin on him and duct tape on his chin. "I don't know actually... I just was like... at my house... then boom. Here."
Densra raised an eyebrow. How were you just at your home and then suddenly on a raft in the ocean. "Um how did that even happen," Densra sunk so under his nose was below the water because he wanted to breath with his gills for whatever reason.
"Honestly... I don't know man." Nate would have to ponder for a minute... how did he even get out here. He seemed to look like a scholar looking over old texts but the bottles taped to his hands ruined that look. "I think I... I wanted to... go to the beach and the riptide got me out here."
He bobbed back up above the water, "Okay but why do you have bottles on your hands??" He put his elbows on the raft so he didn't have to paddle his feet.
"Um... Hmm... I think it was a safety thing." Nate would then take a swig of one of them and then would think on what he ate that morning. "I was just talking on a memo, there was this one person who was mean to fushica? Pink? And I was like... chill out bro."
That did not make him any less confused. "Hey wait I was just on that memo I don't remember anyone telling me or CC to chill?" Densra looked at him.
"Wait... what about... huh..." Nate would look at the bottles in his hands and then would say. "I have no idea whats going on man. Uh... nice weather we are having!" Nate would give Densra a big smile and then would try to get off the bottles and failed... he wasn't very agile.
Densra watched him for a second before reaching up and removing one of the bottles. He sighed and made sure to set it on the raft in a place where it wouldn't roll off. "nice Weather"
The bottle would spill but Nate wouldn't care, he would have a extremely huge smile on his face. "Thanks! My hands were tied a bit..." Nate would use his now free hand to take off the empty bottle... he was now longer Edward 40 hands. "So... do you have anyway to get back to the shore?"
Densra groaned and rolled his eyes "Yes but I'd have to take the raft most of the way." He grumbled and started kicking his feet to get it to move. It's better than his hive so I don't know why he's complaining.
"Hey man... you are pretty cool... just don't stab me... I got stabbed recently and I'm supposed to be resting to be honest.' Nate admitted this in the most serious tone he could muster as he laid down on the raft... looking up to the stars.
Densra started getting him back to the shore. "If I Was going to stab You I Would haVe done it alreadY." He was just kicking his legs but the raft started to move.
"Man, just making sure. Man... I've had a wild few weeks, this isn't even the worse thing. My brother went and... oh can't talk about that... I went off a roof into a pool with a skateboard! That was sick." He seemed fairly chill and was glad that the bottles were out of his hands, every so often they would clink together.
Densra listened to him "Yeah I've had a rough couple of Weeks so I get it," he looked at the raft and kept kicked, "skateboarded in a pool huh"
"Yeah, fucking wild. I went right into it and there was cheer... it was epic." Nate would boast about this, like doing this made him cool and somehow made him a better artist.
Densra shook his head and snorted "Wait aren't You supposed to be relaXing because of the getting stabbed?" He looked at Nate.
"Well... yeah. Man, I am bad at following instructions. Like I'm not even supposed to be out here." Nate would scratch his chin and then would realize that he was... hurting quite a bit. "Ow... yeah I am going to feel this a lot in the morning."
"WhY don't You rest??" Densra asked him still swimming there because well what else was he going to since he had to get Nate to the shore.
"Sure... why not..." Nate would answer him as he stared at the empty bottles. He felt like there was a problem with what he was doing but he could not put his finger on it. "Names Nate, Nice to meet you."
"no I ment WhY don't you rest, like apposed to going out and making it Worse?" He asked shaking his head "Densra"
"Hmm, I think its because I hate being cooped up man. I gotta do stuff, I'm not like my older brother who can just stay in his room all day working on fancy stuff and playing Yugioh. I got to be in the moment." Nate would admit this as he would lightly tap the bottles with his foot. Not liking how they looked.
"Well if You rest You Would get better and then You Would be able to go out and do stuff and You Wouldn't get be hurting Yourself more. He said sighing "Your brother Would Want You to be resting, maYbe You should take Walks insted of ending up in the middle of the ocean"
"True but I honestly forgot how I got out here. But thats my fault." Nate would shrug as he would put his legs over the side of the raft. "I'm not used to you guys being nice, mostly my brother is able to get a nice response from you guys. I normally just make you guys angry."
"What like trolls in general or highbloods?" Densra asked
"Highbloods? Highbloods. Yeah you guys straight up hate me." Nate would laugh at all of the times that he had to make a break for it because he annoyed some highblood. He was often saved by Jarv but if he ever told those stories to anyone, he'd lie and say he saved himself.
Densra sighed "I don't really feel the same WaY other highbloods do about life so I don't hate You. I am mildly annoYed because I am roWing You back to shore but thats about it." He looked up at the stars again and hummed
"Oh that makes sense man, but at least you have something to do? But yeah... I find the ocean calming. Even though its full of monsters now, which sucks but eh." Nate would surf all the time, it was a thrend tradition and the family were all natural surfers. Nate was the best however, he could be a profesional if they still did it but he really liked skating over surfing though.
"They aren't monsters," Densra said shooting him a glare "They are like your parents but for us, they are nice and do a lot"
"Can I be honest with you." There was a edge to his voice, something that wasn't there before. "I saw one of those things tear apart my mother, so don't tell me they aren't monsters." The fun loving guy seemed gone for a second as he stared off into the sky. He then would turn back to the bottle and would pick one up. The beer was bitter, and lukewarm, he still drank what was left in it anyway.
"And I'Ve seen humans tear apart other humans so if all lusi are monsters because one did a bad thing then WhY am I helping You." Densra snapped back. After a moment his tone softened. "I'm sorrY about Your mother but trolls lusi are important to us and mY lusus Would neVer do somthing like that. He's a simple fish."
"I don't know man, I am just so... bitter about all of this." He would motion around at everything as he held that bottle in his hand. "I used to be the king of the world, I was cool and I was just coming up on soundcloud. Man I just got a jig and then... all of this. I'm sorry that I made the sterotype that all lusuii are monsters but I miss my mom and... god I'm ranting and I'm not even happy about it." He didn't seem to be an angry drunk, he was set off and staring into the bottle, looking at that bronze liquid. He then would drink it again and hated its taste.
Densra kept bringing him back to the shore. "Yeah it's a lot, and I get it Your mom ment a lot to You. I just here humans all the time Who harm lusi and call them monsters and it's just upsetting I guess because it makes me worrY mY lusus could get killed or somthing"
"You shouldn't worry about humans trying to kill your Lusus, they aren't that strong to be honest nor do they have weapons to do so. And they don't have the guts, most of us just run, like myself." Nate would try reasure Densra and tell him that humans weren't really scary but one thought was dragging at him. "Okay, that was kind of lie. Some are that strong... most of them just hide among us though. So you'll never know who it is. But you are strong so you'll be fine."
Densra laughed at that and snorted "Yeah sure I'm fucking strong," He stopped paddling because he started laughing so hard. "You are hilarious."
"Yeah... funny." Violet blood... tons of it... there was regret in his voice. God, what did he turn his brother into. "You'll be fine man, don't worry about being hurt by humans. They can't fight worth anything." That look... god that look. He had never seen Jarv like that. What did he do?
They were getting closer to the shore and Densra hopped onto the raft after one last kick. He was dripping wet but he didn't feel like kicking his legs anymore.
Nate would offer Densra the bottle, even though he knew trolls don't get drunk on beer, it just seemed like the nice thing to do. "Want some?"
He scrunched up his nose and shook his head "um no thanks I dont like beer"
"That's fair... Tastes bad." Nate would just look at the shore line and smile. "thanks for bringing me ashore."
Densra nodded "Yeah Would You be more careful though rest up Your stab Wound and stuff please"
"Will do... my handle's CalucatedPoltics, if you want to message me." Nate would chuckle and then would grab both of the bottles so they weren't clinking around.
"I'll think about it" Densra rolled his eyes. He looked at the water and kicked it with his foot. He hummed and sat as the raft went in and landed on the beach.
"Thanks man." Nate would nod to Densra and would stumble out of the raft, it was obvious he was in some pain but he kept on going. Looking terrible, but thats a Thrend for you.
Densra watched him and raised an eyebrow "Are you gonna be okaY? Like getting home and stuff?" He asked Nate and cringed
"Oh yeah I'll be fine, I've hurt worse!" Nate would wave at Densra and give him a big smile as he kept on going.
Densra watched him for a while before wading back into the ocean. He swam back to his hive.
Scene End


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