Theatre 2} Alegro and Densra

Alegro played by CC, Densra played by Kiwi
Alegro arrived at the movie theater a couple minutes earlier than he and Densra agreed upon. He got ready too early, so might as well. He didn't want to end up being late or something. Alegro had chosen this specific theater to go because of the movie selection. Looking at the currently playing list, you could instantly tell there's a selection of both human and troll movies. By the titles. Outrageously long titles compared to outrageously short. The variety makes this become Alegro's favorite place to visit. Plus the super comfortable chairs are RAD. Human movies are way different than troll movies. Except for the romance ones. God, it's crazy how they don't have quadrants since the romance movies are so convoluted anyways. After getting bored of waiting for Densra (it's been like two minutes), Alegro bought a snack. Just a candy bar, nothing special. He'll decide on the popcorn and soda once Densra gets his opinion in. He sat in a seat near the entrance, waiting for his date. Uhh, platonic date.
Densra had been fusing for way to long already and he knew it, he let out a loud groan. God you dont have time for this Densra. Deciding on a nice but not too formal skirt and a half sleeve shirt. He also had jewelry on, but he always did so wasnt that unusual He threw the cloak over everything, and wanted to slap himself. The whole outfit was covered anyway. "Fucking" he covered himself and made his way out, and then to the location Alegro told him. He was covered as he looked around, upon seeing the rust he quickly made his way over. "heY alegro it's me" he looked at him from under the cloak. He messed with his fingers under the cloak a bit nervous, he still had no idea what kind of date this was.
Alegro looked up at the covered fuchsiablood. He stood up and stretched. "Glad you made it! I was get-ting a lit-tle ANTSY, but I KNEW it'd be okay." *He lifts up the hood of Densra's cloak, just enough to see his face clearly. Alegro smiles and lets the hood fall back down over Densra's face. He steps a bit away from the other, glancing at the pictures of the movies available. * "Wan-na pat me down for weapons? M'co-ol with it. I haven't decided on the SNACKS or choice of movie yet. Wanted to SE-E if you had a sug-gestion."
He looked Alegro and blushed when his cloak was lifted up. He wiggled his toes in his shoes, still messing with his fingers. "sorrY I'm late I Was being fussY" he blushed darker "You can pick and stuff but I'm What humans call a Vegetarian, just I don't eat meat. Also I belieVe You're unarmed." He chewed on his lip "also um You, Well You...You said this Was a date....and I um didn't knoW if You ment date date or?"
His expression quickly changed to confused, trying to remember if he said some bullshit on a whim. A date? Sounds like something he would say, yeah. Shit. He probably freaked Densra out a bunch. Why doesn't he think about what he does? At all? "Oh, I'm super sor-ry if I scared you or something! Uh, you don't GOT-TA think of it as a date! We're al-l friendly n stuf-f, right? It can... I don't know, be a FRIENDLY date? If that's what you're COMFORTABLE with? I don't mind how you view it. We talked a bit, and I ALREADY think you're PRET-TY cool..." He smiles and scratches the back of his neck. Alegro looks as carefree as always. He's a little flustered, though.
Densra nodded and he giggled "sorrY I Was just confused um friend date Works. You're reallY cool too," he looked at the movie posters. "Human moVie titles are so Weird ill let You pick" he started to walk over to the door.
"You don't have a FAVORITE kind of movie?" He raised his voice a bit so Densra could still hear. "Don't wan-na pick somethin' you'l-l have NO interest in." Alegro looked at the snack counter and looked at all the available options. "Is popcorn 'veh-ge-tarian'? Or soda? Do you have a FAVORITE soda?" He stopped talking as he realized his mouth was running for too long. And that he's really intent on not ruining this "date". He tried telling himself it'd be fine, but the nervous thoughts kept surfacing. When was the last time he was this anxious?
"Yeah popcorn doesnt haVe meat in them." He looked around and shrugged "I dont knoW I'm sure I'll like Whatever You pick. I dont Watch a Whole lot of moVies and stuff," he looked at Alegro, he stared to stare just a bit. Is this weird, Densra you are being weird. He blushed a bit but decided to just keep looking at him for some reason.
Of all things, Alegro is oblivious to the staring. He smiles at Densra and walks to the snack counter, asking for a large soda and a bag of popcorn, big enough for both of them to share. Or for Alegro to steal. Whatever comes first. He pays for the food and looks at Densra again. "You okay with a MYSTERY movie? Those se-em FUN. Mysteries are FUN." No, he isn't being awkward. This is how Alegro talks.
"Oh I could haVe paYed," he looked at him and rubbed his arm, should have offered first dingus. "But Yeah mYsterY moVie sounds lovelY" he chuckled and played with his fingers again. "I like surprises ...sometimes."
"Man, get USED to me being the stub-born one. You would NOT have paid." He walks over and hands Densra the soda, says "hold this" and gets the tickets for the movie, popcorn held in one hand. "Mystery movie time, BABY!" He laughs and walks back to Densra's side. "It's a HUMAN one, by the way. I think it'll be MORE mysterious with ALIENS."
Densra held the stuff and looked at him "Alegro I reallY could haVe paYed" Densra frowned, he has so much money that just sits. Someone else paying for him just makes him feel like hes a peice of shit. "I brought mY moneY for a reason, but Yeah aliens" he snorted
"Still stubborn. I CAN cal-l in a favor from you at some point in exchange, if that makes you fe-el BET-TER." He nods to the doors that lead to the hallway with the movies playing. "Wan-na START walkin' over there? We got some time to KIL-L, but I like the previews."
"Alright alright I'll take What I can get I guess," Densra nodded back at him and started walking. "If I can sit doWn," he joked and smiled "preVieWs sound nice"
"Awesome!" He walks along with Densra, eating a little bit of popcorn. He looks at Densra, tilting the box slightly towards him. "Popcorn? I MIGHT eat it AL-L. Be WARNED." Alegro smiles, probably joking. Maybe.
Densra snorted and giggled "I'll Watch out, but You did paY for it," Densra stuck his tongue out from under the hood. Densra opened the door to the theater with his foot, and then waited for Alegro to walk in.
"O-oh, what a GENTLEMAN. Thank you KINDLY, sir!" Alegro winked and walked in the door, smiling while looking around the room. This is his favorite place to relax. Even more so with a guy he likes! A guy. He likes. Platonically. Yep, that's correct. "C'mon, it's COM-MON knowledge the BEST seats are in the middle. CAREFUL, don't step in any spil-led drinks or food."
He snorted again and followed Alegro to their seats. He sat down and set the drink in one of the cup holders. He looked around the theater and took a moment to decide weather or not he should take his hood off. He figured it was dark enough, and he didnt see anyone suspicious. He slowly took his hood down and his fins wiggled.
He waddled through the tight space between the rows of chairs, somehow expertly avoiding the sticky spots on the floor. Movie enthusiast, huh? He plopped down in a comfortable seat next to Densra and put the bag of popcorn in his lap. He looked at Densra and scanned his face. Alegro's smile being clear, even in the darkness of the theater. "Final-ly, the ho-od is OF-F. I was wor-ried I was gon-na walk around the WHOLE time with a MYSTERIOUS cloaked dude. Actual-ly, kinda co-ol now that I think about it. But I'm stil-l hap-py to se-e your face."
Densra took some of the popcorn and munched some. Wow that tasted good, he took another handful. Densra looked at the soda, wait he only got one didnt he, that ment... His face turned red, why was he getting so flustered. "I dont Wanna be noticed. But happY to see Yours too," his fins flitted
"My face was ALREADY fre-e to view. You're just PLAIN complimenting my face." Alegro snaps two finger guns at Densra accompanied by, you guessed it, a wink. "I don't blame ya'. Aren't I AL-L kinds of handsome?" He laughed and put his hands down, shaking his head. "I'm kid-ding. Not about the HANDSOME part, but the weird FINGER GUNS part."
Densra snorted and covered his face. He was giggling like an idiot over this now, got why is he so funny. "okaY but Your face is nice" he whined when he said that "not What I meant" he dropped his hands looking embarrassed again. "You are handsome okaY just leaVe it at that" oh god Densra what is wrong with you, do you not remember anything about how troll interaction works.
He just looked at Densra for a moment, his smile not fading. He can sense that Densra is feeling awkward. Well, not sense, more like it's very super obvious. Alegro gave Densra a pat on the shoulder. "Ahaha, chil-l out. This is a 'date', remember? It isn't WEIRD if I said that you're handsome." He let his hand linger for a moment before sliding off. When Alegro said 'date', he put emphasis on the word to remind Densra that it doesn't have to be genuine. "Want to SMO-OTH it out? You're pret-ty handsome YOURSELF."
Densra looked at him and he felt the hand on his shoulder. His already pink face got pinker and even through the dimly lit theater you could tell. "sorrY I'm, this is neW" he bit his lip "Well not neW, um I guess I'm reliVing it," he messed with his skirt. People are hard, seashells though seashells are easy, "We need like an icebreaker or something" he suggested.
"Hmm... an icebreaker." He glances at the big movie screen, and then just as quickly looks back at Densra. "Previews ARE stil-l playing... have any icebreakers you know?"
Densra huffed and tought for a second before looking back at Alegro, "kinda hoping You'd be mY knight and shining armor for coming up With something," he joked and smiled "maYbe like 20 questions, I knoW its cheesy but it Works?" He shrugged
"Haha, I'm cool with twenty questions. O-oh, ask ME first! I've never played it, but I GET how it works. I just answer WHATEVER questions you ASK, right?" He leaned his arm against the armrest, careful not to tip the (untouched) soda.
Densra nodded, "Yes but We go back and forth, like you ask a question I ansWer I ask a question You ansWer like that I guess." He shrugged and snorted "I mean We are the onlY tWo plaYing so Who cares if We get it Wrong,"
"Oh, co-ol! Then, YOU'RE stil-l starting." Alegro removed his weight from the armrest and sat up straight. He took some popcorn and glanced again at the screen. Just a trailer for a new troll movie. Is the announcer saying the title or— yeah, saying the title. Alegro is sure the title spoiled a twist. He looked back at Densra, having swallowed the popcorn, and points at the screen. "Trol-l movies, RIGHT? Okay! Ask me a question."
Densra looked at the screen for a second then back at Alegro, "I hate starting," he said thinking of a question. He hummed and messed with his rings "okaY What is Your faVorite animal,"
"EASY! Those SMAL-L meowbeasts that HUMANS brought over? I love them!" He laughed. "They're so CUTE and so SAS-SY." Now's his turn to think. He gets a question almost immediately and smiles at Densra. "What's your FAVORITE type of MUSIC?"
Densra chuckled and nodded "Yeah and they onlY bite You a little bit" he joked "I guess mY faVorite tYpe of music is pop" he shrugged "but to be honest I also like to just listen to instrumentals it's What I put on When I clean,"
"Oh..." Alegro makes a little face before breaking out into a smile again. "Ahaha, just kid-ding. I like AL-L kindsa music. There's something GO-OD in al-l genres! But ROCK is my favorite. If you couldn't TEL-L."
"Oh WoW reallY I had nooo idea" Densra joked after the nervousness from the blank face subsisted. "It fits You, What's Your faVorite food?"
"Eh-h, I'm too INDECISIVE to pick a FAVORITE fo-od. Like music, there's something go-od in AL-L of them!" He nods thoughtfully. "Like, it depends, y'know? You CAN'T ask somethin' VAGUE or GENERALIZED with me, I'm more FOCUSED with a specific question. Like, 'what's your favorite swe-et' makes more sense!" He blinks and then looks away from Densra. "Oh— sor-ry for going on a dorky rant. I do that sometimes. Ahaha."
Densra nodded and he chuckled, "okaY I'll ask You better questions, no You're fine I like hearing You talk," Densra decided to pick up the soda and take a drink of it, he was thirsty. He set it back down in the cup holder.
Alegro thought for a little more before coming up with a question. He sounds less energetic and more gentle talking this time, "What would be YOUR perfect day? I'm sor-ry if this is a WEIRD question. But I HARD questions wil-l make us closer, right?"
"a perfect daY huh?" He looked at his lap and thought, what does he even want. "I guess probably, on the beach at night, just being there With the Waves and animals, I think that Would be nice. I could bring a couple books too," He messed with his fingers, "I knoW it sounds kind of boring but it just feels right, I'm gonna ask You the same question,"
He rested his head against the seat, needing to think again. He obviously liked the questions he had to think for. "Hm-m-m... my PERFECT day would prol-ly either preforming with my band at a FUL-L house, or spendin' some QUALITY time with someone I love. That last one is SUPER vague, sor-ry, but it's al-l I could real-ly ask for. Both of those. Hard to CHO-OSE one over the other, y'know?" He fidgets with a random bracelet he's wearing, spinning it around his wrist. "Yours isn't BORING. Sounds peaceful. But I'm like, a NOISY type. I could CALMLY relax if I WANTED to, but I prefer doing activities that'll LEAVE me calm. Get al-l the excitement out."
"I mean at the beach You could sWim," Densra joked gently poking him in the shoulder. "But I like Yours, theY feel like You? I don't knoW If that eVen makes sense, sorrY" he chuckled and looked at the movie screen. The announcer was saying another super long title, yep troll movie.
"Well, they ARE my perfect days! I HOPE it fe-els like me!" He turns his head towards the screen, but his attention wasn't focused on the trailer for a troll movie. Is this the same trailer as before? Is the title that long? Is the narrator running out of breath? "Haha, anyways, my turn, RIGHT? I've got an even WEIRDER one. Don't fe-el obligated to answer." Alegro paused for a moment. His eyes were still looking at the screen. "How do you like, like to be comforted when you're UPSET?"
Densra blinked and rubbed his arm, "Um, that is a good one" He snorted and moved his to rub the back of his neck. "I mean I guess it's nice to um- this is Weird I" He tried to avoid looking at Alegro. "It's nice to haVe a hug and like, be told it's aright. I guess just not getting made fun of for being upset is comport enough." wow that was embarrassing and self deprecating, hurry up Densra change subject, "So um What are Your friends like?"
"Oh-" He stares at Densra for a moment, lifting his head from the seat slightly. Is that it? That isn't bad, but, that's really all? If that's the only thing he needs to be comforted, is he not used to being made fun of? Alegro realizes he's being weird. "Uh, my friends? Haha... mostly EXTROVERTS like ME. I DON'T have many friends who like music. That's pret-ty strange, right? My PERSONALITY is usual-ly the ho-ok, not my interests." He quickly added, "OH, but that isn't AL-L that sad, my friends are nice! I have my band, to-o, and we're al-l super close!"
Densra relaxed a little glad nothing was said about the subject "You're in a band? that's aWesome!" Densra looked at him "and there are a lot of musicians out there With Your personalitY You could proboblY be friends With all of them in a Week," Densra joked "maYbe tWo if Your reallY busY" Densra joked
Alegro accidentally dropped a piece of popcorn he was about to eat. He laughed quietly, a barely visible rust tint appearing on his cheeks. He managed to hide the slight fluster in the darkness of the room. His voice sounded more confident than his sudden change in mood. "Real-ly? Haha, hel-l YEAH. My personality is AWESOME! Ah, and, thanks." He paused again, probably thinking of a question, but his gaze was still fixed on Densra. "How often do you get overwhelmed?" There was no audible reassurance that this was an optional question, although the slight frown on his face was enough of a tell.
Densra giggled along with him while he picked up his popcorn. When he met eyes and asked Densra that question though he froze up. He sat for a few moments his mouth opening, he looked like a deer caught in headlights. He didn't speak, so the only noise was the announcer still on that troll movie. "I um, I dont understand, What Your asking me?"
Alegro looks at the floor for a moment. He speaks without looking up, "It's just, uh, so-rry, you can have for a different question, like, how often do you fe-el super stres-sed? It's important to know THAT with a RELATIONSHIP of ANY kind. Yeah, it's stil-l stupid, you stil-l don't got-ta answer."
Densra bit his lip and swallowed, "no it isn't stupid, I um a lot," he stared at the ground for a moment before looking back at Alegro "I'm sorrY that's sad I just, a lots been happening." He feel silent and looked at his feet.
Alegro looked up and placed a hand on Densra's shoulder, gently. The rustblood's expression looked much more gentle and calm than the usual happy and enthusiastic. "It's okay. Everyone has stres-sful moments, some more than others. You don't ne-ed to apologize! It's helpful to tel-l someone, isn't it?"
Densra jumped a bit and looked at Alegro, he blushed at the touch to his shoulder. "I- I guess Your right, I'm sorrY" he shook his head "I'm a little all oVer the place, um anYWaY I think the moVie's finallY starting,"
Alegro immediately retracts his hand and looks at the big screen. "OH, yeah, you're RIGHT. Wel-l, I'd say the ice has been broken enough, huh?" He grins at Densra. "I didn't tel-l you what it's about, yeah? I'l-l give you a QUICK sum-mary, since the title doesn't sup-ply one! Weird. I KNOW." As the (three minute long) opening of the involved companies started up, Alegro gave a brief and spoiler-free summary of the plot, something about a couple human school students being trapped inside a virtual world without them knowing. It sounded interesting, mostly because Alegro's energy could keep anyone in focus. "Oh, and, I've already se-en it. I KNOW it's go-od. I wouldn't se-e a CRAP-PY film with someone unles-s we're close enough to LAUGH at crap-py films together."
Densra listened before he looked back at the screen. Alegro had hooked him and now he wanted to watch. He leaned back into his seat and watched the screen. As the movie played Densra began to get tired and as much as he wanted too he couldn't keep himself awake. His eyes shut and his body slacked leaning against Alegro. He let out a quiet noise as he slept, but he was out that was for sure.
He had just been engrossed in the movie, and now all of a sudden, somehow he is more focused on the cute guy sleeping on his shoulder. Alegro has priorities, all right? Very refined priorities— yeah he's freaking out a little. He gently took the nearly empty bag of popcorn from his lap and placed it in the vacant seat next to him. He leaned back against his seat, careful not to make any sudden moves to wake Densra up or move him from his shoulder. He turned his gaze back towards the movie, but all of his focus was on Densra. He isn't so dumb as to dismiss the possibility he probably likes this guy. His bloodpusher is beating at a rate faster than the amount of time it took for the fat guy to get killed in the movie. So, it's pretty obvious. This is also the most still Alegro has ever been in his life. He is going to let him sleep until he wakes up, or until they get kicked out of the theater. For real.
Densra was tired, very very tired. He rarely got sleep and in the past couple of days he only got about 4 or 5 hours. He felt comfortable around Alegro, even though he probobly shouldn't since they just met. The troll mumbled somthing in his sleep, it was incoherent but noise none the less. He stayed sleeping for the rest of the movie, and through the house lights turning on. Some people started to get up and exit the theater.
Alegro silently retracts his earlier sentiment. He really likes this theater and he wants to come back again. He stayed still a little longer though. Then he started trying to gently shake Densra awake. He says in an almost half whisper, "Hey, Densra, the movie's over. Wake up."
He mumbled and started to stir. He opened his eyes and sat up rubbing his eyes. He looked at Alegro "huh What happened," he was still groggy and sleeping not completely woken up just yet. He yawned still looking at Alegro
"The movie is over, you fel-l asle-ep." Alegro crumpled up the empty container for the popcorn. He looked back at Densra. "Do you fe-el bet-ter after that nap?" He smiled and glanced at the others leaving. The stranger's faces all either looked exhausted or content. That's the effect that movie gives off, huh.
Densra blushed and pulled his hood up, "oh god alegro I'm so sorrY," he felt so embarrassed that he fell asleep during the movie. He chewed on his lip, "but Yeah I feel better,"
"Ahaha! It's FINE, a lot of people fal-l asle-ep watching movies. I'm just glad you got some sle-ep." He stood up. "You can watch the parts of the movie you mis-sed at any time, if that's ALSO something you're wor-ried about." He picked up the soda cup too. "Let's go, everyone's LEAVING."
Densra stood up and stretched, he yawned again as well. "I'll haVe to Watch it and tell You What I liked. You said it Was good so I'm sure it is" he chuckled
"It is!" Alegro started waddling out of the seat aisle, almost tripping over himself from not paying attention. He straightens up and continues to not pay attention. "Like, it ain't my FAVORITE movie, but I watch a LOT of movies. It's super fun to watch."
Densra giggled as he followed Alegro out a lot more gracefully. "Watch Where You're going" he snorted quietly "again sorrY I feel asleep I Will Watch it later though."
"If you WANT." Alegro managed to leave the row of seats without slipping again. He considered just dropping the empty bag of popcorn right on the floor, but Densra seems like the type to hate littering. That's fair. Would he have thought about littering if Densra wasn't here? Does he do things like that casually? Damn, Alegro, stop overthinking in front of your possible friend. Friend? Is that the extent of his feelings? "R-REAL-LY, you don't got-ta apologize. It's co-ol." He started his sentence with a nervous stutter. Why is he even nervous?
Densra accidently bumped into him while leaving the isle. He oofed and giggled managing to stay upright. He gave a dorky smile to Alegro before having another giggling fit. "I Want to Watch it, but let's hurrY before someone kicks us out,"
Alegro looked a little surprised but giggled back anyways. He was about to help Densra ground himself before he recovered. "YEAH, you're right. Let's go!" Alegro took Densra's wrist and started walking towards the back exit. He briefly considered taking Densra's hand, but it seems he isn't that brave.
Densra smiled as they walked out, but he made sure to keep himself hidden under the cloak. "that Was so much fun, alegro, We should do it again." He blushed a bit, and looked at Alegro's hand on his wrist.
"Anytime! Next time we go on a 'date'," He put finger quotations around date, "You NE-ED to get SOME sle-ep the night before. Okay? I'l-l LET you pay the next time if you do." He realizes his hand is still around Densra's wrist. He quickly snapped it back to his side, though his face showed no trace of being flustered. Just happy.
Densra chuckled and crossed his arms, "I slept last night just naut Very Well," it was a lie, he didn't sleep at all last night, but that was his usual. "and We haVe to go on another date soon,"
"Of COURSE! We'l-l plan another on trol-lian, okay?" He throws the empty popcorn bag into a nearby trash bin, then sips the last little bit of soda before throwing it out too. He absolutely would've eaten the ice in the cup if Densra wasn't there. He turns back to the sleep deprived troll and smiles. "I had a fun time today. Thanks, Densra."
"We haVe to plan another You don't haVe a choice." Densra chuckled softly and held his cloak closed. "Yeah I had fun to alegro. eVen though I kinda slept through a lot of it, heh" He rubbed his arm under the cloak. Toady was amazing, in fact it was one of the best day's he's had in a while.
He pokes Densra's chest jokingly. "Neither do YOU! So we're in AGRE-EMENT!" Alegro chuckles. His thinking expression is suddenly on his face. "Did you... uh, DRIVE here? Or do you like, ne-ed a RIDE back to your hive?" Good job Alegro. You sound so composed. Yeeeeeah.
Densra giggled, "I guess We are aren't We" He smiled at Alegro, I mean, I can get mYself home, but I Wouldn't be apposed to You taking me back if that's What You're getting at" Densra blushed hoping that was in fact what Alegro was getting out.
"I mean, yeah, if you want." He smiled sheepishly. "I drove here in a- real-ly RAD mind you- car because my hive is a lit-tle farther. I can AS-SUME your hive is closer, because the theater is closer to the beach, RIGHT? Or do you not live near the beach?"
"I liVe in the ocean so Yeah near the beach" He hummed and chuckled "I Walked here so if You don't feel like it I don't mind Walking back home," He paused and blushed again, "But um if you didn't mind I Would apreciate it a lot."
"Don't sweat it! I'l-l HAP-PILY drive you home!" He gently pat Densra on the shoulder. "Seriously, stop wor-ryin' so much. It's co-ol." His gaze lingered on Densra for a little longer than it should've before he sharply turned towards the door outside. "H-haha, um, shal-l we go?"
Densra met his eyes, and looked back at him. When Alegro turned around Densra kept looking at him. "Yes We shall" he left the building and followed Alegro since he didn't really know where he was going
Alegro walked in front of Densra for a little, walking around the outside of the theater and trying to find his car. He excitedly pointed at it and led Densra to it. "You wanna to sit at the FRONT, next to me?" He fumbled with his keys for a moment before unlocking the car.
Densra looked at it curiously, before nodding at Alegro. "Yes? that's Where I'm supposed to sit right?" He'd never been in a car before, walking places all the time could be a hassle but, that's what he did. He stood at the passenger side door for a moment before opening it and getting inside.
He opened the door to the driver’s seat and sat down after Densra. "You can sit WHEREVER you want. It’s just NICER to have you next to me." He pauses for a moment before nervously adding, "Y’know, so I can... talk to you..." He frowns, conscious that he must seem extremely weird, and turns his key in the lock cylinder. The car starts up.
Densra shut the door and blushed as he smiled. It was pretty nice to be next to him. He took his hood down and leaned against the car door. "Is this thing uh dangerous?" Densra looked over beginning to feel a bit of nervs crawl on his back.
"No, it’s safe. I’m a GO-OD driver!" Well, he isn’t really the best, but there’s no way he’s going to freak his date out. ’Date’. "That won’t MAT-TER if you don’t put that thing next to you on. It goes over your front and INTO that buckle." He points at Densra’s seatbelt, then the seatbelt buckle. Alegro puts his on as a demonstration. "Safety FIRST, right?"
Densra watched him curiously and then copied him with his seatbelt. He nodded slowly and sat against the seat. "safetY first," he chuckled and looked back out the window
To be Continued...


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