Trail 2} Koar and Densra

Koar walked along the trail with his snout to the ground, pushing aside foliage with his tusks without even noticing. He was on the hunt for something or some one and seemed intent on that goal as he leisurely trundled through the forest.
He paused hearing something near by, then lifted his head to squint uselessly in that direction. He really should wear his glasses now and then, his cute little troll made them for him after all. But they were jsut too much fun to stick on Claroy's face instead, and he didn't want anyone to easily know he couldn't see so well.
Densra was sat beside a bush, touching the leaves on it. He had his cloak on but since no one was around he had the hood down. he fixed his hair and sighed. The forest was nice but it's not like it was going to get rid of his issues.
Koar snuffed in a big breath and perked up. He recognized that sent and decided to say hello again to the sad shopping troll that gave him his items.
He stuck his tail up in the air, getting it caught in the branches, and trot-waddled over to try and steal the cloak off the sad little thing.
Densra looked up and saw Koar, he blinked for a second. He recognized Koar, "heY You're that lusus...from the shop? Densra tilted his head "What are You doing all the WaY out here?" He asked tilting his head to the side.
Koar grinned and tried to get the hood of the cloak in his mouth. What he was out here for was really not of Densra's consern... probably.
He chuffed and snorted, hope to show he was being playful and not out to actually hurt the wee troll.
"heY What are You doing?" he snorted trying to get Koars face away from him. "stop that" He snorted, and moved his own face away.
Koar let go and dropped a small object in the hood, bouncing back and away, making the ground shake slightly in the process. He crouched down, waiting to see if Densra would notice what he'd done, a wide toothy grin spreading over his long toothy face.
Densra was a little confused, and he raised an eyebrow. "You are a strange lusus aren't You?" he smiled before slowly reaching back to his hood to grab the object
Koar snorted in agreement to that statement and laid down on the trail to watch Densra inspect the trinket.
It was a smooth and shiney rock with a hole cut in it, and through that hole a string was threaded. It wasn't anything particularly special or priceless. Just a simple rock on a string.
Densra messed with it in between his fingers, and then looked at Koar. He had a sparkle in his eyes and his fins flitted. "is this for me?" he asked excitedly. Jewelry and seashells always got his attention, after all they were his favorite things.
Koar grinned again as if to say that it was indeed for him.
He'd raised enough trolls to know that they loved finding trinkets, especially if they were hidden just for them. He always carried at least one on him in case he found what he was out here looking for.
He smiled happily and let out a small happy trill. He put it on, fins fluttering again. He messed with it in his fingers again, then looked at Koar. "Thank You," He still had a big happy smile on his face, while looking at the Lusus sat in front of him.
Koar beamed, pleased with himself. He scooted to the side slightly, inviting the little troll to sit with him. He wondered if his would get along with this one. Densra seemed nice and calm and quiet, a nice contrast to his rambunctious bunch. He'd have to invite him over. Supervised, of course. Playdates could get rowdy when they were out of the wriggler stage.
Densra sat beside him, still messing with the necklace. "it's reelly nice" The feeling of the rock in his hand, made him feel better. He hummed softly, "so What are You doing out here?" He asked again.
Koar thumped his tail happily, avoiding the question. Did it really matter who did what where? What mattered was that they were both here now and enjoying a nice night on the trail. Besides, he could ask the same. What was a little troll doing all alone in the woods? No one around to watch over them. Maybe Densra was a free range troll, some of his he had to let be free like that, but he always worried. Claroy though, couldn't let him go out on his own. He was so helpless.
Here he was getting off topic, he wanted to know more about this troll. What even was its name?
Densra leaned on the furry creature smiling. He didn't really expect Koar to answer or at least verbally that is. He watched his tail thump. "You are a lot more eXcitable than mY lusus. He's a fish so it makes sense though." he let out a chuckle, for some reason he felt a need to tell the Lusus his name, "I'm densra bY the WaY." He hummed
Exitable? Maybe so, he did get excited meeting new people, and re-meeting them.. and meeting people who knew. He just liked people he supposed.   He agreed fish were sort of lackluster in the excitemnt department, unless theyw ere talking food.. then fish were very exciting! Not that he planned to eat his lusus... unless? Haha no I wouldn't. Probably.   Oh Densra was a cute name! Had he heard it before? He heard so many names at the hospital, it was possible. He grinned and thumped his tail along with the humming.
Densra chuckled and hummed a little tune for Koar to follow along. He bobbed his head, as a trill came from his gills again. his fins wiggled again as well, this time fast enough to make the earnings bump into each other and make a pretty noise.
Koar swayed a bit, he loved music and couldn't help but want to dance. What a talented young troll, he was sure Densra would get along well with Rozali. She liked music too.   How did Densra feel about medicine or science? Haha here he was prying, should be happy with what he did know. But knowledge was power after all and who couldn't do with some more of that these days?
Densra giggled, and gently pet him. "so Who is Your troll anYWaY? or do You naut haVe one?" Densra asked another question, figuring however that it wouldn't be answered. This Lusus was very secretive after all.
Koar gave Densra a slorp in return for the petting.   Haha close! No Koar didn't have one, he had three! Didn't expect that did you little Densra? Its alright, no one ever did, it wasn't his fault for not knowing.   Koar nudged Densra slightly with his snout, offering to let him met them if he really wanted to, but happy to sit and enjoy nature if he didn't.
Denara laughed. "aha no What are you doing. eWWW" He giggled wiping his face off. He smiled "WhY are You nudging me?" He asked feeling a strange need to stand. He rose to his feet, still looking at Koar. "do You Want somthing?"
Yes! Koar wanted to bring a new friend home for this little trolls to play with. Wouldn't that be fun? They could all sing and dance and fuss about the place. How lively it would be to have the lab so full of adorable little trolls. Just a visit though, for now... unless? Haha no just a visit. Probably.   Since Densra was standing Koar tried to use his tusks to gently scoop him up so that he could ride on his snout and not even have to walk! Though he was slow enough about it that if the offer was declined it would be easy to know.
Densra watched him curiously, and when he was picked up he let out a surprise noise. He quickly pulled his hood up before holding onto Koar. He didn't want to fall off after all. "annnnd Were moVing." Densra decided to just go with it because another excuse to stay away from his hive.
Koar stuck his tail up in the air in triumph, listed his head hoisting Densra up higher, and strut-waddled back toward the city.
Oh they were going to have so much fun! A tea party with little cakes and fancy hats for sure! Maybe some finger foods on sticks. He loved planning little tea parties.
Densra got a little nervous, afraid this would draw attention to him. He pulled his hoof over his face more still seated on the snout of the sweet Lusus. He took a deep breath "You're fine densra" he mumbled to himself.


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