Claroy's lab 4} Koar, Claroy, and Densra

Crzdov played by Leng, Densra played by Kiwi
Koar trot proudly from the forest, through the city, and to.. a hospital of all places. He went around the back, through a little garden, and stuffed himself into a back door, while being careful not to smack Densra into the top of the door frame.
Densra ducked as well because he didnt really feel like getting a forehead bruise. He was confused as to why they were at the hospital, I mean this whole experience was confusing but the hospital? "Um" Densra said quietly "What are We doing here"
Haha! To get some tea and cake of course!   Koar squeezed his massive body into the less than massive entrance to the lab and carefully lowered his head to let Densra down, if down was what he wanted.   The lab was not like the rest of the hospital. Instead of a small stark utilitarian medical looking room it was a high ceiling-ed warm colored space. It was full of over stuffed book shelves of various styles. Most had books but some had supplies or gadgets or curiosities. Medical replicas of human and troll bodies hovered in the corners, their fake organs not always in the correct places. Tables were also strew about, most covered in beakers and chemist paraphernalia with tubes and burners and things a bubbling.   One corner of the room cordoned off with a ribbon adorned curtain with a sign hanging off it. The sign had a poem on it that amounted to "stay out of my room nerd"   There was also a small sitting area, perfect for tea parties.
Bustling around the room was a tall thin troll with large branching horns. He was muttering to himself and seemed to be very busy doing various things. He didn't look up or seem to notice them at all, other than raising his voice and stating, "Whadever id iz Koar, no."
Densra tried to move himself, as to not hit any walls or entryways. He quietly stood up and looked at Koar. He became extremely nervous in the presence of another troll. He had just been taken to a hospital lab by a Lusus. Oh this was sketchy. He studied the room around them and pulled the hood farther over his face.   He was stood there, sort of frozen in his position. He looked at the troll still extremely nervous but said nothing. He started to mess with the stone around his neck, that Koar gave him. He shifted nervously on his feet, and waited for the troll to see him or say something else.
Koar nuzzled Densra, trying to comfort him.
The items Koar had purchased were dangling from the trolls horns, as were the jingle bells that had been there before. There was also a ribbon tied in a bow and what looked like a frilly hair tie. Most of the items looks precariously placed and about to fly right off with how much the troll moved around.   "Whad are you laujhinj aboud?" He paused and looked over. His whole demeaner changed as soon as he saw a stranger in his lab. He pulled his long arms in close and glared at his lusus. "Whad have I dold you aboud brinjinj beoble here? Oh yez laujh id ub, I know you're amuzed."
Koar grinned and laid down in front of the door as if he planned to take a nap there. He even gave a big showy yawn.
Densra still hidden by the cloak looked over at the Lusus. Of course, he took a couple more nervous breaths. This was great, trapped in a stranger hive/ whatever this was. He looked at the trolls horns, normally he would have at least giggled at the haphazard decorations, but right now he was upset and not in the laughing mood.   "I'm sorrY" Densra mumbled pulling the cloak to hold it together. He wanted to close in on himself and hide, this whole situation was stressing him out again, more than he needed right now.
"Well adleazd idz nod anodher jrub." The troll sighed and rubbed his temples. He gestured gestured to the tea table. "Iv you're here do helb, helb. Iv nod, bleaze zid down and be cuied."
Densra sighed and took his hood down, hes a violet its not like hes gonna hurt him. (He hoped) Densra had know idea what he ment by help, so he waddled over and sat on one of the chairs. He kept messing with the stone, as he sat there quietly.   He wanted to ask what he needed help with, but it's not like he knew anything about what Claroy was doing. He sat for a few seconds before piping up. "Whar do You need help With?"
"Look around you, whad don'd I need helb widh?" Claroy gestured around at the various tables. He seemed to relax a bit once his unexpected guest sat down and finally gave him a looking over. A fuchsia? Oh what had he done now that got them crawling out of the ocean to bother him in his lab?
He thought for a moment, trying to think what he'd been up to, what he wasn't suppose to be up to, and what he hadn't been caught for yet. Oh he couldn't be bothered with this right now! If they had a porblem they needed to come out and say it already.
Though... he doubted they'd have come in with Koar if they'd been planing to scold or harm him... Koar was much to amused with himself for that. He gave the smirking lusus another glare and resigned himself to a wasted few moments.
"One momend and I'll be rijhd widh you. Koar, make yourzelv uzevul and jet your juezt zome tea or zomething."   He turned on his heal and went back to work with a jingle and started winding down any time sensitive projects he was up to.
Koar snorted in amusement and pretended to be asleep.
Densra looked around, and he set his hands on his lap. He tapped his feet trying to decide what to say. "I don't reellY knoW um that much about science." He tried to pay attention when Karzlo explained things to him, but most of the time he ended up zoning out. He decided to stay silent after that, until Claroy was done with wharever he was doing.
"Yez yez, I fijured az much whad widh all Koar'z chucklinj. I am nod zo jood ad converzinj, I abbolojize. Bud whad, odher dhan Koar, brinjs you here?"
Claroy kept talking even though he wasn't actually looking at the stranger. He found it easier to talk when he didn't have to look at anyone, unless theyw ere talking about something interesting, of course.
"Its okaY" Densra tapped his fingers on the table, "nothing other than that, I Was taking a Walk and decided to go With him. I dont reelly knoW WhY though," he scratched the back of his neck "stupid Densra" he mumbled to himself.
"Ah, yez, well he can be very convencinj. Don'd lizden to him dhough, he enjoyz drudh bendinj. Dhinkz idz funny." Clarroy turned off the last heat source and went to awkwardly hover behind an empty seet across from Densra.
Densra snorted and looked at Koar "I believe that," he shifted before looking back at Claroy, "sorrY about this Whole thing, I didn't mean to like invade Your privacY," he chewed on the inside of his cheek. This was embarrassing and awkward that was for sure.
Koar grinned when he was looked at and thumped his tail.
Claroy waved a hand around dismissively. "Yez yez, no need bud accebded. Id iz all hiz fauld ad any rade, he muzd like you. He'z juzd alzo very rude nod exblaininj dhinjs." Fussing about his lusus made him feel better and he finally sat down.
Densra chuckled "Lusi are strange that's for sure. He's nice though, gaVe me this" he pointed to his necklace, "um if it's Yours or something I'll giVe it back." He messed with his fingers again, as he took another look around the room.
Koar set a a tray with cubs and a tea put down on the table between them, though where he got it from when he'd been seemingly laying down was unknown. Their was also sugar, cream, and honey for the choosing.
Claroy didn't bat an eye at this, used to Koar coming from unexpected directions with unexpected things.
He did frown at the trinket though and rubbed his temple again.
"No idz nod mine, I have no need vor such dhinjs." He waved at it dismissively, though his horns told a different story. "Iv he jave id do you idz yourz."
Densra jumped at little when Koar sat the stuff down, it scared him a bit. He looked at Claroy's horns as he said this, he better not say somthing. It might make the other Troll upset. "Thanks, I like jeWelry, I'm Densra bY the WaY. Since I'Ve inVaded Your space I might as Well tell You mY name,"
The troll paused mid tea pour and sat up strait. He took the overly large glasses off his face so he could see better and set them on the table.
"Vrenar?" Claroy asked. "Dhad waz a zdubid cuezdion, I abbolojize. How many Denzraz could dhere be ov your zdaduz. Juzd one, I azzume. You're nod whad I ezbecded."   He finished what he started with his pouring of the tea and handed the cup to Densra. Normally he'd let whoever it was, not that he had many guests, pour their own tea. But this was someone special to Karzlo, and in the interest of.. well himself and science, he could afford at least the minimum curtesy.
"Idz a bleazure, I zubboze, do be meedinj you in berzon Vremar, I'm Crzdov Claroy, I do believe we have a mudual acuandance in Akunum. Dhoujh I believe you may know me more cadejoricalZavand online, I revver Claroy."
Densra blinked, oh wow that was a strange coincidence. He couldn't decide if it was good or bad that he technically "knew" Claroy. On one hand at least he wasn't in some random persons place, oh the other hand now there were expectations. He fidgeted with his skirt, trying not to freak out. Why was he getting so stressed about this, it wasn't even that big of a deal.   Densra took the cup from him with a shaky hand, "oh thank You, Yes it's a pleasure to meet You as Well. You can call me Densra bY the WaY." If he was wearing a collared shirt he would be tugging at it right now. "should I call You dr. Claroy?" He asked feeling more awkward the more he spoke. He felt like he was already making a fool of himself, gog Densra.
"Virzd namez? Muzd I?" Claroy frowned and poured his own cup, focusing on that instead of looking at Densra. He wasn't really how one treated the kismesis of their colleague. Should he be polite? Or would that be considered rude? Should he be rude? Or would that make Karzlo upset? You see this is why he didn't deal with relationships and wished Karzlo could see his point of view on the matter.
But nooooo he had to be some hopeless romantic. Almost as bad as Koar.   "Iv you wizh, iv you were in the medical vield I would vind id rude iv you didn'd, bud az you are zimbly nobilidy your obinion ov me, and rezbecd in didles, iz ov liddle imbordance. Dhad iz do zay, do az you bleaze in dhad rejard."
Densra rubbed his arm, he didn't know much about Claroy, other than the fact he was a doctor, and knew Karzlo. Probably another area where it stood some good to actually listen to his Kismisis. "You don't haVe to, just most people don't call me frenar." He pursed his lips and looked over at Koar. Probably just a good idea to use doctor, it seemed more respectful he guessed. He looked at the tea cup in front of him and sighed. This was such an awkward situation, meeting someone who was Karzlo's friend, or at the very least acquaintance. Going somewhere with a random Lusus might also give him some fuel to add to the "densra's an idiot fire" He glared at the cup, thinking about Karzlo pissed him off.
Koar froze when he was looked at, a tower tray full of cakes and small triangle cut sandwiches was hanging from his mouth, ready to be placed on the table. He grinned, thinking that the little trolls were just so adorably shy around each other and set the tray down.
"I, subboze, I can dry, iv id makez you more comvordable." Claroy sighed as it if was a lot to ask. "Denzra."
He took a sip of tea to give himself time to think.
"I had been meaninj do condact you more dhan I acdually have, I abolojize vor my brocrazdinadion in dhe madder. I admid I don'd really know how do inderacd widh beoble, outzide ov my vield."
Densra snorted softly at Koar, before returning his attention back to Claroy. He raised a confused eyebrow. Why in the world would Claroy want to contact him. Like Claroy said he wasn't in the medical field, or the science one at that. He didn't have any expertise on the subjects he and Karzlo had invested their lives in. "WhY Would You Want to talk to me?" he asked his fins fluttering curiously.
"Dhad iz a jood quezdion, one I azk myzelf bevore I brocrazdinade, iv one can call workinj brocrazdinadion. Dhough, do anzwer dhad, id iz becauze I.. wand do.. " Claroy struggled to get the words out, his frown deepening. "..ged do know you?"
He thought a moment then amended his statement. "No, dhad iz a zide evvect, nod dhe cauze. I wand Akunum do come over more, dhere iz much work do be done. Bud he iz ovden buzy widh you and hiz.. reladionzhip." Claroy said the word like it had a bad taste. "Zo, I concluded, dhat iv you came here more, zo would he, and pozzibly be lezz beinj dizdracded."
Desnra listned to him speak and he tapped his foot. He let out a snort, "At least You're being honest," He leaned back in the chair "I knoW he's busY With me a lot but I guess I underestimated hoW much time We spend together. Sorry from keeping You from Your Work." he didn't mention the way Claroy said relationship, he figured the violet wasn't one to partake in them so it made sense. "It might giVe me something to do other than sit in mY hiVe"
Claroy waved a hand around flippantly. "Dizhonezdy iz a waizte ov dime." He gave Koar a look at that statement, clearly seeing him as a time waster of the highest degree.
Koar grinned in his pretend sleep by the door, he seemed to know when he was being disparaged and found it humorus.
"I wouldn'd mind id zo much, I zubboze, az lonj az you dwo kepd yourzelves brovezzional durrinj impordand vazez ov work." Claroy stood suddenly. "One momend, I had zomedhinj zed azide vor you."
Densra nodded, "I'm sure We can manage. We are both adults." He watched Claroy stand and his fins fluttered again. He was now very curious, as to what in the world he would have for him. He looked over at Koar again and smiled, maybe the visit had felt like a waste of time to Claroy but to him it was nice to have company. When you don't do much, visiting someone sure felt like a good use of time.
"Ah jood, I don'd really have much ezberiance in dhese madders, zo I don'd know whad do ezbecd." He went over to one of the over stuffed shelves and opened a box, digging about in if for a moment.
Koar smiled back, obviously pleased with himself.
Claroy found what he was looking for and returned to his seat. He held out a small corked bottle with a white powdery substance inside, then thought better of it and set if down next to Densra's cup instead. He crossed his legs and rested his hands on his knee, waiting expectantly.
Densra nodded, "We can be ciVil" He watched Claroy for a second when he got up, then he reached out to grab one of the sandwiches. He took a bite out of it, that was a good sandwich. When the bottle was sat next to his tea he stared at it for a second confused. He picked it up and looked at it before looking back at Claroy. He felt stupid but he honestly had no idea what this was. "um thank You but What is this?"
"Oh, I abbolijize, I muzd have forjodden to label it. How slobby ov me." Claroy took his cup of tea and sipped it, to try and calm his embarrassment as such an egregious misstep.
"I-Id iz mulch, Koar uzes id for hiz jarden." He tried explaining.
"oh," He smiled happily at Claroy, "thank You" He slipped it into his bag, "I appreciate it a lot" He grabbed his tea cup and took a sip too. He still had the sandwich in his hand and took another bite. Still a great sandwich.
Claroy waved his hand like he was trying to swat the thank you out of the air before it could get to him. "Itz made ov zeazhellz. I dhink I recall you havinj a, decidedly bublic, dizajreemend widh Akunum aboud dhier uzefulnezz, or lack dhere ov."
He looked down at his hand, as it now had a sandwich as well and quietly put it down, only for Koar to get up and put it in his hand again. He rolled his eyes so hard they might have popped out of his head, and took a tiny nibble of the thing just to be left alone about it.
Densra's eyes lit up like fireworks at that information. Oh Karzlo was going to hear about this. His fins wiggled and he held himself back from a exclamation of victory. "I told him so" he smiled triumphantly. "I mostlY use them for decoration, but neVer thought to use them as mulch." he took another bite out of the sandwich and set his cup down.
"Udilizinj zeazhellz az mulch iz a jood vor addinj calcium and bhozbhadez do zoil, az well az dederrinj bezdz. Idz bud one uzevul burbouze one can bud zhellz do." Claroy rambled in explanation, happy to have something he understood to chat about.
"Yeah I mean I mostlY paY attention to the effect theY haVe on animal habitats, if talking about their uses. one of the reasons I trY to onlY take the flatter ones. but theY can be used for lots of things." He enjoyed listening to anything about seashells so he was content.
"Ah, conzerned aboud dhe ecozyzdemz. Dhere iz zo much zdill don'd know aboud dhe evvecdz ov Dhe Merje on dhe wild live and ecozyzdemz ov dhe variouz worldz."
"i'Ve alWaYs cared about the oceans, it's hard naut to i liVe in it after all, but it's weird because there are proboblY a ton of neW species. I mean obViouslY all the humans but theY also brought a lot of aquatic animals that iV'e seen." Densra nodded.
"I, ehem.. I hade do azk bud, iv you zbend dime in dhe ocean, could I.. berhabz, bodher you vor zome zamblez? Wader zambled in dubez iz vine, bud I am cuide inderezded in dhe new orjanizmz, livinj or dead, in whole or in bard." Claroy leaned forward as he spoke, getting a bit excited at the thought. He then frowned and leaned back again.
"I, unvordunadly, can'd jo jed zuch dhinjz myzelv any lonjer."
Densra nodded "sure I can get you some Water samples. maYbe some animals too. there aren't a lot around my hiVe because mY lusus likes to eat them. I see a lot of crabs and, there are plants by the beach though" He quirked his eyebrow up "But WhY can't You, um if You don't mind me asking"
Claroy gave a heavy sigh and waved his hand around in an 'oh you know' gesture, not really wanting to say why but also not having a reason he felt was good enough not to explain it, other than he found it some what embarrassing and silly.
"I... I don'd know how do bud dhiz ezacdly. I'm radher avrain ov beinj znadched ub by biradez, you zee. Id only habbened once, mind you, bud id dook me yearz do jed away vrom dhem, vrom her, and I jzud don'd wand do wazde dhad much dime, or any dime, on zilly biradez."
Densra blinked and stared at him for a moment. He sat back in his chair, how is that even, coincidences are crazy. "WoW that is funnY, but not um- shit that's not What I meant." he groaned at himself and took a breath "It's a strange coincidence because I had the same problem a While ago. getting kidnapped bY pirates I mean"
Claroy tried to find the humor in what he'd said, other, of course, than his unwillingness to face and fight pirates. But then he realized that wasn't what Densra had meant and nodded.
"I do hobe idz nod dhe zame one, zince we zeem do be havinj zo much in common, zhe waz cuide unbearable. Alwayz laujhinj ad nodhinj and dryinj do... well zhe.. Id waz unbleazend. I would nod bud id bazd dhad crazy woman do have a habid ov znadchinj 'hijhbloodz' vor her own amuzmend. I do hobe you were unharmed."
Densra sighed uncomfortably, thinking about the situation, about Dakota, was upsetting. "this Woman has been obsessed With me for a While I think." He rubbed his arm "I saVed her from droWning When I Was Younger. she Wants to marrY me" He looked at the floor "It Was uncomfortable but no one hurt me,"
Claroy took a sip of tea as he listened, though still avoided eating.
"Ah, dhankvully nod dhe zame birade. I waz, berhabz do zome zmall dejree, worried zhe mijhd come here iv id habbened do be dhe zame one. I'm unzure whad 'marry' meanz ezacdly, dhoujh iz zoundz rediculouz, bud I am jlad you're unharmed, in dhad rejard, ad dhe leazd. I do recal you beinj mizzinj vor a while, I azzume dhad waz dhe cauze? Akumum waz very buzy lookinj vor you."
He'd offered to help, but there wasn't much he could do, so he didn't think bringing that up had much point to it. He also didn't find the need to go into his own pirate issues any further, unless asked.
Desnra chewed on his lip and sighed "It's a thing humans do. it's basicallY just a matespriteship but like foreVer. theirs a ceremonY blah blah. It made more sense for them on their old planets so here it's more of just for show. It seems nice to me, if you actuallY wanted to. and Yeah, that's what happened" he finished the sandwich,
"Iz dhad a comon birade draid, do you dhink, kidnabbinj vor romance?" He wasn't very familiar with pirate culture, despite havign spent much longer in it than he'd have liked. He made a point of ignoring as much of went on as he could to try and get some work done while he was there.
"I zimbly don'd underzdand id, dhe lenjdhz zome beoble will jo do vor zuch dhinjz."
Densra shrugged "I have no idea, While I Was there, on the ship I mean, I Was locked in a room the Whole time. I didn't really talk to them much." He messed with the hem of his skirt. "I guess it could be, I mean the kidnapping for sure, since it's like crime and stuff. their obsessed, like it's ugh" He cut himself off.
Claroy waited for a moment to see if Densra was going to continue, concluded he wasn't, and started talking again himself.
"Id wazn'd my indendion do brinj ub bad memoriez, I abbolojize. Dhoujh I worry azkinj you do brinj me zamblez iz a bid oud ov dhe cuezdion iv you would be buddinj yourzelv in dnajer do do zo. Akumun would never vorjive me, and, az dhad haz a hijh brobabilidy ov him vindinj a divverend lab bardner vor hiz work, I can'd rizk id."
Densra pursed his lips, yeah but he lived there. He tried to leave and get out but he lived there, on the ocean and vulnerable. His emotions hit him like a truck and he tried not to cry. don't you dare start Desnra. He felt his hands start to shake. "I-i'll be fine." He reached up to grab at the back of his hair and he pulled to calm himself down, "I liVe there so, I'd just be standing on my porch."
Claroy frowned, noticing something different in the way Densra was acting. He didn't know what to do about it though, so tried to go on as if it wasn't happening.
"You've redurned home zince dhen? I, azhamidly, couldn'd brinj myzelv do do dhe zame, and dhuz I live here now. I couldn'd even back ub my lab broberly, I had do have Koar and Rozali vedch my dhinjz."
"I don't knoW-" he stared at his lap, "it's stressful I don't blame you" He took deep breaths, he was fine, this was fine. "I just don't- I can't go anYWhere else" He was stumbling over words still trying not to cry. He tugged at his hair again.
Koar got up and went to sit with the two silly little trolls. He slorped up one of the cakes with his overly long tongue and munched it while giving Claroy a look.
Claroy outright scowled at his lusus and let out an exasperated huff. Oh course he wanted to keep him. Koar always did this, it was foolish of him to think this time he'd only brought a friend to visit.
"He already ahz a luzuz Koar, I don'd wand do hear id." He snapped, waving his sandwich at Koar in annoyance. "No, I don'd dhink he'd be habbier here, he'z nod zome lozd wijjler."   Claroy paused in his fussing, and waved his hand in a 'yes yes get on with it' sort of way. As if he was having a conversation with the lusus.
"I.. no.. no I don'd zuboze zo.. yez yez vine you have a boind."
Densra watched the two of them for a moment before zoning out entirely. He sat there silently staring at his place on the table. He was tired, and he was sad. He felt his head drop as he used his elbow to rest it on the table. His mind shut off as he started to fall asleep. His eyes closed and there he was sleeping at the table.
Claroy finished his one sided argument with his lusus and frowned at the sleeping Densra for a moment. He had a habit of working until he fell asleep at his desk, so it wasn't that strange to him that someone might fall asleep mid visit.   He took a sip of tea and considered his next move. He could wake Densra and show him out, or ask him if he'd like to stay and rest a bit, or if he would like to stay a few days... He could let him just sleep where he was, or have Koar move him to a better location...   Claroy put his tea down and stood up, waving off whatever he was imagine Koar to be saying, as if he was being too loud, and went to inspect Densra a moment.
His chest was rising in falling with his breathing, as he sat there. He was out that was for sure. Upon closer inspection his gills moved with the air that traveled through his throat as he breathed. There were also obvious bags under his eyes, from his lack of sleep. The fuchsia looked tired even while sleeping. He made no noise except for the soft sound of breathing. Nothing was really going on in his head, not a dream or anything just sleep.
Claroy have his head an awkward pat, not really sure what he should be doing at that moment, then scowled at the look Koar gave him.
"Vine Vine, do whad you wand." He gave in quietly. "Juzd led him leave iv he wizhez."
Koar grinned and carefully scooped Densra up with his snout again, some how managing to not also get the chair, and carried him to the curtained off area.
Claroy sighed, Rozali was going to have a fit if she saw someone in her room... But that was a problem for later. With Densra asleep though, he could finally get back to work.
He didn't stir as he was carried off. He needed the rest and since he was in the presence of others, he could actually get it. He still slept silently on the Lusus' snout. Surely he would wake up soon, he wasn't exactly good at sleeping for more than two hours at a time. But for now his body made him rest.
After about an hour of allowing Densra to sleep on him, Koar deposited him onto Roza's lush, fluffy, heavily decorated canopy bed and tucked him in. She'd fully embraced human culture and he supported her in that. Learning new things was good for growing trolls! And look how happy it made them! He had to have the happiest busiest little trolls in this or any world!
A little while after the hour he opened his eyes but didn't move. He knew what was happening as he felt the sweat beads develop on his forehead. His eyes darted around thankfully not seeing anything weird this time. He laid there and stared at the ceiling, he couldn't move so he just shut his eyes and tried to calm back down. His body was to wired now to fall back asleep so he said there. When he opened his eyes again he saw the shadows and freaked out, ugh no go away not right now. When did he even fall asleep anyway.
The soft sound of classical music drifted through the lab and overly decorated 'room' Densra was in. Koar poked his head in and waddled over to rest the end of his nose on the bed. He's forgotten how needy trolls were when you first brought them home, this one was a bit larger than the wigglers he was used to start with, but that didn't mean he could be neglectful.
"Koar jet your dail outd ov my vace." Claroy's muffled and agitated voice fussed from beyond the curtained room. "Jed back in here and zdir dhis broberly."
Desnra blinked and shifted his eyes to Koar. He still couldn't move his muscles and so he stayed still. he shut his eyes when he say another strange figure. He attempted to get his fingers to move, and after a few seconds they started to wiggle. When he got feeling back he quickly sat up and grabbed onto his head. There was no use trying to hold back the tears at this point, they fell down his face silently as he tried to calm down.
Koar tried to wash Densra's face with a few good slorpings.
"Will you leave him alone already? Nod everyone wands your zdubid noze in dhere vace ad all hours, you have work do do ad any rade." Really trying to get him to do anything he didn't want to was a waste of time, but it didn't seem to stop Claroy from fussing.
The large lusus grinned and laid down in response and gave Densra one last face lick for good measure.
He sniffled and wiped his face. "um Doctor Claroy?" He looked around in the curtain before standing up. He gently pat Koar's snout as a thank you. You'd think the sleep would help but he just felt worse, and he fell asleep while he was in the middle of a conversation. He rubbed his eyes and hopped it didn't look like he was crying.
The curtained off area seemed to be an overly decorated bedroom. It didn't look much like the rest of the lab at all. There were musical instruments and craps of cloth and half finished costumes laying about. And on the two walls that were actually wall where posters of various music idols from all the worlds that made up Amalgma.
"Yez, whad iz id?" Claroy's voice sounded like it was moving around, likely him scurrying about doing whatever it was he had been with Densra had first shown up. "I abolojize, he enjoys coddlinj. I dold him do leave you alone bud, well you zee how dhad durned oud."
Densra could tell this was someone elses space, he walked out of the curtain feeling like he was intruding. He rubbed his eyes again and looked at Claroy. "it's fine I Was just confused," He watched as the other troll darted around, before going to stand beside the table. "do You knoW What time it is?" He asked looking around for a clock or something that could give him a hint as to what the time was.
There were a few time keeping devices around, but nearly all of them seemed to be in timer mode at the moment.
"You've been azleeb for a liddle over an hour." Claroy was going to just keep going about his work and let Desnra find his own way out. But changed his mind with a sigh and paused in his scurrying to address him more personally.   "You can are... , zubozedly, welcome do zday here iv you need do. Or leave iv dhad zuidz you. Dhoujh I do worry iv you are havinj drouble zdayinj awake, dhad you may be in zome zord ov danjer zhould you vall azleeb in a lezz zave locadion. Do you zuvver vrom narcolebzy berhabz? Akumun never mendione dhad, dhoujh I zubboze I don'd much enjoy him dalkinj aboud hiz reladionzhibz zo id iz bozzible he did and I wazn'd lizdeninj. Dhoujh I vind dhad hard do believe, az id iz, ad dhe leazd, medically inderezdinj. I zhouldn'd bry really, bud I indend do rejardlezz, I hobe you won'd dake ovvence. I do nodice you lookz a bid ezauzded. I am nod aboud do zcold you iv lack ov zleeb iz dhe izzue, ovcourze, az I myzelv vind zlowinj down enoujh do zleeb radher divviculd. Your healdh, unvordunadly, iz now ov jread inderezd do me, az id haz a vairly divrecd evvecd on my lab bardner'z mendal zdade and abilidy do work. Zo, Nod do be rude, bud I do inzizd you keeb me ubdaded on your condidionz."
Densra rubbed his arm, ugh over an hour jeez. His eyes followed Claroy as he darted around and then came to a stop. He listened to the questions silently and began to become uncomfortable. He didnt like talking or thinking for that matter, about his sleeping issues. He didnt like you admit that somthing was wrong, he was weak enough as it is he didnt need another thing people could pick at him for. He couldn't stay, that would be way way to invasive, he barely knew Claroy after all. It was however a nice thought, and maybe- no Densra you have to go home. He held his upper arm and stood quiet for a few seconds before answering, "What no I'm fine, I just didnt sleep Well last night I guess," he was shaky through his words, and he was lying that was obvious enough. He hopped that it wouldnt be found out but he was still a bit to disoriented to put on his mask. He let his eyes drift down to the floor.
Unfortunately Claroy didn't believe in lying, so was not good at spotting lies regardless of their blatant obviousness. This lead him into falling for a few to many jokes.
Fortunately though, that was overwritten by his high respect for his own intellect in medical matters and being used to people being wrong and not knowing it.
"Yez yez, I know you didn'd zleeb well, dhad much iz obviouz. Bud, and I do mean dhiz rezbecdvully, you are nod vine. Your breadhinj waz erradic and you lookz az dhoujh you haven'd zleb in a while. Id iz bozzible dhad lack ov zleeb haz made you vorjedvul ov dhe vacd dhad you've nod been jeddinj enoujh. And, while I zaid I won'd be zcoldinj you on dhe madder, I will incuire az dh where you've been zleebinj. Berhabz id izn'd a locadion dhad iz induzive do a brober rezd."   He looked as if he wanted to say more but was interrupted by Koar putting a jar in his hands.
Densra bit the inside of his cheek, what was he supposed to do here. He shifted uncomfortablebly as he scratched at his arm. "Just at mY hive," he answered Claroy still staring at the floor. "I um, I am fine, really just a little trouble sleeping, nothing to Write home about" he wanted to reach back and pull his hair but he was sort of frozen afraid to move.
"Ov courze nod, dhadz zomedhinj you wride your docdor aboud." Claroy rolled his eyes. "Unlezz dhey live ad your houze, I zubboze, bud in dhad caze you could jzud zbeack widh dhem..."   He looked down at the jar, then scowled at his lusus. "I am nod jivinj him dhiz... No I don'd dhink zo... You can make dhe recommendadionz when you jed a docdorade.. No beinj a luzuz dhrice over doez nod cualivy you on medical madderz. Dhadz enoujh, I don'd know why I even bodher dalkinj widh you."
"Um it's an eXpression, meaning its not a big deal. I didnt mean like actuallY Writing a letter or somthing." He rubbed the back of his neck and watched as he had an argument with his Lusus. He tapped his feet and waited, not wanting to interrupt anything.
"Oh, I mizunderzdood, I abbolojize." Claroy paused in his fussing to address his mistake. He waved dismissively at Koar as if trying to get the Lusus to be quiet, not that it was making any noise.
"Ad any rade your healdh iz imbordand. Unlezz nejlecdinj iz bard ov whadever id iz you and Akumun jed ub do. Var be id vrom me do dell you how do jo aboud... dhad."   He made a sour face, though he hardly seemed to make any other kind of face, and went to put the jar away. He had to get a stool despite his height, as the box the jar lived in was mostly hidden on top of a shelf.
"No that's not part of mine and his relationship. I'm not neglecting my heath I'm alright really," he lied again and looked over at the Lusus, he wondered what was in the jar. He raised a curious eyebrow but made no move to ask about it. He didnt need to know after all.
"Ah, I admid I don'd really underzdand any ov dhad or how id workz." He carefully set the jar in the box and closed it up. After pushing it toward the wall he climbed down and put the stool back where it belonged.
Claroy soon as he returned to Densra, Koar grinned and put a new jar in his hands.
Densra let out a small snort and covered his mouth. "I knoW you dont like relationships so I Wont eXplain ours to You, I'll just saY theY arent supposed to cause anY serious harm to either partY," he pat Koar, "I proboblY should get going though, thank You for letting me staY for a but though Docror,"
Claroy rolled his eyes at the jar shenanigans.
"Veel vree do come back whenever you like, az lonj az you're cuied, do vizid widh Koar. And, I zubbzoe, I wouldn'd dizlike anodher break vor dea."
Densra smiled and pulled his hood up, "maYbe I'll find a Way to drag KarZlo here soon," he chuckled "goodbYe Doctor" he headed out the door.
He got most of the way out before getting a parting slorp from Koar.
Claroy, who was not fond of greetings or farewells, as they were generally awkward if he wasn't fussing at some one to hurry up and get one with it, decided to go put the second jar away instead of mess about with the whole affair.
Scene End


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