Death’s Respite

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To think, the sabre I crafted for you has become your legacy. Did you know that this would happen when you asked me for my finest work? That the people would see in this relic what you saw in a dying world - hope. Above everything, hope.

— Tales of the Victor

This timeworn sabre once belonged to the Saint of Death - if you believe the rumours, of course. Most people don’t. Hells, most people don’t even believe there was a Saint of Death.

Those that do believe though hold this relic in high regards.


A Sword of… Hope?

Some might find it extremely ironic that a weapon used by someone whose title involves ‘death’ would somehow wind up as a symbol of hope. However, to those familiar with the infamous Saint’s tale, the symbolism is fitting.

Despite the name, the Saint of Death held her belief that war and violence were not the only things in Amalgia’s future. She believed in a better world; one where Materians and Dyrus could live together in harmony, working to save Amalgia rather than see it waste away.

After her death, the sabre she carried became a symbol of those beliefs. The Saint of Shadows returned it to the Saint of Death’s home in Willoscave, where the sabre has resided ever since, encased in a display and looked after by the townsfolk. People from all over Amalgia travel to view the sabre. Seeking guidance from a soul long since dead, or merely drawing inspiration from the relic, hoping that they may uphold the very same values that the Saint did. But all of these travels have one thing in common: the belief that Amalgia can heal and that peace will prevail.

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The Blade of a Master Craftsman

A steel blade, one edge fading into a slight curve, dulled by years of disuse. A simple silver hilt and pommel, ordained with intricate patterns. A solid, strong, oak grip. And just below the guard, a name. Etched into the wood. Great care taken with every letter. Kalla.

Cover image: Main World Banner by SunlanceXIII


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