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There are very few places in Amalgia that one would consider a refuge. So often are settlements battered by unforgiving environments, or besieged by Materian or Dyrus forces looking to overcome their counterparts.

Rarer still is finding a place that is welcome to both species.

The town of Willoscave is an exception to the outspoken point of view that Materians and Dyrus are unable to coexist with one another. As an added benefit, Willoscave has the technology to keep Satiere’s relentless snowstorms at bay.


About The Town

Willoscave is a small town located in central Zevesk, on the continent of Satiere. It is surrounded by dense woodlands and is a short walk away from a cave system which was used by the native Dyrus to mine ores, back when the land was a part of Dyrethreed.

“You didn’t have to do all this,” Iovita says.

The man next to them turns, gaze falling away from the Materians and Dyrus gathered in the centre of town - his people and Iovita’s, laughing and dancing. “I know,” he says after a lengthy pause, “but I would have never forgiven myself for leaving you all to die.”

— Reflections of the Thief

The town is home to around 1200 people. Most of these people are Materians, who are joined by 32 Dyrus from the Sixth House of Sun. There are also a handful of Dyrus who have settled into town as refugees from other Dyrus Houses, as well as those who proclaim themselves to be a part of the House of One.

Most of the buildings are made up of lumber and stone taken from the surrounding area. The buildings are designed to be sturdy and prevent heat from escaping. For the latter, this is done through applying a thin layer of what the Materians call ‘heat padding’ in between the foundations. This heat padding layer is extra thick for houses or buildings that are predominantly used by Dyrus to help with their lower tolerance for the extreme cold.

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A Hasty Founding

Officially, Willoscave was founded in 09-01 MA. An admittedly quick turnaround after the Coalescence caused the weather to turn so bitterly cold, achieved thanks to the combined determination of the occupants of several Materian villages, which were themselves destroyed in the aftermath of the Coalescence.

Fending Off The Cold

Encompassing the town is a Hetras Dome. Whilst not a tangible structure, it is possible to see the occasional ripple of energy curving over the town.

The Hetras Dome provides heat to everything within its confines, thereby keeping the town warm. The source of the dome - the Hetras Engine - is located in the centre of town. It is not powered on all of the time as the engine requires a sizable amount of energy, which has become a bit scarce since the Coalescence, and is really only used to combat extreme bouts of cold and frost, or massive snowstorms.

However, in recent years the Dyrus living in Willoscave have been able to tweak the engine, allowing them to convert a bit of magical energy to use as a power source. This is their way of providing the means to keep the town safe, as well as a way of saying thank you to the Materians for offering them a home in the first place.

Cover image: Main World Banner by SunlanceXIII


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Aug 25, 2024 15:07 by Agnes

This place feels so cozy, even though it might be harsh. I like that the Dryus helped with the technology and that they are welcomed together with the Materians!

Aug 26, 2024 11:28

Thank you for the comment!   It's one of the few places that acts as proof that Materians and Dyrus can work together, and the benefits that come with that - if only the rest of Amalgia would take notes and set aside their differences too!

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