Sixth House of Sun

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A House Subordinate to the First House of Sun.

The Sixth House has suffered greatly over the course of its history, especially when they found themselves displaced by the Coalescence and fighting for survival in the midst of a snowstorm. So few are their number now, that even the First House has given up on them.

They sit alone. Their people, cold and wary, are huddled by the campfire that the Materians had so graciously provided. A comfort that Iovita should have offered them.

Instead, their weakness had almost cost the Sixth House everything.

‘What kind of Lourdant am I’, Iovita thinks, the bitter taste of failure slick against their tongue, ‘that I should fail my house so spectacularly?’

— Reflections of the Thief

House History

Prior to the Coalescence, the Sixth House of Sun resided on the continent of Storm Over Mountains, on Dyrethreed. When the world as they knew it changed, their homeland was twisted from a dense, luscious jungle to a snow dusted land.

But it wasn’t the snow they feared, nor these strange new people. It was the unbearable cold.

Without fair warning to the drastic change of climate, the Dyrus of the Sixth House struggled to survive. Around 90% of their people perished. Had it not been for the intervention of the local Materian townsfolk of Willoscave, the freezing weather would have likely claimed every life in the Sixth House.

For a time, the Sixth House became wanderers. They travelled the lands, devoutly following their Lourdant, in desperate search of somewhere to call home, but they could not find a location that they deemed suitable. As time ticked ever onwards, their determination dwindled, until one day Iovita, Lourdant to the Sixth House of Sun, received a letter from the man in charge of Willoscave.

They returned upon request. Though still wary of these strangers, especially after encountering so many who were quick to resort to violence on their travels, the Sixth House were surprised to be welcomed to Willoscave so openly.

It may not have been the home they had hoped for, and the Sixth House may never enjoy Willoscave’s bitter cold, but they are ever grateful to those who helped them in their time of need.

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Ties That Bind

Members of the Sixth House are bound together by a shared history, culture, and homeland. Although their old homeland may be gone, the Sixth House are delighted to share tales about it with a generation of Dyrus who have never known Dyrethreed; both to educate the younger generation, and to remind each other of what has been lost.

Cover image: Main World Banner by SunlanceXIII


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